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About forzimbras

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  1. Hi. I want to set Magnolia as a follower, but I don't know if a specific command is necessary to do so, or if a more complex mod is needed. Thank you in advance.
  2. Thank you very much, it has worked :thumbsup:
  3. Hello. I'm using a custom race (TurndownX) for my character and followers. I'd like to know if it's there any hair mod that adds more hair color with custom race compatibility (i'm looking for green and orange colors). If not, i'd like to request some experienced modder help for making hair colors for custom races. Thank you.
  4. http://forums.steamp...d.php?t=2528824 Here's a dawnguard updated version tip That seems to have solved the error, at least it let my load the files now (with other errors but with no CTD's). Thank you very much :thumbsup:
  5. I've tried that already with no luck. CK keeps crashing. I've added the lines of Dawnguard.bsa in the sresources of SkyrimEditor, and the sLanguage=ENGLISH and sLanguage=SPANISH (in my case) in Skyrim.ini, but the error it's still there.
  6. I'm getting this error when trying to load any .esm or .esp file in the Creation Kit: "Assertion Assert File C:\_Skyrim\Code\TESV\TES Shared\misc\BGSLocalizedString.cpp Line: 2860 LOCALIZATION: Error opening or reading strings file." That makes CTD since yesterday (don't know why). Any solutions? Thanks in advance.
  7. Hello, I've downloaded these two armors: Armor 1 Armor 2 but there is a problem: both mods require CHSBHC - BBP - Nude and Jiggly Mod, and I use Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition - CBBE -. I've tried to use the new armor while having my actual body mod installed (CBBE), but when i equip any of the armors, the game CTD (possibly because of the incompatibility). I'd like to know if it's possible to make a conversion for using them with CBBE. Thank you in advance.
  8. I'm looking for this mod in the costume section fut haven't found anything yet. Does anyone know it's name at least? Thank you in advance. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/20787-1-1346615696.jpg
  9. Hello. I've recently downloaded "Lara's cult" a mod from Steamworks that, in simple words, adds a Serana's twin (clone). But the fact is that there is some kind of mismatch between her face color and her skin color (first one looks darker and second one looks paler). What can i do to match both? Thank you in advance.
  10. I've done that without success. But i think it's solved. I've just uninstalled the UFO (Ultimate Follower Overhaul) and installed AFT (Amazing Follower Tweaks). It seems to be working fine now.
  11. Hello. I'm in certain point of the DG main quest in which i have to take Serana as my follower to continue the current assignment, but the problem occurs when i say her to follow me and she answers that it looks like i've got someone following me already. Well the fact is that I HAVEN'T ANY FOLLOWERS at this time. I've tested unchecking all the companion mods, but she continues saying the same thing. Help plis :psyduck:
  12. Just using "cache verification" of Steam seems to have solved the issue, but thank you anyway.
  13. Hello. I've just purchased Dawnguard in Steam (so the game is fully updated) and it started giving me CTD's. I first thought that it could be because of the mods, but it seems not. I've unchecked all the mods and left just the Skyrim.esm, Update.esm Dawnguard.esm but it keeps crashing. I don't know what's the reason of this crashes but i don't know what to do. Any help/recommendation will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  14. Interesting, but maybe talking about those models and using them with metasequoia is just premature (the game is not even released yet, I mean DOA 5), but if you are talking about using the pics as graphic reference for designing a brand-new model, that's OK. Maybe some experienced modder (designer) will help on that. Keeping an eye on this request.
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