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About KarnivalKarnage

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    United States
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    Everything, man.
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    Dragon Age: Origins (of course)

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  1. Hey there guys I am very much interested in making my own mod, and have extensively mapped out what it is I'd like to do. My (rather dumb) question is this - can I have mods downloaded while making my own? What I mean is, can I have mods downloaded onto my computer and active in a save file while also crafting a mod of my own, or will that confuse the process of finding bugs?
  2. It just says "Open Door" as though it leads to another part of the same zone. I'm chalking it up to unfinished mods, I think.
  3. Hey again lovely people Was wondering if there's a known reason why some doors only open up halfway (as though a loading screen is incoming) with mods? Is this generally because the author has yet to put anything behind the door, or is there a fix somewhere? I'm only asking because it's happened a few times and I've not seen it mentioned in the respective mods threads.
  4. I was also thinking of this, and how amazing it'd be! It could totally become lore-friendly if you style it in Dwemer fashion. Take a look at the recent Hyperion mod that acts a little bit like an Iron Man suit. If we could make the armor, create some standard "energy blast" spells and, eventually, get the hang of flying - it could be SO rad! Wish I could do it, but I don't know a thing about modding. It would be great though.
  5. I'm having weird mods CTD on Continue as well. Sheogorath's Shout of Madness is one of them, as the OP mentioned. I feel like that one in particular is odd, because it's only a spell added. Also worrisome - Midas, Phenderix and Apocalypse are also crashing the game, which is really weird because I know for a fact they can all be used together, let alone by themselves. I've spent almost all day trying to tweak the mod list to perfection, so it could be that I'm just too tired now and overlooking something silly. I have BOSS installed and active, but it doesn't seem to be clearing up any of the problems. Other mods that are CTD upon loading - Blackmarsh Dovahkiin Relax Dance of Death Tamriel Compendium Glowtastic ... I'm aware that house mods are tricky and new areas can be rough, but some of these mods are "simple" and really have no reason to be not working :c I'ma just got to bed and try some more tomorrow.
  6. Will take it all into account! Thank ya :) Another question - Can NMM and the Steam Workshop work in harmony properly, or will I forever be fighting a weird tug-o-war of load order?
  7. Hey guys! I've been having a ton of fun with Skyrim and mods the past two weeks, and it can only get better. I don't have the best knowledge of modding or load order, but I've been able to tell what conflicts and what doesn't (example: Dovahkiin's Hideout doesn't play well with quite a few mods.) Anyway, for most Quest mods, I CTD almost immediately and I've been unable to tell why. I've checked my list over a few times and nothing seems like it should crash them, but it still happens. I'd also like to know if there are any other well known mods that have a penchant for misbehaving with others (I've heard WATER does, as does the aforementioned Hideout.) If y'all can help in anyway, that'd be grand. Thanks~
  8. Holy %%$#^%%%%%%%%$#%$% you guys are amazing! Got it :D Now, I shall toy around with browsers it seems. I'm using Opera, but only because it never dawns on me to use anything else. Perhaps I should try Chrome. Thank you guys SO much for all your help. :) EDIT: Yep, it must just be an Opera thing - Chrome automatically downloads stuff into .dazip format. I'm an idiot.
  9. Okay, I definitely think we're getting somewhere - now comes the embarrassing part - how do I change the extension? When I go to download the mod, it tries to automatically save as winRAR archive (*.7z). The only other option is All Files (*_*). I thought I could maybe just manually type in .dazip, but it isn't allowing me to do this. It's simply a pull down screen with those two options. I feel like I'm SO close! :'(
  10. Hey there! I'm very new to the site and have only just started using mods myself, but I am in love with many, many of the ideas that I have seen. Now, I'm personally pretty cruddy with programming and whatnot, but I would LOVE to help people with writing or voice acting or anything of that nature. I figured I would post this and toss it out to the modders around here. Please, absolutely feel free to PM me about whatever it is you may need help with. :)
  11. I shall post another example, but keep in mind that each of these scenarios is identical with what I'm getting. This time, we'll use the Personal Castle and Harem mod as the example. The description says there should be a .dazip in the file. When I download it, I am given it as a zipped up winRAR file. When I extract it, I am given a Contents folder and a Manifest text document. Inside the Contents folder are the sub-folders of addins and packages. These both continue on to "core" and "module" folders. Inside these are files that .erf or.cif. So I basically have a jumble of files that probably IS the mod, I just don't know how to stitch them together to make a proper .dazip. Like I said earlier, more files than not do this exact same thing. Some (Ser Gilmore, Lock Bash and Devout Armor) give me the .dazip no problem. But others, as you can see, just give me a mess of files. I really appreciate you helping me out - you're awesome! And your sig reminds me of an Edgar Allan Poe quote - "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." :)
  12. Thanks for the reply! Unfortunately, my problem has come no closer to being solved :( I'll give you another example - for the Extra Dog Slot mod, when I extract the files using winRAR, I am given two items - one folder titled "Contents" and a text document titled "Manifest." Where do I go from this point? Do I simply just throw that into the Override folder, or is there something huge I'm missing? This particular mod doesn't say anything about DAzips, but the majority of mods that need extracted are coming out this same way.
  13. