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Posts posted by ZainHallows


    this is not a mod nor is it a request.

    just a discussion!


    It's certainly discussing mods.


    no sir/mam no mods talk here, just talking about a creature that should be in the elderscrolls series!


    they are in lore but i doudt we'll see one.


    I know. but its still an awesome creature! and honnestly it would make an awesome mod! <= just pointing this out! no need to freak rennn!

  2. HoMM 6 has Shark People... :)


    that you can play as!? :D


    I don't know what a wereshrak is.

    Also, Greenland is surrounded by cold waters.

    Plus, there's a special topic for this.


    well, dont keep if from me xD come on, tell me what this special place is? I mean this is general discussion, and this is a general discussion of weresharks in skyrim. and im sure there is some ice near greenland.


    The special places are 'mod talk' or 'mod requests'.



    this is not a mod nor is it a request.

    just a discussion!

  3. would it be fair to say this will be my last wereshark post? because it will :3 so worry not, this is the last


    aww.. now I feel bad .. come on .. cheer up :D someone will want a wereshark .. who knows? .. maybe bethesda has them hidden in the game? .. this is just such a hard topic not to poke at... you cant blame us for trashing the idea a bit :/


    Hell, I support him in his desire to see something off the wall. I personally probably wouldn't d/l it... but we all have our own little passions. Anime Mods anyone? You know they are coming for Skyrim - whether or not they fit with the rest of the world. I say good on ya and go get 'em, ZainHallows. What you want is exactly how I see one of the main tenants in modding... if you're favorite game is missing something that you dig - learn how to mod and put it in!


    thanks! means a lot! man I wish I could mod! but sadly Its a lot of work to do alone!

  4. would it be fair to say this will be my last wereshark post? because it will :3 so worry not, this is the last


    aww.. now I feel bad .. come on .. cheer up :D someone will want a wereshark .. who knows? .. maybe bethesda has them hidden in the game? .. this is just such a hard topic not to poke at... you cant blame us for trashing the idea a bit :/


    hehe, I dont blame ya, but it is my last ^^ to stop pesterin you guys!

  5. I didnt make this to have people hate on it :3 so what if I really like something? all this is, is a friendly peacefull conversation over a creature that could/should be imo in skyrim.

    I don't think most people make a topic for people to hate on it... but starting many new threads and seemingly mostly posting just to talk about one thing...is annoying. Which makes some people hate on it... Just saying.


    And how can we have a friendly, peaceful conversation about a creature that isn't friendly and peaceful? ;]


    This^ .. it sorta reminds me of a certain poster who wouldn't stop asking for modders to makes a mod to remove all gay men from the game .. like once was enough .. though this is a lot less annoying and offincive .. this is more just funny to me xD .. I can't take a wereshark serious man.

    Sadly, I bet even such a mod to remove gay men would happen... I guess...to each their own, but that's highly homophobic and and odd thing to request.


    Anyway, weresharks:


    ZainHallows, your first picture shows a lot of potential, it looks pretty cool. But if they looked like that, I just don't seem them actually meshing well with the world. Perhaps keep them in the sea. Becoming them just seems ridiculous haha.


    Your second picture looks really dumb, I would murder every wereshark/mod them out if they looked like this, if only for the sole reason that they would not fit in at all.


    agreed, the second one was just kinda a pic to get out there, the first is quite awesome, in regaurds to them on land, I agree that they should mainly be in water; but can come out on land (rarely!) where they are slugish.

  6. I didnt make this to have people hate on it :3 so what if I really like something? all this is, is a friendly peacefull conversation over a creature that could/should be imo in skyrim.

    I don't think most people make a topic for people to hate on it... but starting many new threads and seemingly mostly posting just to talk about one thing...is annoying. Which makes some people hate on it... Just saying.


    And how can we have a friendly, peaceful conversation about a creature that isn't friendly and peaceful? ;]


    fair enough, but still, I just love them. anywho! well asumeing we are talking about WEREsharks then I would think that once you are a wereshark, they are friendly :tongue:

  7. I don't even think wereWOLVES are going to be in the game. I know they won't be in the game at launch, but I'm a bit iffy about DLC as well. Time will tell. Though I heard them saying about how they were working on it, but they kept running into problems and that it wouldn't be done in time for launch.


    maybe a were-everything dlc? XD werebear, wolf, shark, and boar!~

  8. Ehm... yeah but no thanks. I'd much rather have ordinary werewolves first.


    If we're gonna have anything in addition to werewolves I'd say wereboars would be a cool choice.


    Maybe if we have some tropical setting in an expansion or future game it would fit in but in Skyrim... nah.


    Well I think it does, but thats me. anywho, if it were to be in skyrim...it would mostlikely be a mod. :wink:

  9. Sharks would be awesome. They scare the hell out of me in videogames though. I was playing Tenchu 2 one day and I had to infiltrate a ship. My controller started vibrating, I turned around and darn near wet myself. Frickin shark!


    But yeah I'd like to see them. Slaughterfish don't really cut it.


    well yes I would love to see sharks in general in skyrim, but this is more of....weresharks. kinda like werewolves, but...well...sharks!

  10. I don't know what a wereshrak is.

    Also, Greenland is surrounded by cold waters.

    Plus, there's a special topic for this.


    well, dont keep if from me xD come on, tell me what this special place is? I mean this is general discussion, and this is a general discussion of weresharks in skyrim. and im sure there is some ice near greenland.

  11. hey guys! just wanted to talk to you guys about them :3.


    Im a HUGE shark lover, and when I heard about weresharks...well lets just say at that moment, thats all I really wanted out of oblivion/skyrim. now before you go and say "hey! skyrim is all mountains and no sea!" well there is a coast, mostly covered by ice (from what i've seen anyway) but there is water! and there are a ton of rivers and other lakes in skyrim aswell! so weresharks could (and if I could mod) would be in skyrim.


    so back to the ice sea (new name :happy: ) if you say that no sharks can live in cold waters....well your wrong! :ninja: there is a shark whom resides in greenland, called...well....the greenland shark. which dosnt sound too bad, but in skyrim we could call it an ice shark or somthing, and for river/lake weresharks.....bull sharks or other...anywho thats my two cents!


    what do you guys think?

  12. Two male lizardmen getting married...? i dunno what to say to that... :mellow:




    Argonian sex in general is weird... licking the hist tree and all.

    who said anything about sex? whats more, I didnt know there was sex scenes in skyrim? if not then that was not what I ment.


    Oh god please tell me that "tree' is actually a tree and not a.... oh my god mental picture!


    It's a tree. Same kind that was in the FG quest line in Oblivion.


    we shall see :3

  13. Two male lizardmen getting married...? i dunno what to say to that... :mellow:




    Argonian sex in general is weird... licking the hist tree and all.

    who said anything about sex? whats more, I didnt know there was sex scenes in skyrim? if not then that was not what I ment.


    Oh god please tell me that "tree' is actually a tree and not a.... oh my god mental picture!


    >.> maybe? I didnt say anything xP

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