In response to post #27533699. #27534194, #27544734, #27548994, #27556570, #27576640 are all replies on the same post. 46 here, and I didn't take the survey either. To be honest, I didn't even know there was one but then again, I don't visit the nexus every day. Job, wife, 2 kids etc etc. Go the 5%! Lol. As for the ladies... we need more of you gals around, and many many thanks to the lady modders out there. I almost always play as a female char myself, usually because there are so many female char based mods available. Also I get to dress my chick up and have a bit of eye candy during the game lmao. Its better to look at a female ass than a male one imo, though I really really don't like those skimpy mods. They just curdle my blood. The more lore friendly, the better.