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  1. Actually, it seems glitchy as all heck. I guess THAT'S a reason not to >_<
  2. As far as I can tell, biped objects 44-49 and 52-60 aren't used for anything by default for the playable races, and are therefore available for use without conflict. I've tested it, and you can make an armor add on that uses the #55 biped object*, make an armor that uses that add on and only affects the #55 biped object, and effectively make an equipable skin texture swap that will not conflict with whatever else the player is wearing and be visible through open parts of armor. This could, for example, be used to create things like equipable tattoos (as opposed to modifying the default texture and giving them to everyone). So basically, the intent of this topic is two-fold: share this discovery, and ask if anyone knows of any reason to not use any of the mentioned biped object slots (conflicts with existing popular mods, obscure uses within the game itself, etc). * EDIT: In order for it to work, you have to have the object it WOULD use up selected in the armor add on, but NOT in the armor. For example, if making a body texture swap, you would leave all the existing objects selected and add the new one in the armor add on, but only have the added slot selected in the armor. Another example would be changing out the hands. In the armor add on, you could have the hands and #56 objects selected. In the armor, you would only have the #56 object selected. While wearing the new armor, it will swap out the hands, but not affect any armor worn over it.
  3. I'm wondering if it's acceptable to include files from the game that are almost entirely unedited, or just renamed / moved. For example, including skeletonbeast.nif with a mod, and the ONLY change is that it's been renamed to "skeleton.nif" in order to override the default skeleton and make it possible to add tails with proper animations without editing the races (thus increasing compatibility with other mods).
  4. No new animations? That's really surprising. That was easy to do in the Fallout games.
  5. There are certain things that, as far as I can tell, you cannot change via the creation kit. Thus far, the two main things I'm aware of are invisibility and how the character levels up. I was hoping to make it so the character could interact with things while remaining invisible with a master level invisibility spell, and I was hoping to add more perks (which you can do) along with more perks per level (which I don't think you can do). In summary, two things: Am I mistaken about being unable to change those things using the creation kit, and is there anything you've wanted to do using the kit that you have found to be impossible using the kit as is?
  6. The Argonians and Khajiits use the same skeletons. I've tried applying those skeletons to other races, but this did not seem to result in tails. I don't think I've tried changing the Khajiit or Argonian skeletons to see if that would remove tails.
  7. I am completely baffled as to how to go about adding or removing tails from races. It doesn't seem to be an option in the races themselves at all. Does anybody know how to add / remove tails from races?
  8. I THOUGHT I found the settings to change this, but I did not. Basically, I was hoping to make it so the player could lift almost all objects and corpses with ease and carry them around. I was also hoping I could make telekinesis lift bodies, but I don't think that's happening ^^; Anyway, does anybody know a way to manipulate this? I'm pretty sure there's no chance of carrying around a dragon's corpse to show off, but one can hope, right?
  9. I don't know if there is, but I do know that a filled soul gem is an item unto itself. You could check to see if the player has an empty grand soul gem, remove it, and replace it with a filled one, or just give them a full one if you don't care whether they have one.
  10. I got it to work! I don't think this will work for weapons, as I believe you have to specify which hand equips what, but it seems to work armor. Scriptname AA_redress extends activemagiceffect Armor Property Equipment Auto EVENT onEffectStart(ACTOR akTarget, ACTOR akCaster) akTarget.additem(Equipment, 1) akTarget.EquipItem(Equipment, TRUE) endEVENT EVENT onEffectFinish(ACTOR akTarget, ACTOR akCaster) akTarget.UnequipItem(Equipment, TRUE) akTarget.additem(Equipment, 1) akTarget.removeitem(Equipment, 2) endEVENT The reason the equipment gets added a second time is to get the actor to reevaluate what they're wearing, because apparently ADDING items will make them do that, but NOT removing them. Were I using this to get an actor superior equipment, I would have two equipment variables with something really sucky as the second thing to add and immediately remove just to get them to not walk around in their undies afterward.
  11. I want to make a spell that can force targets to equip items that are temporarily added to their inventory. "additem" and "removeitem" compile just fine, but "equipitem" and "unequipitem" result in "equiptiem is not a function or does not exist" errors. Here is the script I'm trying to make work in the Magic Effect: Scriptname AA_redress extends activemagiceffect import game MiscObject Property Equipment Auto EVENT onEffectStart(ACTOR akTarget, ACTOR akCaster) objectReference target = akTarget target.additem(Equipment, 1) target.EquipItem(Equipment, TRUE) endEVENT EVENT onEffectFinish(ACTOR akTarget, ACTOR akCaster) objectReference target = akTarget target.UnequipItem(Equipment) target.removeitem(Equipment, 1) endEVENT
  12. In short: I'm not sure how to make sure new enemies and summoned creatures are balanced relative to the player and the enemies they can be expected to face at any given level. I would appreciate any guidelines / advice on the matter. In Long: Upon discovering how easy it is to make "Conjure ______" spells, I decided to make a "Conjure Sabre Cat" spell. Thinking it was level 6 and the Flame Atronach was level 5, I figured the "Conjure Sabre Cat" would be a reasonable Apprentice level spell. Then I summoned the Sabre Cat at a bandit camp (while level 10) and it utterly decimated it. It ran around like a honey badger destroying everything in sight, one-hitting the weaker bandits and making reasonably short work of the stronger ones. I have since learned that there's more to power levels than, well, levels, and adjusted the stats and attacks of the summoned cat, but I still don't know if it's balanced or not and I'm not certain how to truly test if it is. I enjoy actually building a character, and my goal is ultimately to make mods with spells that could be used by a player as they play through the game without making it too easy or difficult. Thoughts? I'm sure I'm not the only one who could benefit from guidelines for this sort of thing.
  13. There are several functions that, as I understand it, are accessible if you extend your scripts properly, so I get that you have to do that to access some of these functions. There are a whole lot of condition functions available, however, and I haven't been able to figure out how to access some of them via scripts. For example, I want to access IsBeingRidden() to insure a magic horse doesn't vanish while the player is riding it. I can get IsPlayerLastRiddenHorse() to work just fine in a script, but if I try to use IsBeingRidden() in the same script, it refuses to compile. Are some condition functions just not available via scripting, or am I missing something?
  14. Does anyone know how to check to see if the player is currently riding a horse? I'm working on making spells that can temporarily summon a horse, but if the horse vanishes while the player is still on it, the player basically winds up being stuck. I want to make it so the horse won't vanish if the player is still on it. The easiest way I can think to accomplish this is to check to see if the player is riding a horse, but even though there appears to be a console command for checking this, "IsRidingHorse", the CK doesn't seem to recognize it as a valid thing to check. Here are the relevant code snippets as I've been trying to do this: OBJECTREFERENCE Property myActor Auto myActor = Game.GetPlayer() IF(myActor.IsRidingHorse == FALSE)
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