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About Eriko

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    Assassin's Creed Revelation
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    Mass Effect 1.2.3

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  1. Please teach me to make a mods for Da 2?
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. syoni79
    3. sergeantik


      Hi Eriko!

      My name is Sergey. Ive got some problem and ask you for help.

      I made a mod called Aurora (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12940#). But now I can't support it because of limitations with internet. It is a nice NPC - quest mod and people like it, but it has only russian version and works properly only with 1.4. patch. I can't now develop and update this mod, but I could help you with translation if you agree to take care of this mod. In this case we could sign u...

    4. Aveneri


      I have problem with pm to you so I sent it here:

      Sorry I writing it for you to late. I wasn't online on nexus sooooo much time. Of course you can use my mod on that site:3 I'm rly glad you like my mod

      Nicol Christopher

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