Well, at least one other guy has the same problem. The launcher shows ENB as my graphics adapter. No, I didn´t delete the enb config file...the launcher overwrote SkyrimPrefs.ini and also messed up the .esps. So my enbconfig is still the one with which it worked. I fixed my .esps and looked into SkyrimPrefs.ini, but it still seemed ok (i only changed the terrain and trees to cast shadows and changed bFloatPointRenderTarget to 1 if I remember correctly.) as the settings I changed were left untouched. So I don´t know where the problem suddenly is.. To clarify: When the save was loaded I have like 0.5 fps and the screens turns brighter and darker all the time. What I can see looks like the AO/IL pass. That only happens if AO is turned on, so that´s the reason obviously. I had this problem one time before when I made my own config but I forgot how i fixed it -.-