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About Ferren42

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    United States
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    Morrowind, Baldur's Gate 2

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  1. So it's hard-coded in the game, I was worried that was the case. Thanks for the response!
  2. Also, I haven't posted a topic here before and just saw the area for Construction Set and Modders. Sorry for the improper topic location!
  3. Hiyas, hoping someone with some TES3 modding experience can help me. I recently made a mod mostly for myself which is a new race for a re-skinned Argonian with some unique abilities, but I've run into a problem with the swim animation. It seems like importing the (Better Bodies 3.2) Argonian meshes in NifSkope and changing the texture files worked fine for most of the animations, but when I play the race, the swim animations are for a non-Argonian race. Looking around online, I haven't really had any luck finding how the unique Argonian swim animation is encoded. I know most animations are embedded into the .nif file, but since I didn't change any of that, I don't know why the swim animation is incorrect. If anyone has specific experience or knowledge of this topic, please let me know! Thanks for your time.
  4. I think you could do it through the dialogue menu, but it's kinda iffy. There's no way to keep track of or change game time minutes, so you'd have to advance it by hours. You could make a script that added 1 to a global variable every time it was run, and advances game time by an hour once you reach a certain number. Then you could go to the dialogue menu in the cs and insert " startscript "that_script" " (calling it whatever you want, probably not "that_script") into the results for every admire fail/success dialogue. Make sure you have a line near the end of the script that stops the script, otherwise you would have the game time advancing very quickly... Also keep in mind that if you have other mods that add responses to admire, you would have to put it in those as well. I'm not sure whether this idea would work, but it is an idea, maybe at least a starting point? Addendum: GhanBuriGhan's tutorial on scripting would likely be very useful in making this script. Go to page 118 of the pdf.
  5. From GhanBuriGhan's Script Tutorial ------------------------------------ Begin AfternoonTea If ( GameHour >= 17 ) If ( GameHour <= 19 ) “Cup of Tea” -> Enable endif elseif ( GameHour < 17 ) if ( GameHour >19 ) “Cup of Tea” -> Disable endif endif End AfternoonTea ----------------------------------- Dawn is about 6 and dusk is about 20 Also from GhanBuriGhan: Caution: disabling lights There seems to be a game engine issue with disabled lights – Actors and some other types of objects still seem to be illuminated, while the world around is not. I have not thoroughly tested if this can be avoided, but a suitable workaround is to physically remove the light to a remote location (e.g. a few meters below the floor) instead of disabling it. Another trick comes from Indigo: If you enable a light that is set to "negative" (which means its generating darkness instead of light) after you disable the normal light, the illumination problem goes away. Setting position (the other way to do movement) SetPos, axis, float_enum_pos (float_var with Tribunal/Bloodmoon) SetPos, z, 477 Object_ID -> SetPos X, 466 This function (unlike the move and moveworld functions) also works with Actors, including the player. Axis is x, y, or z. The float value sets the position of the calling object to that value. This always refers to the local coordinate system the object is currently in.
  6. In game you could open the console, click on the guard, and type "removeitem "itemid"" where itemid is whatever id the item has, you'd have to check the cs for the exact id. As OblivionAddicted stated, you could also find the guard in the cs and delete the item from his inventory. I have a mod called "My Fixes" for just such occasions, where a mod messed something up and I'm not sure which mod it was, or if I want to do some random little thing like this.
