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About hadoumastery

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  1. I've managed to get into the files properly and discover a few things, like how weapons and armor are in odd file locations and they don't have easily readable data like they did in WL2. Kind of a let down, I can extract and simplify the info to a readable and editable state, but certain data like the damage values and whatnot aren't able to be put into readable format, kind of sucks, would really like to know if anyone else has had some luck.
  2. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips about what files "packages" of the unity files in WL3 are used for weapons and armor, I was wanting to customize the weapons and armor to fit more into specific purposes. Such as making certain weapons have better damage values or shoot extended bursts. Like how SMGs have differences in bursting between 5-10 shots, I wanted to do something similar for ARs that currently only have one mode which is x3. Offering more viability to certain weapons based on caliber and whatnot. If anyone has any idea what packages contain these items, it would help greatly. Or of any modding tools that can be used to view them. I do know that in the old WL2 method you could unpack the packages and get weapons and armor, I assume you can do it in this one too, but don't know since the packages don't have any named files and when unpacked they seem to give a lot of nul values.
  3. Care to share how you unpack/edit .elexsec and .elextpl files? Or I suppose just .elexsec since that is all you know, I misread that first part lol
  4. Thanks for pointing me to this. I had actually forgot about it after looking at it earlier. But I tried to test out cutting the top half off and putting some new pants in there. It was a no go, because the chest for some odd reason is about 2.0 spaces back and won't move for some reason in NIFSkope. Really it's odd. It sort of pretends like it moved for in NIFSkope, and then when you load it into geck it's still half a space back and won't move no matter what I do. Maybe it's some tamper proof lock the mod author put in it. I really don't know.
  5. A very simple request for a Ranger Combat Armor without the leather coat.
  6. So a lot of people want a dishonored mod (including me) but this is not exactly a request for that. It's more of a request for something like magicka sabers, but without the "lightsabers". Pretty much I would like some weapons (such as short bladed katanas, daggers, etc.) that can have their blades disappear like they do with magicka sabers.
  7. So I was thinking of what kind of armor would look awesome for a dragon slayer and then I thought back to an older game, and this is what I thought of. Grandia 2's Melfice. Perfect armor for a dragon slayer.
  8. Well, didn't know about the other post. But yeah, I was thinking about how dungeons and things aren't creepy. And then had a light-bulb pop over my head. What if statues came to life? Then it would be creepy as ever, never knowing what's following you. And maybe even have a select few in the towns. Doesn't exactly need to be an angel though. Just needs to be a statue. Although the AI is difficult I'd say.
  9. The idea is based on Doctor Who. The weeping angels that when you look at them are just stone. But when you aren't looking come to life and move very fast to kill you. So I was just wondering if anybody might be able to make this.
  10. Just wondering if anyone might make a nice little green robin hood cap with the feather in it?
  11. I'm not sure how many people have seen the show arrow, but I think the outfit would fit perfectly for a skyrim ranger. And the bow+arrows themselves. So I would just like to put in a request for them.
  12. I see, thanks again! -I ran into an error. The error reads... Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "transmuteMineralScript"... c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\transmuteMineralScript.psc(0,0): filename does not match script name: transmuteironoretosaltscript No output generated for transmuteMineralScript, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on transmuteMineralScript Also, it seems to be replacing the original script. Any idea what to do to fix this? -Ok I fixed an invalid object reference to salt, because it's actually called SaltPile. After that it still persists to give me the error, anything you can think of?
  13. Ah, ok, thanks. This helps. Oh one other thing, how do I turn the script into a .pex format?
  14. That's my point. I need help fixing that to accept salt.
  15. Scriptname transmuteIronOreToSaltScript extends ActiveMagicEffect {script for spell to allow transmutation of ores} import game MiscObject Property Ore01 Auto {Lowest value ore} MiscObject Property Ore02 Auto {Salt} Sound Property FailureSFX Auto float property skillAdvancement = 15.0 auto {How much to advance the skill? Only works when spell actually transmutes something} message property failureMSG auto EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) objectReference caster = akCaster if caster.getItemCount(Ore01) >= 1 caster.removeItem(Ore01, 1, TRUE) caster.addItem(Ore02, 1, TRUE) advanceSkill("alteration",skillAdvancement) else ; caster must have had no valid ore FailureSFX.play(caster) failureMSG.show() endif endEVENT This is what I've got so far. It's adapting the original script into a iron ore=salt pile generator.
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