Yes, you can't really make neither new hand or weapon animations, or combine weapon animation to another hand animation in practical manner. The combat rifle animations might be usable, although the magazine of the weapon is way thinner than the cores, the grip in the animation is done based on way wider magazine (the thumb is inch or so away from the magazine), meaning that there might not be that much clipping that it would prevent using it. The cryolator might be better in the aspect that it uses fusion cells, however it has closer grip on it, meaning that the larger fusion core might clip pretty visibly. As a personal opinion the position of the magazine well/insertion point is located awkwardly low and away from the centerline of the weapon, which might restrict the design of the weapon. I did some testing with the cores, some things that I noticed: - The weapon spends equal portion of the fusion core's charge even if the magazine capacity is modified - The weapon always reloads core with most charge - The consumption is affected by the nuclear physicist perk and repair bobblehead, with both of them the 500 rounds from the gatling laser leave the core at 54% charge. The effect from the bobblehead/perk might be used to increase the consumption, although I haven't yet managed to properly test that out.