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  1. OR, they could have just added a flag, either the container OR, separate items, like > Sell once. LoL. A sell Once flag would very useful, but Ill admit I don't know how complex that would be at the engine level. That method sounds......complex :ohdear:. Definitely above my pay grade. No respawn is so inflexible. I can see that flag working for specific vendors with only a couple of item, but otherwise, not terribly helpful given how limited it is. I dont know this sounds, but, with the current > No respawn flag, what about if you SELL an item with NR flag set, the game gives you your money, but immediately 'eats' the item and permanently removes it from the vendor\game? At least that way, your sells wouldn't stick around 4ever? Would something alone those lines be made to work in some fashion? Appreciate the insight all the same. Thank you!
  2. Is there any mechanism, vanilla or mod added, by which we can configure vendors to either sell items only one time, while still resetting vendors so their inventory does not become permanently accrete items and money that you give to them? Do not tell me to 'turn the containers respawn flag off' I already know about this. The result I am looking (hoping) for, is to be able to set up specific vendors inventory, so items can only be purchased one time, and that is it. However, its also important the vendors funds and items you sell TO them, be cleaned up on a regular basis like normal, otherwise, with no respawn set to off, funds and items sold to, just accrete and never get removed. Its likely not doable, since I cant seem to find any discussion about this particular configuration. Everyone wants their vendors to reset every other hour or so, but no one seems to want it one-time only vendors the way I describe. The vendor respawn is an all or nothing proposition, and cannot be fine-tuned in any way I am aware of. If there is any way at all, please let me know.
  3. I re-verified the file(s), and got exactly the same result. Validate did nothing to Skyrim.esm, since, I am not in the habit of modifying that one directly. So it was good, yes. Those 5 region entries in question, are still as described above.
  4. The following region records are either missing, or show as errors. (WNAM Worldspace) Region 13 - Error Region 127 - Error Region 10 - Error Hills - Error DanReach04 - Missing I dont know what, if any, in game impact these errors or omissions may have, but here they are for your consideration. There are no errors(noted) in the any of the DLCs, or Update.esm.
  5. Good day. Just looking for which XML, and where, the games stores the ITEMS in game. IE Stone Axe\shovel Moldy Bread Wheel etc etc You would think, they would be somewhere, the ITEMS XML, but, I am not very good at locating them and cannot seem to find the line that actually describes what the item is callled. To use a simple example: <item name="meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe"> If I want to change the NAME of the item <Stone Axe> in this instance,, iow, modify what it is called in game, is this the line that does this? Or is there some other place that this is stored? Alternately, are there any current Item editors 19.2+, with a UI, where modders can readily modify existing vanilla game items? Thanks
  6. Good Day Notifications. Again. While they do largely seem? to be working as intended, I am seeing all notifications duplicated. Here is what I am seeing just to give a basic idea NOTE: This duplication is visible only when I press -SEE ALL. The short list, does not have this issue. There are 8 new comments about Castle Volkihar Rebuilt - SSE5 minutes ago â⨯There are 8 new comments about Castle Volkihar Rebuilt - SSE5 minutes ago â⨯There are 145 new comments about Nether's Follower Framework9 minutes ago â⨯There are 145 new comments about Nether's Follower Framework9 minutes ago â⨯There are 12 new comments about SSELODGen10 minutes ago â⨯There are 12 new comments about SSELODGen10 minutes ago â⨯There are 24 new comments about AI Overhaul SSE21 minutes ago â⨯There are 26 new comments about Rudy HQ - Miscellaneous SE30 minutes ago â⨯There are 26 new comments about Rudy HQ - Miscellaneous SE30 minutes ago â⨯There are 56 new comments about RaceMenu32 minutes ago â⨯There are 56 new comments about RaceMenu32 minutes ago â⨯There are 19 new comments about Seranaholic by rxkx22 - SSE - Default Body Meshes - UNP and CBBE 4k Textures45 minutes ago â⨯There are 19 new comments about Seranaholic by rxkx22 - SSE - Default Body Meshes - UNP and CBBE 4k Textures45 minutes ago â⨯There are 8 new comments about KS Dragon Overhaul 245 minutes ago â⨯There are 8 new comments about KS Dragon Overhaul 245 minutes ago
  7. If you press the little bell Notifications, upper RH of the page, those are 12 hours out of sync\date for me. and apparently, for Hilli1 as well. yes, I have refreshed the browsers itself. And, that is about all I can really do with it. If I look at the main, page where it displays comments on the feed, those are fine for me as well. The BELL icon, however, is the issue.
