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  1. Ahhh....good idea to use BOSS...I could swear I was checking for Dawnguard requirements...but I seem to have misclicked or thought I was going to buy it soon when I installed a version of a mod that requires it...:rolleyes: So..I redownloaded the non Dawnguard version and everything is fine again :D Thanks for the help :thumbsup:
  2. Hmm....that might be a possibility....so...I only have to check 50 mods for updates that require Dawnguard :D Edit: But actually that should not be the issue..mods are loaded when loading a savegame..not in the main menu. Edit 2: The Soundsettings thingy should also not be the cause because my settings are at 16 bit...might help the op, though: http://solidlystated.com/software/skyrim-pc-crash-to-desktop-at-startup/
  3. I can´t give you any suggestions...but I can tell you that I have the exact same issue...never happened to me before and I didn´t install any new mods.
  4. Well..with large amounts of polygons it´s gonna lag on any machine. You could try the newer 2.5/2.6+ versions of Blender (don´t know if there are exporters for those..I am Blender user but no modder) which might be more optimized. There you can turn on "VBOs" which increases performance. If it lags with only the default cube..well..then there is a strange problem on your machine because it should be fast enough.
  5. REALLY Awesome. Kudos for this. I knew you could make big battles using console commands but you really made this a great movie.:thumbsup:
  6. Actually it doesn´t matter wether you buy Skrim on the DVD or on the Steam Shop. The only thing that makes you own the game is the key that comes with the DVD and allows you to register the game to your Steam Account. The only difference is that you don´t need to download the whole game from steam but have a DVD from which you can install a part of the game (you will have to download all the patches and the language files, though). Changing the language is no problem in the PC version...consoles can´t change the language.
  7. I didn´t feel offended, don´t worry :biggrin: Actually this solution isn´t too bad..it works with 4 multisamples (i reduced it to 2 to get a bit better performance) and it isn´t too noticeable. At least it works again and I can finally play Skyrim WITH AO. And thanks for your kind help *kudos*8)
  8. I don´t have Nvidia AO enabled and I also don´t use Nvidia AF. And no...I didn´t find the solution by searching the internet, I somehow managed to get rid of that problem by myself...but I have no idea how... And I know that somebody else has the same problem from this post: http://forums.nexusm...ost__p__4371385 It´s actually quite unlikely that it´s something in my driver´s settings because I didn´t change them....I only remember launching Skyrim through the Launcher.. Well..I will delete all the ENB stuff and place it there again..even though I don´t think that will make any difference because nothing was changed with it..but who knows... Edit: That didn´t help but I think I have found out what´s causing the problem: My VRAM is full (at lower resolutions everything is fine and Nvidia Inspector says that 99 % of the VRAM is full). So..now I am trying to lower some of the SSAO settings (especially the resolutions) to fix this...but I am wondering why it suddenly needs so much more VRAM...it worked for me whith a lot higher settings and now it´s full...don´t understand it.. Edit 2: I greatly reduced the multisample count (i guess the launcher set it to a higher setting and i didn´t remember that i had lower settings..) and now i am at 98 percent VRAM usage and it works again XD...so...the multisample count was the problem
  9. Well, at least one other guy has the same problem. The launcher shows ENB as my graphics adapter. No, I didn´t delete the enb config file...the launcher overwrote SkyrimPrefs.ini and also messed up the .esps. So my enbconfig is still the one with which it worked. I fixed my .esps and looked into SkyrimPrefs.ini, but it still seemed ok (i only changed the terrain and trees to cast shadows and changed bFloatPointRenderTarget to 1 if I remember correctly.) as the settings I changed were left untouched. So I don´t know where the problem suddenly is.. To clarify: When the save was loaded I have like 0.5 fps and the screens turns brighter and darker all the time. What I can see looks like the AO/IL pass. That only happens if AO is turned on, so that´s the reason obviously. I had this problem one time before when I made my own config but I forgot how i fixed it -.-
  10. Omg...now I have got that strange bug with ENB again...when I have AO activated the screen turns bright and dark and it´s impossible to play. Happened after I accidently launched the game through the launcher and it messed everything up...I have no idea how to fix it (bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 of course). :wallbash:
  11. Well, I am too lazy to try and test wether it is possible to remove that problem with some tricky settings but I found a configuration here on the nexus which seems to do a better job in reducing the problem than I was able to do, so I am using that now. But when I tried making my own config I seemed to me that the fog inside the dungeons was not affected by the FadeFogRange but I may be wrong and only chose wrong values.
  12. If you use the enbseries AO, this can be adjusted. The distance fade value is for AO as seen through fog, precisely. Yes, that works for the distance fog in the exteriors but it doesn´t seem to work for the fog in the caves...
  13. What I don´t like about any AO solution for Skyrim is that in foggy areas of the dungeons the AO is always visible through the fog which really destroys the atmosphere for me...I hope there will be a solution to this one day but I am not quite sure wether it is possible (since the fog there seems to be meshes/particle systems you would have to filter transperent meshes out but that would require you to have access to the source code I guess..but I haven´t looked into the stuff too much so i actually have no idea XD)
  14. It sounds like your version of gimp and the plugin don´t like each other. For me it works on Windows 7 64 bit with builds from Partha.
  15. What about this ? Edit: Ah.i didn´t notice that there was an update again...-.-
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