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Posts posted by Drazhar753

  1. Hello all!

    So I noticed in this scene when a certain gith visits your camp, his companion is wearing a nice face mask.

    As far as I'm aware this is not something you can get as an item? And since recent hotfixes are causing me some issues in setting up my own modding setup, I wondered if anyone could do me the favour of finding this model and replacing some of the circlets models in the game with it? Namely the Diadem of Arcane Synergy.

    Thanks for your consideration!

  2. As the title states, I cannot seem to download the 32bit version of the CK from steam. I need this for my mod in order to generate the lip files to my dialogue, and so far all alternative methods I have found still need the 32 bit version. When I go into my Library>tools list it's simply not there as an option. I have the option to download the geck for new vegas and CK for skyrim but not fallout 4.


    Anyone have any suggestions?




    Nevermind, Turns out I had to validate my 64 bit creation kit files via the Beth Launcher which created the tools/lipgen folder with the 32 bit CK inside.

  3. Hey all


    Trying to create a spell that can pass through walls, though not a cloak or radial effect. It needs to be projectile, however I am not sure if this is entirely possible. Cone based projectiles like shouts will visually pass through solid objects and walls but will stop effecting things after they have passed through. Does anyone know a way to allow it to continue effecting actors after it has passed through a collision layer? I have tried playing with the collision layers in the projectiles box but not really sure what effect they have, so far haven't had much success with that.

    Can anyone think of any spells, either modded or in the vanilla game that have this effect, ie that are aimed projectile based and pass through walls/solid objects and still effect npcs even after doing so.



    This is a potential work-around solution to a function im trying to get working, basically I have a spell that places down 'remote mines' that detonate when you press a hotkey. What I want to do is instead of having them all detonate when you press the hotkey, instead have only the one you are looking at detonate. And you may think that HasLOS() will do but it won't since need this to work through walls. I was hoping I could make this work using the crosshair but the GetCurrentCrosshairRef() function will only 'get' what is directly under the crosshair, seemingly within grab distance, whereas I need it to get the closest 'mine' that you're pointing the crosshair to. However couldn't really find a way to do this so if you have any thoughts let me know!

    Since that didn't work though I'm going with a spell effect instead, hence needing the projectile to pass through walls but still effect targets, since the remote mines are actually actors, so I can have a magic effect applied to them via the projectile which will trigger the detonation effect.



  4. Hey all


    So currently making a canine companion, was hoping to make it sound like a death hound and can't get it to. Spawned in a bunch of vanilla death hounds and noticed their attacks and general breathing sounds like regular wolves too. Has this always been the case? Or is this a bug of some sort? Because looking through the CK sound descriptors, death hounds have a full set of sound fx for all their attacks etc, but don't seem to be using them in my game.


    Edit: Watched some YT vids, seems to vary a bit but for the most part yes the death hounds in my game make the wrong sounds. Their attacks sound like wolf attacks instead of using their actual sound fx.


    Solved: Found the source of the issue, was the animation files generated by the FNIS creature pack. Not sure if there's a way to have these and not break the deathhound sounds but in my case it doesn't matter since I don't actually need the creature pack, must've just installed it without thinking.


    In case anyone else also finds this to be a problem, the files are located under meshes/actors/canine/animations. Simply remove the attack animations and it should fix it.

  5. Hey all


    I am currently trying to edit the dlc2cycloneshoutprojectile.nif to remain as a constantly playing cyclone as opposed to a temporary thing that then disappears. I have tried tweaking the settings in the NiControllerManager, of which I have a 'little bit' of experience making a few armor pieces in the past have pulsating glow effects, however this is fairly different and more complicated from what I can tell, out of my depth for sure. I managed to make it's animation a loop, as well as start in it's larger state instead of 'growing' during the animation, but cannot figure out how to stop it from fading at the end of the animation.


    If anyone familiar with working on these kinda nifs in nifskope could take a look, maybe give me some pointers I'd appreciate it (or maybe point me to an existing cyclone nif that already works this way). The file is in the dragonborn bsa naturally.

