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Everything posted by shockins

  1. Hmm...that might be underestimating just how trivial I am, but I'll look into it. Thanks, Neph.
  2. Thanks Geechan! That's exactly it. :D http://a4.ec-images.myspacecdn.com/profile01/133/7bfa9257d9564e1ca744bdc734c36c95/t.jpg Sweet ass sweet!
  3. This should be easy, I saw this mod on the Nexus no more than a month ago, but I've spent the past 10 min typing in different search terms in tesnexus and google and can't come up with it so... What's the name of the mod that adds light crystals or jewels that are useful for screenshots? I should clarify that it's crystals/jewels that emit light for help lighting screenshots. :) Thanks!
  4. Any bounce wizards out there able to add BBB support to Geechan's upperbody files in this mod? Smaller Hands Geechan stopped work on it over a year ago, with only the E-Cup top supported. That leaves DMRA and others languishing away stiffly....sadness. :(
  5. I'd just download http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13437"Apachii Goddess Store"] and go wild...there's all kinds of great outfits in there, from demure to demeaning. You'll be able to find exactly what you're looking for and more. :-)
  6. So I reloaded the Chocolate Elves OMOD and was surprised to see that the ears textures and/or meshes aren't right. See how they're supposed to look: And I took a screenie of how mine are coming up. The chocolate elf omod is the last one I've loaded, any ideas what's going on? Thanks all! :thumbsup:
  7. Got it, thanks! [Full Disclaimer] The worst part is...I've been on that website before. :wallbash:
  8. Chakaru11, Thanks for the reply, I'll try messaging Hentai and see if he can help. Consignment prize is I like the Lancer Dread armor you identified so I'll check that out... :dance: How about this one? It's a user upload image on the Synx page but the user hasn't been online for about a year so I'm thinking asking him/her is a dead end. I need to spend more time playing this game, and less time dressing up my virtual dolls... :blush:
  9. All right, I was successful with my last query (Tobjoern = awesome), so I'm going to be greedy and try again. Can anyone identify the armor and pose pack this cute little Diablo Elf is using? Thanks!
  10. Neph, I know you've got computer problems and an actual life outside of this, but if you ever get a head of steam going again, I submit for your consideration: Seraphim Armor DMRA? No pressure, but I hope it strikes your fancy and we'll see a conversion posted in the future. Hentai gave full freedom for conversions, he just asked for a mention in the credits. :thumbsup:
  11. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1179647-1279739449.jpg So this has been gone over before, around May-June of last year, but I'm looking for the Lady Fantasy armor. It's no longer available on the Anvil Bay site and every mention of it is about a year old and links back to that site. Does anyone have it or know where I can find it? Also, forgive my newbness, but I've heard mention of it being a "rip." I gather that's a black flag but I'm not sure why. I've even found a BBB replacer but I can't find the original mod. Am I just out of luck? Thanks for the help! (also, sorry for the GIANT freakin' picture I linked, but the small ones I found on Google Image search weren't allowed to be linked...)
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