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About PyroToxins

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  1. Hey, I have a question. How hard would it be to make Enchantments and powers that are like the runic Attacks from GOW? I have a few ideas on how they could work but I don't know how easy it would be to implement. This is less a mod request and more of a 'is this feasible and on a scale of 1 -10 how difficult is it (1 being retexture and 10 Skyrim Overhaul).' Fury of the frost troll: When you make a Power attack you release a radial wave of frost that slows and staggers, dealing X amount of frost damage to health and stamina Hel's Touch: When you make a power attack, you release a directional blast of light that knocks enemies back (Kinda like Unrelenting Force but different animation and frost damage) (Power; or could be put as a shout) Blessings of the frost: When this power is activated it uses the same percentages as Elemental fury but instead of attack speed it adds the equivalent damage in frost. (maybe make it so enchanted weapons can use this?) Thiazi's Talon: Bloodskall blade effect, but instead of true damage make it frost and give it an enchantment bar? (so it's kind of a shittier version?) (not a runic attack but still a thought of an interesting enchantment) Immolation/Permafrost: with each successful kill you gain + X amount of Fire/Frost damage that lasts for 24 in-game hours. (basically Runic Dawnguard Axe enchantment but instead of sun damage on undead, cold/fire damage on anything. the rest of them could be replaced with vanilla spells and shouts. So how difficult would this be? I am honest curious. Think any of these are OP? Most of them are limited to power attacks, exceptions being Immolation, Permafrost, and Blessings of the frost, so I don't think they'd be that OP.
  2. I have heard he dropped the project for the time being. He has decided to rediscover root of his spiritual rift and went on a soul seeking journey to Norway. There dwells mighty seidr known by the locals as 'Bear-Thing'. In him lies the truth about the lost art of berserking and blood singing. Ghosu wishes to sip from chalice of fire until it becomes his denial, for every man needs frustration to steer will into maelstrom of ire. Reforged he shall return and bless us with iron and runes. so... Your saying he wants to go to a bear thing, learn how to get doped up and really pissed before charging into battle? Seems legit. I buy that.
  3. Well, there is suchÃÂ upgrade in GoW4, so it would be a fitting addition.Hey, just get a mod that lets you disenchant the unique enchantments then put it on it. I just mentioned it as an easier alternative if he was still trying to work out the throwing effect. I thought that he might still be trying to do it, as the mod has yet to be uploaded, and it looked like he had the model pretty much finished three days ago. Im just mentioning things just so he can upload it by offering alternatives so he doesn't feel the need to add on. Sides you could use ffrost bite or whatever with the Spell sword mod to act as the 'Wrath of the frost ancient'. But personally i just the mod out haha
  4. Well, there is suchÃÂ upgrade in GoW4, so it would be a fitting addition. Hey, just get a mod that lets you disenchant the unique enchantments then put it on it.
  5. For the illegality of it yes, not for simply being a shitty mod. The nexus is full of shitty mods, many of which are made by modders who are just learning. Fair enough
  6. Still should be banned, if only for the shitty port. Nit to mention the illegality of it.
  7. Edit:Sorry! It double posted so yeah. Also great work on the Axes!! Will they be spawn in only, craftable, or do ya just find them somewhere?
  8. Makes sense. Was made by the peoplewho maid Fenrir's binds,Mjolnir, and i think Odin's spear. So yea Daedric works.
  9. Or, sense he said he'd leave it as a Mos Author resource, someone who has made a throwing weapon patch could create a addon/patch using the model.
  10. And this is why we cant have good things. Cause people cant read or lack reading comprehension. Ghosu is being nice with this. Can't people (assuming its more then him cause herd mentality is a thing) just be glad hes even making this mod? I mean he really has no reason to aside from his own amusement, bordem, and maybe cause he agrees the axe is just that dang awesome. Piece is said, i shall now lurk the thread.
  11. Oh Hel, this is gonna be as dope as Kratos' beard!!!!!Even without the Throw and return animation (though it'd be dope, there's probably a mod for it and there is probably an enchantment with said mod to make a weapon re-enter your inventory) This will be one hell of a mod!!
  12. Once the mod is up on the minimum ways, you should add a thing that has Magicka and stamina fuse together becuase in the Inheritance cycle, Stamina=magic.
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