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About xXlakratoXx

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  1. Thanks for the replies, idk what happened but the problem solved itself
  2. Hello, Just needed some advise and support from people, who got knowledge about BF3. So since a week or so, if I join any server, I get kicked and its says: "connection to server session lost" or " Connection to EA online lost" It happens between 5-10 minutes while playing battlefield and than the screen freezes and I get prompted to main menu with those errors. Someone any suggestions? Looks like that:
  3. Lot of lags to on ps3 I think they definitely need an update for all systems
  4. How do you get it? I only got metro on ps3.
  5. Thanks People from forum, I fixed the problem and will tell you how I did it: I installed Microsoft Security essentials as bben suggested me what has found the virus. I was a trojan a very dangerous one and MSE couldn't delete it. So I was there having a virus on the new PC without being able to do anything. Since the PC is new and I didn't got important programs on it so I completely recovered it with the recover CD including the deletion of the trojan. I had to install all the drivers again but now it is working perfectly and I saved about 30 GB garbage programs because of the recovery. Thanks very much for help.
  6. I got MSE installed it and it found a trojan wich i deleted but it didnt solved the redirecting problem. One example webpage is when i tried to go to thenexusforum
  7. But are you sure it is a virus because i have my experience with viruses and when I got a virus the internet breaks down.
  8. I think I try mcaffee full scan If it doesn't work MSE if that doesn't work spybot and if that doesn't work wich I don't believe ComboFix
  9. Thank you I'm going to install the windows essentials and make a full scan with mcaffee Sometimes it links me to the correct website other times it links me often to commercial websites like cars, insurance.And some anonymous website I have never heard of or seen before. But most times, the useless websites it links me, are different and it's rare to link me to the same page again.
  10. Thanks bben If it is a virus then why I can't find it? I search 2 times guick scan with Mcaffee but it found nothing. How can I get rid of it?
  11. Hello forum I recently bought a alienware with windows 7 x64bit The problem is that if i want to go to a specific website there is a 50% chance that the browser will link me to a undesirable website. It happens to Firefox, chrome and explorer. Does someone got the same problem or a solution to this? If yes please help because it really gets on my nerve.
  12. Good vids but who exactly is the fat singing kid at 2:58 on Video #2 LOL
  13. I posted exactly that question in thenexusforum look it up: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/412759-personal-opinion-what-is-better-battlefield-3-or-cod-modern-warfare-3/page__p__3411562__fromsearch__1#entry3411562
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