  8. The notifications (the bell widget), seems to have stopped working and in my page, last updated ~ 11 hours ago. The main page, does show comments with current time stamps, but, not the bell. Not a huge deal or anything, and will probably start working again at some point. Just wanted to mention it.
  9. I will type this slowly. There is NO event described in any source, where a random thief just 'appears' and the guards are KOS to it, just because. No source exists for anything referencing any event like that from any source I can find. Desc A thief attempting to pick a locked door is discovered by guards. The guards will attack him and try to kill him. Sometimes he may escape into a house/shop. Help kill the thief, or just loot his corpse. Chase him down and kill him if he entered a building, the guards will not and his presence interferes with merchants trading. The above desc, is for get ready for it. WITheif01. This event, is entirely managed by scripts, something I am not comfortable working with or modifying directly. This one, safe to say, can be removed entirely from the game as it serves no purpose (at all). If its all the same to you, it wont be 'conditional'. In fact, the conditions you seem to think are such a wonderful idea, already exist. The current time for this event is between 10pm and 4am Changing it to between 3 and 4am, LOL. Why even bother? Or even commenting if you have not done even the most basic of research :confused: If disabling this works, and I hope it does, It will just be gone -period. If successful, that is how it will be released.
  10. Wrong encounter. Those have nothing to do with what I am trying to achieve here.
  11. No that particular event is not radiant. Those are actual quests, which appear in your log and all that. WI, interaction, or random events, are different things entirely. Like the random nobles heading to Solitude for the wedding, or the random farmer off to join the stormcloaks etc. I am only guessing that is in fact, the correct event. If it is, you never actually witness the thief trying to pick any lock. All you see, is a massive mobilization of every single citizen in (wherever) to beat down one lousy thief with a LOT of HP. I mean, more than a cave bear, or boss even. While it mostly occurs in Riften, for reasons I have yet to understand, it can also occur in Riverwood of all places. Just dumb and lazy design. I am fairly certain that is the correct WI. To test this, I have set the records flag to Ignored. However, I am not certain that A, it will work as I hoped, and B, if that change is retro-active in existing games since it is tied to the TG guest line, spec, A Chance Arrangement. Even if Ignored is the way go about it, it still might require a new game.
  12. Can anyone tell me exactly what quest, event w/e the random thief attacks that occur (mostly), in Riften and occasionally in Riverwood is? Is it Thief lock picking? WItheif01 (world Interaction)? I haven't been to tell what quest? or WI, this is precisely is, but, I would like to produce a mod that disables this rather pointless, illogical and highly disruptive event. The thieves, have more HP than a dragon, and the entire town of Riften literally mobilizes to beat this one guy down and it can drag on for quite some while in some instances. The event, is all out of proportion to the ruckus is causes, and, tbh, makes no sense. The game would flow much better w/o it and there are already plenty of other random events better, and cover the same sort of territory.
  13. Like Halldirs Cairn, the ghost NPCs at this location, drop entirely inappropriate loot, full sets of physical, tangible armor and weapons. Going thro Forelhost alone, gives the player multiple sets of Nordic gear and other items, from incorporeal ghosts that have no business droping loot in the manner they do. An appropriate fix, would be to set align these npcs with the USSP Yngvild ghost fix. These npcs and their drops seem to be governed by scripts and do not appear? to be able to be modified or altered using basic xedit changes. Changing their outfit to the non-player version of the Forelhost armors, to eliminate them dropping armor, available in the CK did not work either. It is also possible, that change is non-retroactive. This was not tested for by me. Unless a ghost\spirit is specifically set to drop a unique item, ghosts globally and generally, should have their loot drops reviewed regardless of their location.
  14. There are benefits, but talking strictly about in game performance' and BSA, as I said, Its not entirely clear on that question and hard data not easy to reference. For example, BSAs are terrific for installing and un-installing very large mods in the multi-gigabyte range. Losse files, take forever so BSA wins in that regard easily. While that is a huge benefit, it is not the same thing as, are they making my game faster and or more 'stable'? The install time is only one benefit of the BSA, there are others of course. This is about I can find for videos on the matter. But, be aware, his test is limited *only* to game initial load time and only for F4. Interesting results, but a very limited test all the same.
  15. Stability? Wouldn't say so. Define stable in this context. Less random crashes with BSA's vs loose? Nothing like that in offing since data is data. Whether a file gets read from the BSA, or directly from the directory is not really going to make much difference in that regard. I have 91 BSA files currently in my LO, and while they are doing their job just fine, I would never assume, or suggest those files are somehow more 'stable' than the mods that are all loose. I still get the odd random CTD, and Its fairly safe bet if all my ~220 ESP assets were all packed into BSAs, I doubt that things (like the odd random) CTD, would cease, or even decrease.
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