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About Retr0Fissi0n

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Now it may have already, I'm not too sure, but I feel Skyrim is finally dying out. With the release of Enderal, people are rushing back in to play but once that fades, so too does the title itself. I feel that a mod should be made where people can use it to commemorate all the amazing memories we had with Skyrim. A 'Memento Gallery' if you will. I envision it as a mod which simply adds a room to all player homes. Since the Hearthfire DLC gives you an option to build your own home, and because of the nature of the mod itself, I should think that the mod would require all three DLC's. The room shouldn't be large, preferably around the size of your Breezhome bedroom, or perhaps a room similar size to Farengar Secret Fire's main room. The size isn't of great importance. The room, however, is lined with shelves. These shelves hold various mementos that you will unlock during the course of the vanilla game and DLC's. Each memento is a different statue or piece of memorabilia that links to all our favourite moments from Skyrim. The statues would unlock procedurally as you complete main quests and side quests but not miscellaneous. Some statues could include... For The Main Quests: A Headsman - Completing Unbound The Throat of the World - Completing Way of the Voice Alduin - Completing Dragonslayer For Faction Quests: Nocturnal - Completing Darkness Returns (Thieves Guild) Emperor Titus Mede II - Completing Hail Sithis! Eye of Magnus - Completing The Eye of Magnus For Side Quests: Potema's Skull - Completing The Wolf Queen Awakened Aetherium Forge - Completing Lost to the Ages A Shiv - Completing No One Escapes Cidhna Mine For Daedric Artifact Quests: A Beer Mug - Completing A Night to Remember Barbas - Completing A Daedra's Best Friend A Long Table With Sheogarath Seated in the Center - Completing The Minds of Madness Finally, something that hit me real hard when I was going through a ton of my unique items in my house, was that so many of the special items we own, are given to us by characters that have praised us, thanked us, and even died for us so that we can help those in need. So i think one whole shelf should be dedicated to all the most influential and memorable characters in the game. I won't go through all of them now, and I want to also say that all ideas for statues listed above are just that, ideas, and can easily be changed during the creation of the mod. This is something I'd really like to see happen and if anyone is interested in making this mod please contact me and I can give you further information and possibly even start discussing more ideas. A fine day to you friends, may you all die with swords in your hands.
  2. That image is from modded, i have concluded that without mods it doesnt happen.
  3. http://imgur.com/a/SY271 thats me when im walking on rocks in a stream
  4. I dont believe it is normal since the character literally stands on the rock like it has its own gravitational field. Let me try get a screenshot.
  5. Im not using any camera mods no, ive gone through loot as well and nothing is conflicting. It said a couple of soundtrack mods added meshes too but i disabled them and the problem still persists.
  6. So ive recently been installing some lighting overhauls and some enb mods, and also fiddling with some other general improvements. Recently however, ive come across a bug that causes my character to erratically wobble when walking over certain surfaces (usually brick roads or small stones in streams). At the moment im under the impression that it could be something to do with unique grasses or the flora overhaul since this alters the meshes of some surfaces ie: rocks. The way the character walks makes it seem as if hes walking over every rock or pebble with anti gravity powers so one minute he'll be standing upright the next he'll be on a 45 degree angle. Im currently going through my load order and trying to find the culprit but i would appreciate any help i could get. Thanks in advance.
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