  6. So basically, I am trying to figure out if there is a way to attach an object, such as a movablestatic to an actor. Much like how Setvehicle() works but reversed I suppose, instead of the actor being stuck to that object the object would instead be stuck to the actor, and simple move with them. Is there a way to do this? I know Game.AddHavokBallAndSocketConstraint is a thing but it requires the actor to be in ragdoll mode, or mounted on a horse... So that's no good in this case.


    I thought about AnimObjects, is there a way to 'get' them via script whilst their animation is playing? Basically I am trying to find a way to make an actor 'carry' another actor, and I figure if I can attach a movable static to an actor, then setvehicle another npc to that attached static, voila. I've tried things such as translating to on a loop, but its janky as hell as expected. SetVehicle on both actors to the same static, and then moving the static via translateto works... but its still not quite what im after since they are sliding and their destination has to be controlled via script.

  7. Hey all.

    So I am working on an area in my mod which has a tree which 'pulses' with light, that bits already done in the mesh using an animated glow shader. The issue now however, is getting a sound to sync up with this animation ingame. I have made the sound I want which is a 'thud thud' every 6.247 seconds, so exactly in line with the meshs' animation timer. However, ingame there is a delay when I load into the cell, as in the sound is not in sync even though the marker is there right with the tree.


    From what I can tell the tree is loading and playing its animation first, before the sound marker begins playing. I have tried making the tree a movablestatic instead, and adding the sound as a looping sound to it, but this has the exact same issue. I tried using some script trickery to put a delay on the sound marker 'enabling', which did actually work and made it in sync. But as soon as I moved far from the tree so that it unloaded it messed up again.


    Not to mention when I added more objects into the cell, it threw this timing off even more, which is not AT ALL good enough considering I want to share this mod on the nexus when it's done, so different rigs will have different load times.


    I am pretty sure I have seen ingame objects that animate which are sync'd up with sounds, but I can't recall where. Does anyone have any suggestions or idea of how to do this? I was hoping looping sounds could be added to the mesh in nifskope though that seems unlikely.

    Thanks :smile:

  8. Hey all


    I have a bit of a conundrum, see I am trying to get this mesh I have attached to glow animatedly, and in nifskope it does, but ingame it won't. I have copied the bslightingshaderproperty from another similar mesh which does work ingame however. In fact for about half of these tree meshes it works the way I want it to and for the other half it doesn't. I'm really not sure why...


    So if anyone can give me a hand and take a look at the nif I have uploaded it to my dropbox here https://www.dropbox.com/s/jggqyqnp987wogv/TreeMere03.nif?dl=0


    Nvm, found the issue. Was lacking a BSXflag under the ninode of the actual mesh, had to add that and then toggle on Animated. Thanks anyway :smile:

  9. Okay great news! It is working now, and is consistant across all races/sexes! Thank you so much.




    Eyes glowing

    Eyes back to normal




    Couldn't have done this without you, so kudos to you. I will be sure to include you in the credits of my mod!


    Edit: Can confirm this works perfectly now. I just went through every single race and sex and the eyes work great, as well as remains even when 3d is reloaded. I will have to make custom eyes for argonian and khajiit but in terms of this actual script it's now perfect. Thanks again :)

  10. that killing me i wish I could hlp I know i can tune it but need you mod, but i am very sure you will tweak it right

    It's all good don't worry :). I found that it was 2 instead of 4, so that works now. I think I have it working, will do a bit more testing right now.

  11. It killing me that I can't tweak it & getting working 100% guarantee I Hope you can see it

    Okay so yours works to some degree, but it's replacing the characters' head instead of the eyes as 4, for me anyway. The good news is that it is consistant across all races/sexes. I just need to tweak it till I find the correct number, 4 seems to be the head.

  12. I am doing some tests


    Me too, I am using

    headpart glowyeyes = EyePartList.getat(0) as headpart

    this now, this works much better for all races! So this is an improvement thanks to you! So thank you muchly.

    Now however I must figure out how to store the players' original eyes


    PlayerEyes = Player.GetNthHeadPart(3) ; This does not work properly due to the issue I was having originally, will pick wrong headparts due to the numbers being different from character to character.

