As far as I can tell, biped objects 44-49 and 52-60 aren't used for anything by default for the playable races, and are therefore available for use without conflict. I've tested it, and you can make an armor add on that uses the #55 biped object*, make an armor that uses that add on and only affects the #55 biped object, and effectively make an equipable skin texture swap that will not conflict with whatever else the player is wearing and be visible through open parts of armor. This could, for example, be used to create things like equipable tattoos (as opposed to modifying the default texture and giving them to everyone). So basically, the intent of this topic is two-fold: share this discovery, and ask if anyone knows of any reason to not use any of the mentioned biped object slots (conflicts with existing popular mods, obscure uses within the game itself, etc). * EDIT: In order for it to work, you have to have the object it WOULD use up selected in the armor add on, but NOT in the armor. For example, if making a body texture swap, you would leave all the existing objects selected and add the new one in the armor add on, but only have the added slot selected in the armor. Another example would be changing out the hands. In the armor add on, you could have the hands and #56 objects selected. In the armor, you would only have the #56 object selected. While wearing the new armor, it will swap out the hands, but not affect any armor worn over it.