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About FusionCola

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  1. Until now clipping issues seem to have never been an issue for bethesda games. Hopefully we'll get the CK soon.
  2. Please for the love of god I am begging you. Someone! Anyone! The biggest immersion breaker I have and I assume many other people have with the game is the invisible holstered weapons in third person. I mainly play in first person but I occasionally jump into third person to enjoy views and enjoy how awesome my character looks. I hope you can understand how immersion breaking it is that when you go to third person you don't see your equipped weapons. So please, anyone, make it possible for us to see our weapons. Thank you.
  3. My only gripe with the game thus far is the lack of your holstered weapons showing up in third person. That would be my go to first mod.
  4. Harkon's sword needs a scabbard. Someone should make this.
  5. I found this picture and can't find where the guy got this mod. It's allowing him to show multiple weapons on his belt. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/13486-1-1332695660.jpg
  6. I am experiencing random game freezes. When walking through the world/entering an area I will start to hear this sound like it's hung on something. The game is responsive until a few minutes later, then it proceeds to freeze, continue playing the background music and every few seconds the sound will freeze and continue to play the background music. I then have to start task manager to close Skyrim out. The game won't leave the process menu for a few minutes. I don't think I'm overpowering my laptop. I just thought I would ask for your thoughts. It's not gamebreaking by any means but it's annoying.
  7. That is really uncool. Oh well I'm okay with it. Thanks and one septim for you!
  8. I would greatly appreciate it! If anyone would do so by using console commands or such I would compensate them with a few septims!
  9. Considering I'm only a wee level 15 enchanting I can't try it and I don't want to power level enchanting just to find out that it doesn't work as I hoped it would. I would ask for someone to try it for me, but I don't think that's a fair request.
  10. Sorry didn't specify that I am not on a PC version this time. :rolleyes:
  11. I'm curious about whether you can apply a secondary effect to an already enchanted item. For example if I were wanting to enchant my Nightingale armor with an extra set of enchant effects. Can I do this? I don't want to ruin my build by going in blindly. Thanks!
  12. I hope to god this is a bug. I really wanted this mask. Bad. From the chatter on this post it sounds to me like a bug which I hope will be fixed SOON. By soon I mean in the next 15 minutes or I'm showing up to Bethesda pipe bomb in hand. :wallbash:
  13. I have done a lot of research into this and the only answer I seem to get is that it's a female only feature. Although, I have heard that it's a bug caused by facial hair. I would really like a PC user to check this out for me since I'm on 360 this run around. I would say it's not a bug and just something stupid bethesda decided to do (1st Recon armor not available to players).
  14. I would absolutely love to have this Mosin-Nagant sniper rifle I would be willing to compensate the maker in any way because I want this so bad. After replaying Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and beating The End again I realized that I want to make a character styled after him.... Now it's kind of hard for me to do that without actually having a weapon like his. Here is the main idea of what it should look like http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Mosin_pu_hungarian_M52.jpg Please consider it!! Thanks, Fusion..
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