  7. From what I see in the script, there are several issues, though I'm not sure if any of them contribute to your problem. First, operators and such should be separated by spaces, ie "if (button==-1)" should be "if ( button == -1 )" I've heard that not having spaces can mess up the scripting. Second, the script does not appear do have a name. The first line should always be "Begin myscript" where myscript is the name of the script. Third, you are using (I'm assuming) controlvar and button as short variables, that is a variable which can contain a number to be referenced later. You should check to see controlvar is a global variable by clicking on Gameplay in the toolbar, then Globals... and scrolling to the c's to see if controlvar is listed. If not, you need to declare that controlvar is a variable in the script. If the number is only used in this script, which I'm assuming not since the script does not reference it, only modifies it, you would put "short controlvar" on a line near the top. If it is a variable which needs to be referenced by another script, you should instead include "float controlvar" near the top. Button should also be stated with "short button" near the top. If controlvar is a global, it's possible that another mod is causing conflict with it, as I imagine controlvar could be a popular name for a variable. Fifth, you need a message box to provide the buttons pushed for the script, see the example below. Finally to make the script easier to read, I recommend using indents to seperate if statements from effects, ie. if ( button == -1 ) return elseif ( button == 0 ) set controlvar to 0 startscript zzzLevelBoosterScript1elseif ( button == 1 ) etc...See below for more involved indenting. I'm fairly new to scripting myself, so if this is useless, I'm sorry. Also, if I said something wrong, I'm very sorry and hopefully someone could correct me.Here's a similar script to this one as far as button pushing goes from GhanBuriGhan's script tutorial, it may help you fix a few things.----------------------------------------------------------------Begin my_first_script Short controlvar Short button Float timer If ( MenuMode == 1 ) Return Endif If ( OnActivate == 1 ) If ( controlvar == 0 ) MessageBox "Voiceless it cries, wingless flutters, toothless bites, mouthless mutters. What is it?", "Bat", "Old woman", "Wind", "Wraith" Set controlvar to 1 elseif controlvar > 1 activate endif endif if ( controlvar == 1 ) set button to GetButtonPressed if ( button == -1 ) return elseif ( button == 2 ) MessageBox "The answer was correct" Activate set controlvar to 2 else MessageBox "The answer was wrong" Player -> AddSpell, "Frost_Curse" set controlvar to –1 Endif elseif ( controlvar == 2 ) Activate Set controlvar to 3 elseif ( controlvar == -1 ) Set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed ) if timer > 10 Player -> RemoveSpell, "Frost_Curse" set controlvar to -2 endif endif End-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. I know that certain versions of blender, python, and pyffi need to be used in order for the .nifs to be compatible with morrowind. Do you know which versions theseare?
  9. I am working on a race mod, and I've run into a couple of hiccups. 1. I'm trying to make an npc give the PC some gold the first time they ask about a particular subject, but only the first time. I have a different response, with no gold given on the next line down. What Func/Var should I use to skip the gold-giving response after the first time it's discussed? 2. One of the racial abilities of this race is sun damage. However, since the character is not necessarily a vampire, they can be arrested and sent to jail. Unfortunately, since jail lasts at least a full day, this invariably causes the player to die from the sun damage. I'm trying to create a script that negates the sun damage. A heal ability or enchantment does not work, nor does godmode. My only alternative seems to be to remove the sun damaging ability for the duration that the player is in jail. What I have created works when I run the script through the console, but if it's run when the player is arrested, it does not re-add the ability after they're released. Does anyone know how to make it work, or know a better way to prevent sun damage during jail? Here's the script: ------------------------------------------------------ Begin rh_Jail ;Allows player to NOT get killed by racial sun damage in the event of being jailed ;Will not? move effects from racial to the "front" of active effects list float jailDay float LocalDaysPassed if ( player-> GetRace "Dark Khajiit" == 0 ) stopscript "rh_Jail" endif if ( LocalDaysPassed == 0 ) set jailDay to Day set LocalDaysPassed to 1 endif player -> removespell "rh_shame_ra'mora" if ( jailDay != Day ) set JailDay to Day set LocalDaysPassed to ( LocalDaysPassed + 1 ) endif if ( LocalDaysPassed >= 2 ) player -> addspell "rh_shame_ra'mora" set LocalDaysPassed to 0 stopscript "rh_Jail" endif ;NEW old version... ugh. ;if ( player-> GetRace "Dark Khajiit" == 0 ) ; return ;endif ; ;if ( GetPCinJail == 1 ) ; player -> addspell "rh_jail_protection" ;endif ; ;if ( GetPCinJail == 0 ) ; player -> removespell "rh_jail_protection" ; stopscript "rh_Jail" ;endif ;Old Version ;if ( player-> GetSpell "rh_shame_ra'mora" == 1 ) ; if ( GetPCinJail == 1 ) ; player-> removespell "rh_shame_ra'mora" ; endif ;endif ; ;if ( GetPCinJail == 0 ) ; player-> addspell "rh_shame_ra'mora" ; stopscript "rh_jail" ;endif End rh_Jail -------------------------------------------------------------- (Note: I did rip this mod from panther production's Ra'Kath mod, so if I have offended anyone by doing this, I'm sorry) The only other way I can think to prevent death is to move every prison marker inside the fort instead of outside, so the sun can't kill the player. For obvious and numerous reasons, I do not want to do this.
  10. I'm trying to make an npc give the PC some gold the first time they ask about a particular subject, but only the first time. I have a different response, with no gold given on the next line down. What Func/Var should I use to skip the gold-giving response after the first time it's discussed? Edit: Sorry, wrong area, I will repost in construction set/modders area.
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