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Posts posted by captice

  1. I just renewed my Premium Subscription and stared a download after 10 minutes however I am no longer downloading at 998kbps but 40kbps now on new downloads.
    am i missing something here or doing something wrong?

  2. This is strange. my Deploy Now button was functional before last weeks update, now it wont want to deploy on command, or should i say its there but not available to click on anymore.
    i would need to uninstall a mod and reinstall it to force it to deploy for me.
    Trying to change it from Hardlink Deployment to Move Deployment (Experimental) then change it back later to see if this will fix it.

  3. Don't you love it when you can just pause mid battle and down a few potions and your ready to continue the battle like nothing happened?
    ofcorse i can just get SkyrimSouls that unpauses my games menu but that killed me, my fps and also needs updating.
    I was thinking something more liner like no more instant restore healths but replace them with regens instead.
    the worse the potion quality is the slower and limited health it regenerates. the higher quality it is will increase its potency but not by a lot.
    Potion of Health: Diluted. Restores 1 point of Health every second for 40 seconds.
    Potion of Health: Weak. Restores 1 points of Health every second for 60 seconds.
    Potion of Health: Standard. Resores 2 points of Health every second for 40 seconds... and so on.
    To be frank, the regen potions ingame are really underutilized and are lacking verity like valilia spells and staffs, same sh!$, funny smell, little change.

  4. I would like to put in a request as I had searched google, reddit, nexus, loverslabs and even tumblr..
    Request is better Pipboy controls.
    it was easy to navigate through menus, categories and up and down on previous fallout and elder scrolls games but being use to those controls for over 15 years since morrowind, I personally am finding the controls of the FO4 pipboy a wreck and was hoping if it would be possible to help fix this with a mod.

  5. Looking for a mod or anything to give the pipboy better controls.
    I can cycle through the lists left and right with A and D but when i try going up and down the lists with W and S it flips on a new category. so damn frustrating

  6. with a manipulation of the mcm and some animation assets, i thought someone would bring a crouch and prone based mod by changing the two by pressing or holding the sneak button to change crouch and prone. like how bash and throw grenade would work.

  7. Wonder if the mod creators will also add in the FONV expansions to it too sometime after this. i had hard time playing them with consistent bugs forcing me to play them halfway through. would like to replay the Honest Hearts, Dead Money and Lonesome Road without ctd or broken npc AI and pathing.
  8. In response to post #64313716.

    ChloeBabe wrote: Hey!
    I have just at that minute installed Vortex, and i still cant access it to download some mods for my games.

    It's just with the logging in part i have nexus mod website open and its logged into my account ready for Vortex to transfer it to the app, But its not doing anything.

    Please help!

    You will need to disable your download hooks in NMM first then reapply them in Vortex to take effect.
  9. Anyone experienced in making hearthfire content? I was hoping there would be a mod to expand the hearthfires stables to be a bit more larger and house all the animals on the Dragonborns estates.
    I love immersion and hate when i stable a horse i clip through the horse or the roof cause the roof beams are too low, also to house my other animals in there aswell would be nice. don't like having a random estate attack kill the animals and i can not get them back again.
    It's enough to make a hard working dragonborn sad :sad:

  10. So I have been browsing the nexus looking for a mod that can change the skin textures and facegen of the most recognizable npc's of skyrim but there is always one problem that still persists and that is the vampires always aspiring orange eyed and grey faced, after trying 26 different vampire overhauls and following install instruction with recommenders, I still haven't found anything close to a breakthrough in this daunting quest of dawnguard success of texture.
    If at all possible could there be a fomod that overrides the vampire beast race with a handful of people's favorite vamp mods combined into one package including their own custom textures to avoid disparities between player/npc skin types and the vampire-beast npc's.
    Thank you.

    (p.s. if anyone knows of a good setup of skin textures and npc edits that works well with vamps, could you PM me the mod names and the loadorder (wyrebash if needed) too please. )

  11. By memory it's Tender Breast and Butt Physics for skeleton models that add that bounce to them.. be careful cause it can cause a strain on low end pc's when the MC and all other NPC's 'bounce' in a populated area.

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