  13. I re-read your post, when you do ANY ActorBase changes, whether it a player or an NPC, & they lose there 3D, they lose the changes. For the Player create an PalyerAlias, & use the Events OnLoad && OnPlayerLoadGame to preform some maintenance to reapply what is required. Store this info in an INT for these maintenance events, look at my script to get the general idea. I wasn't being rude, I just felt looking at your code, that you didn't need to held by the hand. It was a compliment. But then I felt this need to be explained. Since that what you were missing, nevertheless, I stand by my comment that you were using the wrong functions. :laugh:


    I didn't think you were rude, but I don't think I'm using the wrong functions unless you can tell me how to change the eyes from a non-glowing to glowing and back with seteyetexture. Also changing the players eyes with Player.SetNthHeadPart(EyePartList.getat(0) as headpart, 4) does persist through reload, at least through my testing which has included reloading saves, as well as closing and reloading the game, changing cells etc.


    Since it is an active magic effect that lasts until dispelled, the information needed is stored in the effect until it ends, so I don't think I need a playeralias for this. However I will look more at your script, as it seems you have determined how to pick out the hair specifically and change that. Maybe I can learn to use that for the eyes.

  14. For the Eyes Colors, all you need to do is replace the Eye Texture Set with




    your making harder than what it needs to be. That why it not working





    f*** It, look at this & try not to copy to much I can't bother explaining it, But that my Code & its for a NPC, not the Player.




    Scriptname PoupAliasCustomizerScript extends ReferenceAlias 
    FormList Property _Poup_HairColorLIST  Auto 
    FormList Property _Poup_HairStlyeLIST  Auto
    FormList Property _Poup_EyeColorLIST  Auto
    Int Property aiHairColor = 0 Auto Hidden
    Int Property aiHairStyle = 0 Auto Hidden
    Int Property aiEyeColor = 0 Auto Hidden
    Int aiHairColor_Var = 0
    Int aiHairStyle_Var = 0
    Int aiEyeColor_Var = 0
    Actor akSelf
    ActorBase akSelfBase
    Event OnInit()
    	akSelf = self.GetReference() as actor
    	akSelfBase = akSelf.GetBaseObject() as ActorBase
    Function SetUpdateMode()
    	If(self.GetState() == "")
    Event OnUpdate()
    		If(aiHairStyle || aiHairColor)
    			HeadPart HairStyle_Def = _Poup_HairStlyeLIST.GetAt(0) as HeadPart
    			ColorForm HairColor = _Poup_HairColorLIST.GetAt(aiHairColor) as ColorForm
    				HeadPart HairStyle = _Poup_HairStlyeLIST.GetAt(aiHairStyle) as HeadPart
    			TextureSet PrettyEyes = _Poup_EyeColorLIST.GetAt(aiEyeColor) as TextureSet
    Event OnLoad()
    Event OnObjectUnequipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)
    Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)
    	If(akBaseObject.HasKeywordString("ArmorHelmet") || akBaseObject.HasKeywordString("ClothingHead"))
    		If(UI.IsMenuOpen("Dialogue Menu") || UI.IsMenuOpen("ContainerMenu"))
    Bool Function IsHeadSlotWorn()
    	return akSelf.GetWornForm(1) || akSelf.GetWornForm(2)
    State MenuMode
    	Event OnUpdate()
    			HeadPart HairStyle = _Poup_HairStlyeLIST.GetAt(aiHairStyle) as HeadPart
    			If(aiHairStyle != aiHairStyle_Var)
    				;PoupUtil.TraceLog("Setting Hair Style")
    				aiHairStyle_Var = aiHairStyle
    			If(aiHairColor != aiHairColor_Var)
    				;PoupUtil.TraceLog("Setting Hair Color")
    				ColorForm HairColor = _Poup_HairColorLIST.GetAt(aiHairColor) as ColorForm
    				aiHairColor_Var = aiHairColor
    			If(aiEyeColor != aiEyeColor_Var)
    				;PoupUtil.TraceLog("Setting Eyes Color")
    				TextureSet PrettyEyes = _Poup_EyeColorLIST.GetAt(aiEyeColor) as TextureSet
    				aiEyeColor_Var = aiEyeColor
    State HeadGear
    	Event OnUpdate()
    			If(aiHairStyle || aiHairColor)
    				HeadPart HairStyle_Def = _Poup_HairStlyeLIST.GetAt(0) as HeadPart
    				ColorForm HairColor = _Poup_HairColorLIST.GetAt(aiHairColor) as ColorForm
    				HeadPart HairStyle = _Poup_HairStlyeLIST.GetAt(12) as HeadPart
    				TextureSet PrettyEyes = _Poup_EyeColorLIST.GetAt(aiEyeColor) as TextureSet
    	Event OnObjectUnequipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)
    		If(akBaseObject.HasKeywordString("ArmorHelmet") || akBaseObject.HasKeywordString("ClothingHead"))
    	Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)
    State Waiting
    	Event OnObjectUnequipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)
    		If(akBaseObject.HasKeywordString("ArmorHelmet") || akBaseObject.HasKeywordString("ClothingHead"))
    	Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)
    	Event OnLoad()








