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Posts posted by Gurofiend24

  1. Very inspiring read! I heard some of your interviews(Fantastic voice) and listened to some of your songs(Which are great!) (My favorite is Sparks)


    It's funny, when I first saw Inigo a long time ago, I decided not to try him because when I heard his voice you sounded like Cryaotic(Who I hate!) to me or more like reminded me of him when he talks in a low voice to sound cool. But then I kept seeing him pop up on the last updated thing, and was like, FINE I guess I'll try him. I was glad I did, he was a much deeper character than I realized and he was fun to be around. And when I heard your real voice I was blown away lol. I look forward to V3 and can't wait for new adventures with my pal.

  2. Hello, I'm looking for this pack of three followers of varying body sizes with their own skin. A skinny looking brown skinned barbarian chick in the temple of kynareth, a green haired girl with big tits and a girl I think whose name was lilith who had gigantic tits, glasses and was in whiterun hall of the dead I think.

  3. When my cousin told me about the skyrim remastered thing, I told him I was excited for him because he always wanted to mod but he had a shitty computer. I have a gaming rig and have enjoyed it for a long time, but I didn't get mad and say, UGH PC IS SO MUCH BETTER, YOU'RE PS4 MODS WILL BE s#*! BECAUSE PC CAN GIVE MY EYES ORGASMS. TELL MY AUNTY I SAID f*#@ OFF TOO BECAUSE HER LAPTOP USED SOLELY FOR WORK IS s#*! COMPARED TO MINE.


    I just said, "Awesome cuz, Imma refer you some mods cuz i been around the block." I still have my f*#@ing modded game, and now he will have his and we're both happy. I feel like elitists are just lonely assholes that don't have any real friends or family that they care about or care for them. And thus they cling to their parent paid for (talking about elitists not regular people) expensive computers and cling to it for dear life and put others without a computer down to give their lives meaning and to seem better than the smelly turds they are.


    I think we should just hold hands sing kumbaya and get to know some of the cool people who will tickle that small compassion tumor inside and ban together and focus on the real problem. If we can do that a become a "Community", and fight all the wrongs like capcoms street fighter 5 release and all the s#*! the gaming companies have been doing to us, taking advantage of us in the form of Dlcs and in-game payments for basic s#*!, we can create a better future.


    But here we are blaming and yelling at each other. And I'm sure nothing will change and we will all continue to be s#*! people.


    So all in all, this entire post is a joke. This post is like my teardrops in the shower. A liquid like so many others flowing down every fat fold of my body before eventually being sucked down the drain called humanity.

  4. Woo, I always loved the story of beowulf and grendal. I'm really excited for this mod! I also think it fits in perfectly with thirsk hall. I killt all the blue goblins and wanted more stuff to do with them but that was it. Also that cave is the bees knees,

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