Well, the thing is that I bought my PC some 3 years ago, so it's very outdated. It runs only the small-to-medium games, like morrowind, oblivion( on some low settings sadly ) and general GTA games. :P I've been itching to upgrade it a long time ago, but I kinda feel more confident on my notebook right now. You should upgrade your PC anyway...I know I did this year because after 4 years it was beginning to fail on me, so I had no choice. You would really only need to upgrade the GFX card and if it's really weak, the CPU. My new computer, which is pretty powerful ran me under $1000 because I built it myself, and it was well worth the investment. Either way, you should be able to run it on the laptop, though you probably won't be able to get max settings and when the inevitible new texture packs come out, you probably won't be able to use them because it might be too much for the graphics card to handle. You might get medium settings on the laptop, at best. at worst, you'll have to turn some things off, and others down. I almost always turn shadows off, player only, or low in my games because those are the most intensive for me. Any higher then medium though and I think it would start to run a little hot. Yeah, I am eager to buy a new CPU really, because upgrading part by part to me is too expensive. At least with the one I have now, it won't last. Better off to have a new one that supports most games than have separate parts upgraded and still run slow. Well, probably I'll have to get some settings low, but as long as it runs on medium, it will pe perfect. I just want to taste the gameplay, so that after a while, I'll get full graphics! :biggrin: Thanks anyway (y)