    Did you read the SetEyeTexture function? This will only last until the actor reloads their 3D.


    This will also not carry over a glowing eye mesh from what is originally a non-glowing mesh. Nor will it carry over in saves, or when your 3d is reloaded, ie turning into a werewolf/vampire lord and possibly switching worldspaces and interior cells. So even if I setup something like yours to update whenever the player changes cells or reloads the game, that still does not solve the issue of no glow.


    Changing the textureset to a textureset with a glow does not actually glow, since the players' eye mesh is not setup to glow. Hence why I need to change the mesh, not just the textureset.

    So I don't think I am making this harder than it needs to be, since it's a bit more complicated than just changing the color.


    But thank you for your input.

  15. Hey all


    So I am currently working on an update of my mod, and one of the spells named Occulent Sight will visually change the players' eyes while the ability is active. Now, my script does work for my current character. But when I got to changing race, sex, or even just the look of my own character, it stopped working correctly. Below is part of my script that is giving me issue.




    Scriptname AM_OcculentSightFX extends activemagiceffect  
    FormList Property EyePartList  Auto  
    ActorBase  Property Player Auto
    HeadPart PlayerEyes = none
    int keyactivate
    GlobalVariable Property OcculentSightKeyGlobal Auto
    Spell Property DetectItemSpell auto
    MagicEffect Property DetectingMagic auto
    Sound Property ReleaseSound Auto
    Sound Property FizzleSound Auto
    Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    	keyactivate = OcculentSightKeyGlobal.getvalueint()
    	PlayerEyes = Player.GetNthHeadPart(4) ; Saves the players' current eyes before changing them to the new ones < this is the more troubling of lines 
    	Player.SetNthHeadPart(EyePartList.getat(0) as headpart, 4) ; changes the players' eyes to glowing ones< this is the more troubling of lines 
    	game.getPlayer().QueueNiNodeUpdate() ; Updates the players' nodes to allow the new eyes to display
    Event OnEffectFinish(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
    	Player.SetNthHeadPart(PlayerEyes, 4) ; Reverts the players' eyes to their previously stored ones
    Event OnKeyDown(Int aiKeyCode) ; This works fine
    if(Game.IsFightingControlsEnabled() == true && !Utility.IsInMenuMode())
    	    If aiKeyCode == keyactivate && game.getplayer().hasmagiceffect(DetectingMagic) == false
    	   elseif aiKeyCode == keyactivate && game.getplayer().hasmagiceffect(DetectingMagic) == true




    Now the problem is that the data I have gained from the CK wiki about headparts conflicts, or at least I am confused by it. Here it states that eyes are '2', however that does not work for me when placing that in the second parameter of the SetNthHeadpart function, instead I have to use '4', which does indeed work and replace my characters eyes correctly. If I do use 2 it actually replaces a part of my characters' hair. However when switching sex, race or even just headparts, like changing my hair type or adding scars... this seems to screw this all up. So I imagine that adding or removing head parts changes the values of all of them, frustratingly.


    What I want is to know how to always and specifically be able to get the players' eyes, change the players' eyes and then change them back despite race, sex, or different numbers of headparts. How do I get the eyes headpart reliably? Since I plan on releasing this update when this is done, I'd like this spell to work for everyone no matter what their character looks like, but this is holding me up. I am pretty new to modifying headparts like this, and am confused by what seems to be conflicting information from the CK wiki since here says that eyes are 3, whereas the previous 'here' link says they're 2.... I need a way to reliably determine this and am currently at a loss.


