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  1. Numidium was a golem built by the Dwemer to be a God. However, it ended up killed them, I believe by absorbing their souls, and never reached a god-like stage, though was still incredibly powerful. Might be off a bit, but that's what I learned while looking up the Towers of Mundus that control reality. The Numidium was one such Tower. To expand, since Unknown isn't around (and i hope he doesn't mind me covering for him) the Numidium was one of the Towers created by the ancient Mer. These Towers were condiuts of power, used to channel Creatia from Aetherius, through Oblivion, to Nirn. Each Tower has different purposes, either shaping the landscape around them, channeling magic power to the social elite or keeping the barriers between worlds active. The Numidium was the Dwemer's attempt to re-birth one of their 'gods'. Presumably, the Dwemer revered Et'ada who didn't survive the creation of Nirn, either the Earthbones or the ancestors of the Mer themselves. They tried to create a new god, powered by the Heart of Lorkhan, as a means of escaping the limitations of Mundus. When activated prematurely, however (due to the whole War of the First Council) it 'fed' on the divine remnants present in the entire Dwemer people. it wasn't enough, though, and only created a half-parody of a true god. I don't mind at all. In fact, anyone can share their knowledge on this page! :thumbsup:
  2. Numidium was a golem built by the Dwemer to be a God. However, it ended up killed them, I believe by absorbing their souls, and never reached a god-like stage, though was still incredibly powerful. Might be off a bit, but that's what I learned while looking up the Towers of Mundus that control reality. The Numidium was one such Tower. To expand, since Unknown isn't around (and i hope he doesn't mind me covering for him) the Numidium was one of the Towers created by the ancient Mer. These Towers were condiuts of power, used to channel Creatia from Aetherius, through Oblivion, to Nirn. Each Tower has different purposes, either shaping the landscape around them, channeling magic power to the social elite or keeping the barriers between worlds active. The Numidium was the Dwemer's attempt to re-birth one of their 'gods'. Presumably, the Dwemer revered Et'ada who didn't survive the creation of Nirn, either the Earthbones or the ancestors of the Mer themselves. They tried to create a new god, powered by the Heart of Lorkhan, as a means of escaping the limitations of Mundus. When activated prematurely, however (due to the whole War of the First Council) it 'fed' on the divine remnants present in the entire Dwemer people. it wasn't enough, though, and only created a half-parody of a true god. I don't mind at all. In fact, anyone can share their knowledge on this page! :thumbsup:
  3. It's definitely going to have a story. I even have some planned out. If you'd like to hear one, just ask. But the way I saw it was as a fighting game, but now I wonder if it should be an adventure/fighting game. Kind of like the Tekken 3 missions. But if that's the case, then one other question's on my mind: Should it be 3D or 2D?
  4. I have two perspectives on this: Attribution and Gameplay. Before I say what my opinion is, I'll give out some information with those perspectives. Attribution: What abilities do you receive? As a vampire (from what I've read), you are exactly what you expect them to be... Except their backstory. "The Opusculus Lamae Bal ta Mezzamortie tells of how the vampire race came about, owing its creation to the Daedric Prince Molag Bal. The tale goes that Molag Bal thought of the Aedra Arkay as prideful of his dominion over the spheres of death among men and mer, and so sought to overcome death by traveling to a still newly formed Tamriel. There, he brutally raped the Nedic woman Lamae Beolfag and departed Nirn. Lamae was found and nursed by nomads, but death eventually overtook her. On the night of her cremation, she rose again, and killed the nomads. Wreaking havoc across Tamriel, the undead she created became vampires. This account has variations in Temple doctrine, such as Molag Bal spawning the first vampire from a defeated foe, such as a Daedra Lord, a Temple Saint, or a "powerful beast creature"." Pros Speed Become stronger from blood Simple cure process Cons Sun hurts you Not enough blood diminishes strength Must wait until night to drink Lycanthropy is very much unlike to vampirism. It's History is described here. Pros Kill at any time Kills for strength Hard to recognize in form Allies with other werewolves Spends eternity with Hircine after death Cons Much longer cure process Cannot equip weapons, armor, books, etc. Gameplay: Is it's experience an amusing one? Vampires don't really have such advantage... But if you're a Skyrim fan, and you have Dawnguard, then the Vampire lord actually adds more advantages. Werewolves have many advantages, but on Skyrim, you can't view in third person. Not much else to say since attribution and gameplay are pretty much the same. ------------------------------------------ In my opinion? Werewolves. If vampire lords were "official" (as in added in the game with no DLC required), I'd probably pick them.
  5. Well, after some thought, I have decided to make a video game based on the god-like deities in the series. Yet the problem being is that I can't decide if it should be a fighting game, an RPG, or some other genre. I think it should be a fighting game, but I'll leave it up to you. Name the genre, and whatever gets the most votes will be the genre. Start voting!
  6. Both correct. Good job! :thumbsup: This event was known as the Red Year. Engineers built a soul-devouring machine called Numidium to hold the Ministry up. But alas, the love between to destroyed it, causing it to destroy Vvardenfel.
  7. Also, in some cases I'll hold quizzes. First one: Who of the Tribunal went missing after the Oblivion crisis, that of which caused their "symbol" to crumble? [A:]Almalexia; Mehrunes Battle Statue [b:]Vivec; Ministry of Truth [C:]Sotha Sil; Clockwork City [D:]Dagoth Ur; Ghostgate
  8. Oh yeah. I remember that. I read this in Morrowind (game). Stupid Vivec Library. Nobody sells the books, so you have to take them. :down:
  9. The ruddy man was an enemy of Vivec, fought in Koal Cave and just outside of Tear. He was also the father of all dreugh. Vivec spared his life under the condition that he and his children's hide is used as armor for the Dunmer.
  10. I just like to give support to others, and I know a lot about the series. Also, I'm bored.
  11. Start asking any question, and I'll answer them.
  12. Well, if you'd like to know how, I'd suggest reading this. It's basically an overview of the Dwemer, and I haven't read it, but you'll get some pretty good info. I got some from an article on Morrowind and Cyrodiil.
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