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Everything posted by dm416

  1. What I mean is not what perks are allocated to which classes, but how perks function. A little backstory. So, I was playing Long War 1 with Roulette Plus and added Snap shot perk to the Gunner class (because otherwise I find myself never using LMG weapon, which are interesting on paper, but practically hard to use because of the whole "you can't do anything if you position wrong", which is made even more difficult with how unpredictable los can be in this game) Anyway, it is then that I realized that snap shot doesn't enable you to use suppression (which may or may not be op, but that's beside the point), which is what I want to do - to make it so that if you take snapshot you can move and suppress with LMG. I figured it might be doable by editing XComGame.upk, but from what I can tell you can only change snapshot's aim penalty there, I didn't get how to change what perks actually do since after extracting XComGame.upk I just found a very large number of hex files there and nothing that resembled perk machanics-related code. My programming knowledge is "I know how to edit DGC.ini" :d and there's roughly 3000 upk files in CookedPCConsole and I'm not sure how to search through them without unpacking them separately (which would take ages +it's possible I need to edit something else entirely). Maybe someone here has an idea of how to do it? Clearly, editing perks is possible, I just need to know where to look. On the other hand maybe there's a file that handles how the "eWP_MoveLimited" part is being handled and how suppression and snapshot interact with it
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