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  1. Are.. you.. mad?? What could be possibly more foolish than making gunfire weapons into a game that is purely medieval and magical? Trying to ruin the immersion, is that it? Jesus, I stick with a battleaxe and a long bow, I'm done for life. But having a rifle, while someone comes at you? Turns out like this: Bandit: "My blade will sink into your flesh! Yaaaaarghh!" You: *shoots the poor bastard in the head* Dead. The End. Seriously? You want a mod for that? They already have something as ridiculous in Fable III. Let the good old Elder Scrolls remain this way: Steel, Arrow and Fireballs. (y)
  2. So, I joined the Companions sometime ago, after going to High Hrothgar, I believe. Then after being recruited, this guy, Farkal, gives me a quest to go to Riverwood to settle some scores with a guy. Gone and done, I came back to Whiterun to report to Farkal, only that he is stuck. Literally. :wallbash: He is standing still in the middle of the companion's hall, and everytime I try to talk to him, it shows "This person is busy". I tried it all: attacking him, jumping on him, throwing a shout on him, killing him through the console, raping him, exit and re-enter the game. Nothing. So, anyone ese got this?
  3. Well, the thing is that I bought my PC some 3 years ago, so it's very outdated. It runs only the small-to-medium games, like morrowind, oblivion( on some low settings sadly ) and general GTA games. :P I've been itching to upgrade it a long time ago, but I kinda feel more confident on my notebook right now. You should upgrade your PC anyway...I know I did this year because after 4 years it was beginning to fail on me, so I had no choice. You would really only need to upgrade the GFX card and if it's really weak, the CPU. My new computer, which is pretty powerful ran me under $1000 because I built it myself, and it was well worth the investment. Either way, you should be able to run it on the laptop, though you probably won't be able to get max settings and when the inevitible new texture packs come out, you probably won't be able to use them because it might be too much for the graphics card to handle. You might get medium settings on the laptop, at best. at worst, you'll have to turn some things off, and others down. I almost always turn shadows off, player only, or low in my games because those are the most intensive for me. Any higher then medium though and I think it would start to run a little hot. Yeah, I am eager to buy a new CPU really, because upgrading part by part to me is too expensive. At least with the one I have now, it won't last. Better off to have a new one that supports most games than have separate parts upgraded and still run slow. Well, probably I'll have to get some settings low, but as long as it runs on medium, it will pe perfect. I just want to taste the gameplay, so that after a while, I'll get full graphics! :biggrin: Thanks anyway (y)
  4. Well, the thing is that I bought my PC some 3 years ago, so it's very outdated. It runs only the small-to-medium games, like morrowind, oblivion( on some low settings sadly ) and general GTA games. :P I've been itching to upgrade it a long time ago, but I kinda feel more confident on my notebook right now.
  5. Before I can decide if I install the game on my PC or on my notebook, can someone tell me if the notebook can handle medium settings at this? System: Windows 7 64-bit Processor: Intel Core i5 2.67 GHz RAM: 4.00 GB Directx 11 I don't know if there is anything else to analyze, as I'm not much of a computer professional. But if anyone can make my life much happier by telling me, would be much appreciated. :thumbsup:
  6. Well, a question from the topic a few pages back... Is there any reliable site that can deliver the game on day 1 or 2 in South America? More specificaly, Brazil?
  7. Every piece of news we receive, it's mostly about how that person wasn't very interested in Skyrim, comparing it to Oblivion. Then they see the videos, the images, play, and take a whole different view on it. This surely will bring out the attention of many people when Skyrim is launched; Not only RPG-pure blooded fans, but many other gamers as well. What I'm worried about though, is how people will react after one year or two of its release. Some might say, "It's still a great game, Im going to play until I do eveything in the game, or make many mods, or whatever", while others might be bored at day two of playing, instead. Then how will Bethesda handle the ansiosity? Making a new game? If the game sells very well( which I'm sure it will ), ES VI is bound to be projected. however, if some idiot people think the game as boring, or otherwise bad, shall Bethesda considermaking a sequel or not?
  8. Is that.. is that the player handling an alchemy table? So it shows the animation in 3rd person? Awesome!
  9. Don't know if anyone posted this image, but here it goes: http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/img/gmw/docs/477/793/sky51.jpg Looks like sneak is about the same than Oblivion, with the little difference of the eye opening/closing. :/
  10. So, anyone else can read the names of the cities on the sign post, in the 1st video? When he exits Riverwood.
  11. Pardon me, I must have missed a post or so, but, where does it say that the Imperial Legion is joinable? Is it official?
  12. You didn't even need to take anything for the guards to start running at you. Just holding the z-key to examine an owned item was enough become a criminal scum, apparently... Thats understandable .. Pick up an item .. walk into the dark corner and pocket it .. thats a big exploit Sure, but when you are on a tavern, full of people, public place, you should at least be permmited to grab a cup and some ale to yourself. But then, you just aim on a "Clay Cup", and try to grab it, suddently EVERYONE in the place calls you thief and the guards come from the shadows to arrest you. :ninja:
  13. This is dangerously going off topic and into a philosophical discussion, so I'll end it right here. So... anyone know how to send someone in particular a message on Twitter? I wanna see if I can get Pete Hines to answer the spouse/multiple houses issue... I use it all the time, so here: You have to be in an account, then go to the "Messages" button on the top. Then you get to click on "New Message", search for Pete Hines's twitter, and message him. Only you and he will see it then. (y)
  14. Well, why shouldn't it detect machines and undead? What is it that daedra and living beings have that undead and constructs don't? *snip* Well dwemer robots aren't technically alive.As for the undead, that's a very complicated and long argument that I don't want to get into.Things like "They're called the living dead so detect life should detect them" or "Detect life couldn't detect because they're technically dead" and other various things that could lead to an endless argument. There's still the local map, they say there dungeons are more complex than Oblivion's but I think they're probably exaggerating a bit. At any rate, it's made with the purpose to guide you much faster to the exit, or to the objectives you need. That's why I'll say "Local map is history". ^^
  15. <br><br>In Oblivion, Detect Life showed any creature, including skeletons, ghosts, and daedra too. I remember this well, I spent a lot of time trying to find some bosses in dungeons that were too complex.<br>I seriously hope that in Skyrim that isn't necessary, with that spell "Clairvoyance" (don't know how it's spelled) showing the way through the dungeons.<br><br>How would it be necessary, it's not like a message is going to pop-up saying "You must use Clairvoyance to continue".<br><br>Mysticism is out in Skyrim by the way.<br><br><br>Of course not. I meant that, say that you are in a dungeon, full-explored, killed all the creatures inside, and such. And then "Oh, I forgot where the exit is!" And there is Clairvoyance to save the day.<br>Hm, if mysticism is out now, then it's less probable that there will be perks for just a specific spell. I think theat perks might actually improve all spells related to that skill, like less mana cost, or something like that.<br>
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