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Everything posted by Orionraven

  1. Does anyone know if any of the ring or real flying mods work in SSE with this alpha?
  2. I have been cursed by the shadows that hunt as well, What did you do in the ini? I cleared both of mines, had the program recreate it, still there.
  3. My first question is, Is the invisible spell still cast or has one of the updates moved it to a power? If not, Is there a mod that changes the list of spells/powers list to where invisible is a power and not a spell? Thank you for taking the time to answer.
  4. Huh? What troll? Ohhh, that frost troll. I barely remember it because the main quest was (almost) the last thing I did in the game, and i was lv 24 by the time I got around to answering the call. In short, I made short work of the troll. So much so, that I almost forgot about the troll. So yes, it is not leveled.
  5. I'm stuck between the "i'm not alone!" and the "welcome to the club" response. I've been in this state for almost thirteen days. Mass Effect invokes a response of meh, Oblivion bores me to repulsion, Fallout invokes the same meh, bored response. Dragon age orgins and 2 puts me to sleep. I comb the internet for any gameplay videos of skyrim--anything.
  6. Honestly? Anxiously awaiting, and handling it poorly. I can't play other games. Oblivion makes me sick. Dragon Age, both one and two bore me. MMO's make me fall asleep. I try to play other games to fill the time, but they can't keep my attention past an hour and i'm back to where i started. I suppose it's nice that all the screens and videos have utterly broken my desire to play any other games, but damn.
  7. Thanks for the comparison. Really thanks. I can't play or look at Oblivion the same anymore, you've successfully removed my carry over drug until skyrim's release, so thanks a bunch.
  8. A couple of things, from a few members that complained about before I throw my hat in on the new screens. 1. It is apparently obvious that the screen of the characters are lower in resolutions then the screens of the xbox 360, and it is not the standard resolution either on pc or console. 2. I recognize the 'blocks' or 'lines' that the modeling illiterate have complained about on several of these character screens. They're Z-brush low resolution geometry. Likely it isn't that the model itself is that low, just the textures. Again, not standard, and if this is one of the low setting graphics, I would gladly take it over the blurry as heck settings on most games. 3. The hair, is one of two things, either reduced graphic settings that collapsed the alpha maps to two bits (white/black, no translation, no variation of gray for transparency) or it is like that anyways. I'd say wait for more screens before craping about the graphics. Now unto what i thought about the content. Women looks ok. To be blunt though, most women look ok. (hey guys, go outside, not every women is a supermodel) It's very passable. Elves look different this time. I'm not entirely comfortable with a few of the changes, but they actually look unique instead of humans with long ears. Redguards actually look badass. I might actually play as one, now that they look a little more different then Imperials with dark skin and afros. Beast races look great. I'm personally not a fan of them, but when I see the extra work that was put into them--especially the Argonians, I can tell what they referenced, and it was more then them just putting the head of an iguana on top of a human body. They look like erect dinosaurs with human intelligence. Lastly, dem Orc women. I'd have an affair with one too if they looked like that.
  9. I'll keep it short. There needs to be a 'gender' option in the search bar. I don't care to wade through 20 female only armors and clothing to find one male/genderless piece. Even putting in male/men doesn't filter out the females armors for obvious reasons. Please, please, address this soon. Or if you have addressed this, do tell how to filter out the women clothing.
  10. looks good so far. Tell me when you have the basemesh done, and i'll see what i can do about the high poly sculpt. I'll also see about making a more condensed mesh, an unwrap, textures and normals. Once that is done, someone else will have to find a way to work the mesh and the normals into the game. Also, does anybody have an image of the lower body armor? Something that is at least as nice looking as the art for the crown helmet and the breastplate.
  11. Half true, half false. There are already race mods that work around this issue, by having a scripted armor/body to the existing skeleton. I can think of three off hand. The Gatekeeper Race, The Xenomorph, and The famous "Predator race". Plus, some monsters, like the Gray Ogre, or the atronaches are upright.
  12. Not bad. Not bad at all. I'll need to collaborate with you, since it seems like you've solved your problem of getting max models to work in game.
  13. Is there any armor mods that looks like it was chiseled out of stone? Like the character (while wearing the armor) is a walking statue?
