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About bnxus

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    Fallout: New Vegas, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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  1. Hello folks. I’m looking for someone who can help me finding the texture file that belongs to the save indicator icon. I’m doing some recording of the cutscenes in Dark Souls 1 and it kind of bothers me having this icon blend in. For those who don’t know what I mean I uploaded this screenshot, it’s the flame animation in the top right corner. Thank you very much! Please help!
  2. s#*!, that's good to know. I had no issues with that method yet. I don't quite get it why changing the name of the esm is that much of a problem. Isn't it just like a path to the file? What can go so wrong?
  3. Well, but it does. I found my old New Vegas directory with an old version of xEdit in it and it worked flawlessly to simply rename the esm in the file header of the respective esp. I don't know why this feature is disabled on the latest version.
  4. Hey, I have just started to use FNVEdit again and I noticed that I can't rename the ESM file name that are linked in an ESPs file header. I can't find a solution to this. Any help would be welcome!
  5. Could this script work out? scn VFSKingGangMemberSCRIPT short DeathDay short CurrentDay int bDead begin OnDeath set DeathDay to GameDaysPassed set bDead to 1 end begin OnLoad if bDead == 1 && vStoryEventKings == 0 set CurrentDay to GameDaysPassed if ( CurrentDay - DeathDay ) >= 1 Resurrect ResetAI set bDead to 0 endif endif end EDIT: Yes, seems to work! :dance:
  6. Because it would make them respawn always, even if the player has wiped out the Kings in the King's Gambit quest... and I want them to stop respawning if it comes to this.
  7. Hi guys, I've got a little problem writing a script for the King Gang Members. What I'd like to accomplish is a script that makes the King Gang Members respawn after 7 days if they're dead. The conditions for them being resurrected after a week are the follwing: 1. They're dead 2. vStoryEventKings is 0 (if they got wiped out by the player during the 'King's Gambit' quest they shall no longer respawn). The main problem is that I don't know how to handle the GameDaysPassed part. Can somebody help me with this? Thanks in advance!
  8. That's probably this one: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=44711
  9. Hello! I have a very nasty problem: I noticed that the interior map of the Silver Rush has a nasty bug which avoids certain objects being shown on the ground. They seem to kind of fall through the ground of the map. Here are screenshots of what I actually mean... This is where they should be: http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/4cyl84au/enb2012_1_3_1_49_32.jpg And this is where they appear: http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/hs07gk8l/enb2012_1_3_1_49_29.jpg You can only see that by moving the camera in 3rd person mode on the ceiling. But after I noticed this I wanted to change that since it's really immersion-breaking when you realise that after the bomb explodes in the Silver Rush many destroyed things actually dont appear on the ground. Does someone have an idea how to fix that issue?
  10. Thanks to all of you! Previously I've tried to do it through the result box but it didn't work either. The clue was that it's not stage 105 being set but 120 after you finish the quest. Although the stage description said something different! Now I know how to acomplish my plans... so glad now :) Next update will benefit a lot since I finally know how to use scripts to enable references. You will be all well credited... and yeah, thanks again ;)
  11. Hello guys, currently I'm trying to accomplish a script which enables some NPCs on the map if a certain stage of a certain quest is done. To be more precisely: My endeavor is to create a script which enables a few NCR Troopers in Freeside if the player solved the quest 'King's Gambit' peacefully. With my limited skills I have written this script: scn NCRTrooperEnableSCRIPT BEGIN GameMode if getStage VMS29 == 105 NCRTrooperWranglerREF.enable; endif END But unfortunately this script doesn't work... VMS29 is the unique quest ID of 'King's Gambit' and 105 is the quest stage saying 'you've successfully mediated between the NCR and The Kings' If somebody could help me with this I would be extremely grateful and a special credit in my Freeside NPC Project MOD is guaranteed. Thanks in advance!
  12. Okay finally it works! :) Thank you very much, both of you! I was getting mad about this display failure...^^
  13. Some interior maps like the King's School of Impersonation arent displayed correctly and I don't know why or what to do to get rid of this problem: http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/c1g5kc8k/problem.jpg Can someone help me?
  14. I made my first recoloration and saved it with Pain.NET into DDS format. When I add the texture on the mesh in NifSkope everything looks fine but when I add it to the GECK I cant see the texture on the mesh or rather see only strange texture bugs. I dunno if I saved it the wrong way or in the wrong format but DDS Converter 2.1 doesnt work under Win 7 and Paint.NET is my only possibility to create .dds files at the moment. Here's what I mean: http://img7.imagebanana.com/img/z8ydr23w/bug.jpg :down: I hope somebody can help me! Thanks in advance.
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