    Any help will greatly be appreciated! I'd like to share this interesting ability with others in the next update of my mod! :smile:

  16. Glad that you've got it working. Are you planning on releasing any time soon? If not, could you post a video? I'd like to see how it looks!


    Well I planned on it being part of the next release of my Anti-mage mod however I am unsure of it's practicality now. Turns out, having a cloak spell that casts something like a firebolt at every target it affects lags the game, since it does it simultaenously. Basically I had it as a contact spell, so when you would strike with the weapon it would apply a 1 second cloak to the target, which in turn would affect any npcs around them which would for each individual cast the spell from the npc with the cloak at the npc affected by the cloak's radius effect. When this would happen my game would hang for a small moment. I've made some pretty convoluted spell scripts so far and none of them have caused the game to hang like that, but I can understand why having that script run simultaenously for every npc around the cloak target would cause lag like that. So in other words I am probably not going to use it after all that trouble, a shame really but not really practical.


    However, if you're truly interested in using it I can pm you the scripts for it. :)

  17. If I understood correctly you want the PC to have a cloak that will fire off lightning at near by actors, right? Maybe something like this..

    Set 2 up cloaks and the desired FF spell. The first cloak, CloakA's goal is only to find targets, it has an empty effect. Now the targets that are effected have the CloakA spell attached to them. From there you should have CloakB's effect check for CloakA on actors. If CloakB detects the effect, MySpell.cast(PlayerRef, ActorWithCloakAEfffect). I think that'll work.

    I've seen spells before that was FF and would hit the nearest actor, lightning spell I believe. That's another method.

    My sneak tree overhaul has a power that enables the PC to hear the hearbeats of actors. Iirc, it was done in a similar fashion as above but I managed to fit it into 1 cloak and 1 FF spell. I can't remember how I done it but you're welcome to crack it open.

    Hi Elias thanks for the reply. I figured it out. It was down to the projectile type. Beam was no good as that would always cast from their mouth directly forward. I tried changing it to firebolt which is a missile type projectile and that will fly in the right directions. Only downside to using missile instead of beam is that there's travel time, as opposed to a beam which more or less instantly reaches it's target. But it's all good, better to have it working to this degree than not at all.


    Cheers all for your help :)

  18. It should be possible. I'm pretty sure the vampire lord cloak of bats has a projectile. The projectile spell should be concentration, aimed, and have the same range as the magnitude of the cloak effect.


    The vampire lord cloak uses VFX attachments through a script, similar to the way the drain health spells and soul crystals in the soul cairn work. I had a look to double check and yeah the actual projectile does nothing, it's managed through script by attaching vfx to the caster and target and set to face each other, it's what gives that visual tether effect between the two. Unfortunately this is not what I'm after, since you must use visual effects whichs' art objects are set up to work in that way in their .nif. Meaning if you try to use something that isn't set up that way (like a lightning bolt's mesh) it'll attach itself at their feet and either point directly down or some other useless direction.


    I'm hoping I'm missing something simple though, perhaps one of the projectile types will work, there's a few archtypes that I haven't tested yet like 'flames' and 'beam'

  19. awesome creativity and ideas!


    although my mod-fu is not strong, and I mainly mod collab in FO4,

    I think some kludges could be possible...

    if skyrim can do some of that stuff... then, more wearable weapons etc will catch on for FO4,

    it's a win-win.


    shavkacagarikia had a snippet in a similar question asked by carnagefield a while back,

    i think that might help.

    that might give you some ideas, though that fragment is based in FO4,

    the concept might help.




    you could have onEvent,

    which is mapped to the button press,

    and a magic nested hidden container...

    that way, it's not too overpowered. ie, it will 'double drain' your mana bar, to use 2 or more powers at once...

    offsetting the zeroing point for the effects node in a wearable cape/cloak...

    that will be tricky.


    you could have a 0% opacity 'cloaked' hidden weapon instance merged with a cloak...

    that could be very sneaky, as it would never count as a weapon, and wouldn't be confiscate or aggro-on-use...


    though, FO4 has 'force powers'.

    so, perhaps those could somehow similarly be kludged with a cloak?

    (either that 'force powers' mod author, or some inspired by that)

    ie, just an animation-group which is the weapon also,

    so you can look like Palps or Zeus throwing that lightning.


