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About fallenangel9792

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  1. I've tried to creat this myself but its proven more difficult than i expected if anyone can do this for me i would appreciate it i have .dae files or an obj sized to fit against an akaviri katana beyond that i have no idea what to do if you can complete this for me it would be awesome thanks
  2. I would like to have these two swords made I've tried to find out how to do this myself but if anyone is able to either have these made/ported or help in anyway i would appriciate it. one of the swords are Zer0's sword from Borderlands 2 and the other is Raidens sword from Metal gear rising i have the 3d models that can be provided http://sketchup.goog...577&prevstart=0 and http://sketchup.goog...d21&prevstart=0
  3. I would like to have these two swords made I've tried to find out how to do this myself but if anyone is able to either have these made/ported or help in anyway i would appriciate it. one of the swords are Zer0's sword from Borderlands 2 and the other is Raidens sword from Metal gear rising i have the 3d models that can be provided http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=e465d1254cd88d1e5114553ebd22d577&prevstart=0 and http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=119b3cbe2198d4f514c425873807d21&prevstart=0
  4. I'm wondering if anyone can make Zero's energy sword from borderlands 2
  5. I'm wondering if anyone can or wants to make two swords first one being Zero the assassin's sword from borderlands two and the second being Raiden from MGS' katana preferably one-hand at least for Zero's sword/katana if i knew how or had the talent of course i would do it myself but i am hoping there is a modder who will take a liking or interest in this and create these two weapons it would be highly appreciated clearer pic of Zero's sword if needed for detailing: http://media1.gameinformer.com/imagefeed/screenshots/Borderlands2/Assassin04.jpg
  6. I wanted to know if anyone can make Raiden's blade from Metal Gear Solid if possible from the latest MGS: rising preferably one-handed and also perhaps some metal gear solid armor as well? something along the lines of this ( http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/Alexscorpion_Sneaking_Gear_Final;89278 ) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-hvNVmMaRv24/TexPwcMh1_I/AAAAAAAAAEg/cHhZdt2YzP0/s1600/raiden+sword.jpg http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/TS-FTBRNSOD17.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1luLRXKoJM8/SL5q72UAGSI/AAAAAAAAHeo/8bnZ6RRf4tU/s400/raiden+accessories.jpg http://v2-games.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/raiden.jpg (preferably the last image if possible and a black blade) also if anyone can make this? http://zprepared.com/zblog/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/zombie-killer-knives.jpg in a large one handed scale with the same toxic green handle and black col steel blade and toxic symbol? (the two green handle ones not the one in the middle)
  7. does anyone have a mod called "Custom Enchanting Unlocked" ? the effect of the mod is that it allows you to enchant anything to maximum duration area etc and there's only money cost not magicka etc or of there is anything similar to this mod
  8. if you still have the Custom Enchanting Unlocked.esp would you mind uploading here or sending it to me it would be much appreciated i have tried looking everywhere this mod no longer exists
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