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  1. Did someone successfully created a user log file? In my scripts debug.OpenUserLog(() returns true but no file is created at all and I don't even see any system log file anywhere... Evidently I modified my Starfield.ini with [Papyrus] bEnableLogging≡1 bEnableTrace≡1 bEnableProfiling≡1 bLoadDebugInformation≡1
  2. The one doing this will be a god for all modders
  3. Found the problem, most of the files in my scripts folder were RO and Windows didn't react but did not replace them when I installe F4SE :/
  4. Yes, MessageBoxEX is the dynamic version. I use 0.4.0 and even when I try to call getName() on a form the compiler refuse to work....
  5. Are we far from some functions like cloning, messageboxex and getting/setting name of a form? :)
  6. Faites des bebes - Babies Maker can be freely integrated, use it as a lib. Good luck :)
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