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Everything posted by CardinalFunky

  1. If someone could implement the enchanting system from Skyrim into Fallout 4, then that would probably be possible. As of right now, I have no idea if you can do that.
  2. I agree. I play a wide variety of games, not just franchise after franchise, like Fallout; so I am well adaptable to any change within a game. The dialog system isn't bad. Its like Mass Effect's dialog system, and that is fine by me. Furthermore, I haven't experienced many bugs, glitches, or really many of anything within the game. I play Fallout 4 for a bit, take a break, get back on it and complete whatever I was doing, chill and type on my blog, and play it some more. I believe many people just assume something will be put in the game, and get disappointed really fast when they notice something changed. The game is still a Fallout game, and I also enjoy the story within the game.
  3. I finished the survey for you! Hopefully, you get what you need.
  4. Yeah, I agree with Daemons Bane. I want to also learn how to make modifications and see how the current modders are doing it. I guess, it is time to do more digging!
  5. Your specifications look fine, at least to me. My notebook specs: 16 GB RAM Nvidia GTX 950m 2 GB Intel Core i5-4210H 2.90 GHz Windows 10 I run this game from 40-60 fps. It dips into the 30's, sometimes. But that's about it and I play in 1080p. It's probably because you are using an amd card. But, I am not sure.
  6. I agree with Enthusiast as well. The game developers gave the us the base game and also gave us the power to create something better. Modders are great, but I would not bust down the developers. They did their part.
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