    I've tried to tinker a "flight-cape" in FO4,

    in primary colors, Red, Blue, Yellow etc,

    which allow your character to fly to various heights

    so, if that's possible, maybe we can make a 'lightning cloak".


    and, a lenticular/animation 2D-3D cloak surface

    (for that "Inspector Gadget" style hat-band etc.)




    I hope there's some ideas there, or is of some use for you

    and good luck in modding this.


    if we can have flight-capes and capes-nurbs-face-groups be "2D-3D" as a keyed animation surface...

    (think of the awesome, a Universe Sim VR recording as the animation surface on a cloak lining...)

    we can hopefully make a cloak which fires extra stuff at your target.

    Sorry I think you may have misunderstood. I meant cloak as in the spell archetype mechanic, not an actual worn cloak/cape.

    But instead of simply setting enemies nearby on fire, I was trying to figure out how to make it fire projectiles instead.

  20. Is this possible? I have tinkered around with the cloak archetype for a bit but can't seem to figure this out. Didn't seem to want to accept fire and forget spells, needs to be concentration I think. However projectiles do not appear. I tried attaching a script that uses the remotecast function to cast a projectile spell from the caster (cloaked actor) to the target (those in range of the cloak), using the lighting bolt spell to test it, but it fires the projectile from the cloaked actors' mouth directly forward, instead of at the targeted actor. However the targeted actor still takes the hit of the lightning bolt even though they didn't get stricken by the actual projectile itself, so while that's something I really would prefer the visual element to work as well, ie the projectiles flying toward the intended target, from the cloaked individual. Example; Lighting bolt cloak that fires lightning bolts at all targets around the caster simultaenously. Any ideas? :happy:

  21. Hey all, so I am working on a piece of armor using nifscope. However have been stopped in my tracks by a piece of the mesh disappearing when at certain angles/distances. It displays fine in the nifscope render window, but in both the creation kit and ingame it will disappear based on distance and angle.
    Now I have managed to figure out when it happens, but I am unsure how to fix it after it does happen. It happens when I rotate the mesh in question. The pointed end is usually flat, I have rotated it using the transform function in nifscope to change it's orientation as well as moved it along the z and y axis to put it back into position, as rotating it took it quite far from the original mesh I copied it into. However after I do this the disappearing begins, with or without a texture and with or without an alpha channel.


    The piece is nowhere near finished, but I need to figure out how to fix this issue before continuing. pls help :sad:







    Edit: So I think it's due to that the original 'underside' is now facing outwards, as it does not disappear when zooming in on the mesh from above which was the original 'front' of the mesh. The -now- original 'front' is what was the side which no one could really see, so I suppose it wouldnt render when viewed from that angle as it wouldnt be able to be seen anyway? So now that I think this is what it is, I just need to know what you have to do to fix this, how to either remove that function all together or at least update the mesh in some way so it understands which way it's going to be viewed from.


    Edit2: I worked it out it seems. For anyone else who has a similar problem and happens across this, you must go into the NiTriShape>BSDismemberSkinInstance>SkinTransform and change the scale to 1.0, as for me it was 0.07908 which apparently was the sole cause.

  22. Hey all


    So I am making a face mask in nifscope based on this below.




    And this is what I've done so far,



    dw it'll be much better once I get around to giving it proper textures.


    Anyhow, my main problem is I am having trouble finding objects for the curved metal bit that goes over the nose, with the glowing runes on it. I just need something similar to that in shape and it'll be pretty easy to add it on and resize it as necessary. I've had a little success with things like circlets and forehead-armor but it's not quite right even after altering the shape a bit in nifscope. Does anyone know of any objects, preferably part of existing head pieces that have a part like this?


    p.s. would love to be making this in blender but have had far too much trouble getting it working correctly with imported nifs.

  23. Greetings folks


    I am seeking a modeler who would be kind enough to create this mask (or the likeness of) for skyrim for my mod (just the mask, not the floating stones around the torso).





    I do not require textures. Just the actual crafting of the mesh is what I cannot do, as I cannot get blender to function correctly on my machine with the importing of .nifs otherwise I would be trying to create it myself.


    Feel free to pm me if interested! Willing to help however I can.

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