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About shadowpuppet777

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  1. It was nice to read "The Oblivion Crisis" Lawl...
  2. I think there are dire consquences for those who cross the stormcloaks.
  3. From all of the leaked videos that I have watched it seems like the Stormcloaks are evil. Villagers constantly avoid them. Which leads me to believe that they are like "bullies" to civilians that are rebelling against the authority of Skyrim. Although some may say that the Legion is evil, attempting to force people to remain in the empire. Personally I will avoid both factions unless the storyline requires me to join one of them.
  4. The physics, jumping and then being able to change direction or start spinning. I hope they fixed that in Skyrim...
  5. Has anybody heard if that bug from Oblivion is fixed? The one where your companion will report your crimes...kinda annoying when you are the listener of the dark brotherhood and your "faithful servant" reports your petty theft to the imperial legion...
  6. I hope that they release more info about the storyline. I do appreciate the info that they have released so far.
  7. Has anyone heard what the real storyline is for Skyrim? Other than that Alduin guy killing people. Any info? Thanks :)
  8. what are you doing when you go to a bathroom in Europe? You're a-pee-n
  9. I'm going with the same thing from Morrowind and Oblivion. A Bosmer stealth like character who kills and steals just for fun.
  10. Well, I don't know how to reply to all of you at once, so I'll just say "Good Job" :D
  11. I've been playing TES since Morrowind and I have always had money problems. In Oblivion about halfway through the game I used the Dorian cheat and duplicated my money. Does anyone know how the system of currency will work in the game? and does anyone have any ideas?
  12. I couldn't stand the hosts, one of them thought that if you killed the dragon priest that you would gain his soul. Then after they walked outside and a dragon picked up a giant the girl host said "did the dragon just pick him up?". I HATED THE HOSTS!
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