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About sapphicaddict

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    7 Days to Die / Champions Online / Starfield
  • Favourite Game
    Wing Commander 4 (PC)

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  1. Update… Completely uninstalled Vortex. Purged every folder on the entire PC, on all drives, that have 'Vortex' in their names. Restarted the PC. Reinstalled Vortex to F:/Program Files/Vortex Added 7 Days to Die as a managed game. Left all settings on automatic. Installed one mod: EpicSpire's 66 slot BackPack — https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/3148 Started new game. Open backpack. 45 bag slots. What is happening? What is not happening? I did recently update to Windows 11 Pro, having been running Windows 10 Pro. But Vortex is supposed to be Windows 11 ready. Right?
  2. Game: 7 Days to Die A21.2 B30 Mods are deployed as far as is presented by Vortex, but none of them are being activated in-game. I do see the 'elevated' dialog pop-up occasionally, and hit it when able to, but it also disappears quite quickly. Do I need to turn off and on each of my mods and make sure to hit the elevate button for each one, or is there perhaps something else going on? Installation is on a games-specific SSD. Steam in F:/Steam. Vortex is in F:/Vortex. F:/VortexMods holds all the installed mods. Mods installed shown below. They all show as deployed. There doesn't seem to be any easily located option to elevate these mods in the listing after enabling them. The two donovan mods at the bottom of the list are from 7daystodiemods.com.
  3. The amount of brass is certainly slim pickings, and since they dropped the steel case ammo in A17, I imagine that heavy gun use can really tear into your brass reserves. But mining brass wouldn't realistically be a thing, as it's an alloy of copper and tin. Perhaps if they added copper and tin to the mines, as a lesser item found during mining for lead and iron (not terribly realistic, but more so that mining brass), and then you could make the brass in a forge.
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