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Posts posted by DarkoVaultTech

  1. I have to agree with this post. And simply the layout of the character is just too bland. Who exactly are is the dragonborn (main character)? How'd you get where you are? I personally think each race should have their own beginning. the character creation goes along with this, I get its nice to be whoever you want and still achieve the same goals, its nice at the start, but one ability doesnt really make a difference in this game, aka berserk or battle cry. This is what I would like to see:


    Different beginnings for each race: Aka like a stowaway on a boat to skyrim, or a bounty hunter coming to skyrim to hunt a bount.


    Perk and Magic that only apply to certain races - Give each class a set of perks which they only have, lets say Orc is able to duel weild twohanded swords because of their brute strength. While Dark elves, or High elves get spells that other races cant obtain. Like elve bloodline magic I dont know.


    A background story - Its like you jump into the middle of the game and your like pow your dragonborn, you dont really understand who you are, and what your doing there and how you became. So Im asking for a background story to let you understand more yourself.


    Better conflict war - Ulfic vs Tallius I mean its cool that they added a war between the dragon conflict but itd be awesome if you can go to a town or wake up from sleepin in an inn to a battle in the town imperial vs stormcloaks or just randomly running around and find a battle. and You get to choose your side. and Have towns constantly switching powers.


    Side with the dragons - Be able to destroy the human race with your powers. Says it all. goes with being able to choose sides.


    maybe a stretch - build your own town become jarl, rule by respect, fear, money or kindness, and wage war across skyrim with your own army and become high king


    I honestly think Skyrim is an amazing game, and I love it. But the story is dull, poof your a dragonborn n now you gotta save the world? There is so much this game coulda done to make it 15/10. Maybe once the CK comes out, I can do a whole skyrim overhaul or something, Idk ill have to learn how to mod lol.

  2. I personally think dwarves would be a good add on. I mean their underground creatures, so you can use that as an excuse why they havent came up yet. and maybe an addon Return of the Dwemer :P which puts you off in a new area, and you can either destroy them or help them. Id like that.
  3. Alright ill show the best solution and it will work.



    go into your skyrimpref.ini under mygames in documents. Ctrl +F find launcher and yourll see something like this:






    edit it to look like this:







    save and exit and it should work

  4. Alright ill show the best solution and it will work.



    go into your skyrimpref.ini under mygames in documents. Ctrl +F find launcher and yourll see something like this:






    edit it to look like this:







    save and exit and it should work

  5. Well, Ive been reading this. I like the idea of human/dragon race. Itd be more interesting. Like a lore of a dragon and a human female falling in love, but the townspeople found out and cast her n the baby out and killed the father or the father is bad. this is just a jist of it. There could be a lot of things.


    Maybe here could be some plausible things.


    Dragonrage - transforms you into a humanoid dragon, which i think you could mess around with werewolf and edit to to like a dragon humanoid, with wings that more let you glide and jump higher. and somehow let you breathe fire, frost and storm.

    Dragonskin - which i think should be a leveled ability. this should give you more defense. cause of your hard exterior dragonskin.


    Please note this is a rough draft of something i would like to see. I dont know if this comes close to what the Poster of this request was asking.


    this also would be a better way to explain a dragonborn, you can speak the tongue of the dragons, breathe the breath of the dragons. but why? was it really explained in the game? All I got was some Alduins father taught the humans how to use shouts or sometihng. it wasnt very clear.


    Personally if bethesda use this way, you could probably either help the dragons and destroy mankind or help the humans. It be more interesting that way. I always commended bethesda of being able to choose sides, play a evil or good character, in their games. But that prolly be a WHOLE revamp of the game haha.

  6. Heres a couple things that I would like to see.


    Daedric swords and daggers - I really dont like the scimitar look to this. Id prefer these to be straight blades, but with designs that give it the daedric look. And also Sheaths. but not like boring old iron look to the blade, make it pimp looking duh,


    I would like to see Clouds Buster sword in this. ooo itd look sexy :P

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