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About Evilllamas

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    United Kingdom
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    Learning to use UDK
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    Morrowind, Half Life 2, Rayman 3, WoW

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  1. Thanks for the help. I'v got Boss, NMM and Wry bash all functional now, I had been having issues with hidden/ read only files etc. I'll install the mods one by one when I get the chance. My computer is easly up to the task of the mods, I'v got a gtx 580 with 1.5gb Vram an i7 and 6gb of ddr3.
  2. Hi I'v recently been trying to take advantage of the huge array of awesome mods available for skyrim. But I'v been running in to all sorts of problems, the main one is that the default load order manager seems to be broken, and won't let me turn mods on or off, or re-arrange them. A possibly related problem, is that save games are being corrupted when I try to activate or de-activate save's, another issue, less of a problem, is merging levelled lists for different weapons mods with wyrebash, I follow tutorials and nothing works, options are greyed out etc, the final issue is skse not working, it says my skyrim is out of date, it isn't. I'm intending to start modding afresh with a new install, and newly downloaded mods, and all the correct programs. I'm intending to use Nexus Mod Manager, BOSS, Wyrebash and SKSE. The gameplay mods I want to install are: Duel combat realism some ACE modules (melee, enchanting, smithing) Some parts of `Path of shadows` (a stealth overhaul). ASIS (makes npc's use magic and spells etc) Apocaylse magic (adds spells). To Merge the leveled lists etc of Weapons of the third era, morrowind armours, immersive armours jaysus swords and realswords Follower Stealth AI overhaul SkyUI Artifact balance overhaul Graphics Mods: Realstic Colours and Realstic Nights WATER Realstic Force/ Improved ragdolls better blood textures Get snow (snow lands on characters) Verts flaura overhaul Lush trees and Lush Grass Static Mesh Improvement Ruins Clutter Improvement And a few minor re-textures etc This all seems to be fairly standard stuff, and I imagine many people use similar mods. If anyone has any advice or links to good tutorials on using wyre bash for merging lists etc (the one's I had a look at didn't work.), or can see anything which may be causing problems in my mod list above, or any other advice really, it would be much appreciated. I'v been driven up the wall by these crashes and constant re-modding of my game etc. Thanks!
  3. I would pay allot of money for morrowind merged with skyrim... Morrowind with the skyrim engine... but all the noob crushing complexity of morrowind:)
  4. when duel wielding you want to damage and you want to be fast. So allot of stamina is a must, you don't want them to have chance to attack- power attacks as often as you can, spring between enemy's.... Otherwise archers make short work you, and slow attacking enemy's will fell you while you recharge.
  5. Carry allot of health potions! I'm in a very similar boat, I tend to shoot at them with my bow non stop, usually hiding behind a rock or something so it can't hit me with his flames- as soon as he lands, rush in with duel wielding swords and power attack as fast as I can.
  6. I DON'T KNOW!!!! And I'm not aware of any anime styled mod for any game ever made, that wasn't quite obiously aimed at 14yr old boys, if you know what I mean... And I don't hate anime, there are many great anime films etc- but the declothing and enlarging of all females eyes and breasts/ making all men very slim, looks stupid, when it's just the characters and none of the world. Why ruin great lore with such stupid stuff.... There are THOUSANDS of JRPG's full of all this, many love TES because it's an escape from the thousands of man boys in tights...
  7. I dislike em cos 90% of the time, it's just a pervo vision mod Like nude mods kinda (they wore underpants in the middle ages, hate to break it to you n all, you're exuse for staring at you're lever 23 fairy, is somewhat reduant) A decent anime mod is fine, if everything's animefied etc... The one's that just make all women where super skimpy clothing, look like 8yr old girls, and add pseudo sexual sound effects, seem to be aimed at 13yr old boys. And I don't care if it's got clever physics in it;)
  8. Morrowind combat, after gaining a few levels in your chosen weapon, and agility etc, is actually okay- I like being able to chose what type of strike I do! Not nearly as good as Skyrim combat obviously (and that's basically a nicer animated oblivion system) but it's certainly playable!
  9. I installed overhaul 2.0 aswell, it looked really really nice! But It never ran above 20fps... And my computer is pretty decent (i7, 6gb RAM, GTX 295) 20fps obiously wasn't aceptable- so now I'm running the game with just a few basic texutre mods, and the better bodies/ heads- and loving it!
  10. The whole `it's not proven by science, must have been a wizard` theory doesn't hold much water yet either- science has been around properly for a couple of thousand years, and even then the real revolutions have only happened in the past few hundred- just because we can't explain it right now, doesn't mean a wizard did it!
  11. Jesus f**ing christ some people leave me in a state of awe at their stupidity.... IT'S NOT A GHOST/ GOD/ JESUS/ THE DALAI LAMA/ A MONSTER/ A SOUL/ MUHAMED it's a cloud.
  12. Hi I've been trying to make Morrowind look nicer, with texture upgrades. I'v downloaded Darknut's weapons, armor and creature's packs- however, the only one that works is the creatures pack! I install them exactly as described [Morrowind/ data files/ textures] and all I'v noticed, is that creatures look nicer- no armor or weapon upgrades, it's driving me round the bend as I have no idea what the problem is! I'm using a clean install of Morrowind GOTY edition, not on steam. Some are saying I need to use a date changer, but I'm not certain that's true, since the creature texture replacements work fine! Any ideas would be appreciated!
  13. A sword.... to the chest. Well that makes the arrow to the knee guys look like sissys!
  14. Why do you play western RPG's if you want everyone to turn in to a 12yr old girl? That's what all the other RPG's were made for.
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