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Everything posted by Dwnldz

  1. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season three, episode eleven.
  2. Mmmeh friends are overrated and not needed as long as there is the Internet. I could do just fine without them.
  3. No offense but your version of the story sounds like its from a 1/10 movie directed by Uwe Boll.
  4. Defining a friend: someone you at least sometimes spend time with and you know many things about him/her in real life not just name, birthday and where he/she was in school. Not a friend: someone you allow to come to your home and you know his name. You may have met them once or twice in somewhere and maybe had some "small talk". I have one (1). How many do you have? Remember that I'm not your friend, buddy.
  5. 2K is pretty safe. 4K would not be that much of an improvement because of your display resolution. There are exceptions however: for example a map texture should be much larger because when you zoom in, it would get blurry or pixelated. Just like if you were zooming a picture on a desktop program. If you are unsure, you could download both and see if you note any real difference (take some screenshots or so). But I doubt it would be worth it because 1080p.
  6. I did the main quest first because it was just so interesting. Especially after the quest where I had to go to see what the vampires were looking for. Not sure but I doubt doing side quests first or after the main storyline would affect later on anything; there are no any OP quest rewards.
  7. The UI is fine, this is just a L2P issue. However it would be nice if the controls made any kind of sense. With these keybindings it feels like jumping all over the keyboard just to change some minor stuff. Skyrim's default UI was slightly confusing at first but after a few hours of use it wasn't a problem at all. I'm pretty sure that when there is a UI mod for it, it's no longer even needed because I'm already familiar with the stock UI. :<
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