  14. Post Pictures of what you want. We aren't going to bother doing a basic image search for you on what you want.
  15. These people aren't assassains. They are spies for the most part. Killing isn't their primary job, it's something they do sparcely in order to snip the rotten that the imperial guard can't reach or handle. You aren't joining the Dark Brotherhood. A lot of the beginning missions will be "find this note at a hostle location" variety. Not "go kll a captian". Want pointless bloodshead? The Dark Brotherhood is for you, not the Imperial Ops.
  16. "Ok, that's nice, but what specifically does that mean?" Well, for starters, it means a clean record. An idea of a "clean record" is that any fine in the past cannot exceed a certain number, say 300 gold?" You should make so that if you are the Champion of Cyrodill then they will look to recruit you not matter your crime gold. "making the completion of the turning in of the Imperial City Market District's Captain Guard quest (Imperial Corruption) a requirement" Don't forget the Cheydinhal (Corruption and Conscience) or maybe just one of those :thumbsup: Isn't that the main quest? 1. Ok, that's passable. If you've bothered to save an entire empire from the fangs of Dagon, then sure. I almost forgot about the Chedinhal quest. Compelting one of them and a clean record should put a recruiter on your doorstep. 2. Yes and no. Yes in that the investigation ended at a cult. No in the sense that this is the story behnd the story. I doubt that Dagon has the ability to see ino the future, or read people's minds, but that's exactly the skill set their daedric god needed for his pawns to know the route the emperor and his blades were going to take in a assassination attempt. Unless their daedric god has those powers, they recieved information from someone. That is what this is.
  17. Can someone retexture the imperial guard's armor to look like it was made out of stone? And yes, I did look for it, the closest I got to that was the armors for the rock race, and for some reason or another, the aren't appearing. As in, the body disappears when worn.
  18. Man, can't believe I'm just getting to this project in the works. I DIG this. I REALLY dig this. A few thoughts though. I get the feeling that this group isn't a group of random murders, thieves and outlaws that band together for some excuse to kill some more. I get the feeling that the Imperial BlackOps (Blackhorse Operatives?) is a elite group of hand chosen few who has shown their devotion to the empire. I get the feeling that they are professional assassins who carry out what they do, without fail, every time. I also get the feeling that they are sworn to the upmost secrecy, so much so that town guards don't even know who they are, and the Imperial Guard grunts only have heard rumors of their existence. Granted, there will be ranks among the "guild", the lower ones doing important scouting missions, for high profile raids, and no, I'm not talking about braking into some skooma deal either. (although, that wouldn't be a bad idea for one of the entry tests) "Ok, that's nice, but what specifically does that mean?" Well, for starters, it means a clean record. An idea of a "clean record" is that any fine in the past cannot exceed a certain number, say 300 gold? (Honestly, that's a bit much. That's on a rough order of 5 assaults. That's like saying "I got into five bar fights in the past month" and expect to somehow become the FBI Secret Agents.) I would also suggest making the completion of the turning in of the Imperial City Market District's Captain Guard quest (Imperial Corruption) a requirement, as that would show the entire "doing something for the greater good of the empire" bit on an executive level. That and well, it is a nice summery of your job, minus the assassination and infiltration perks. Secondly, once they are "recruited", they need to go through a variety of exercises, starting with the basic skills required for the job, such as long distance sniping, sneaking, security. Then they go through basic missions, such as infiltration with illegal drugs rings. The final mission will be to take out a marked necromancer/Dark Brotherhood member without being seen. If the character fails once in the training recruit stage, he/she should be automatically booted from the group. The official capacity missions should be like you guys said, taking out targets that are a danger to the stability of the empire, that are either too dangerous for normal guards to take care of, or too confidential for normal people to know-- and in this respect, the guards are normal people. This includes snipping off leaders of certain rebellion factions within the civilian base without making a scene. Otherwise they would tell the guards to arrest the man. The end quests should involve something about the investigation of the emperor's assassination, and the Imperial Palace guards, possibly leading up to the assassination of a High Council member. [edit] Sorry if I seem like I'm repeating some of the same stuff that's already been said in this thread. Hopefully, there's some things that hasn't been mentioned yet here that you can gleam from this post.
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