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Everything posted by TheEvilestTwin

  1. Can't you just use the set Body mod/designer body body to change your body shape to HGEC AA cup? Although there's nudity involved, and I don't know if you want that considering you're making a kid character. Edit: So you'd need to take something like the City Life mod, and replace the meshes they're using for their child races with the x117 head and the AA cup HGEC body.
  2. @PullThePin07 If you have photoshop, it's really easy to just open up the textures and edit in the freckles yourself.
  3. Windows like Hair/Race (ie, the additional pop up ones) don't seem to support it though, and those are the ones I really need them expanded.
  4. Is there some way to make the windows much bigger in the Construction Set? Most of the windows are so tiny that most of the text doesn't even fit in the boxes, and I have to drag and scroll to read the full file names. Is there some way to expand the sizes to make everything more readable?
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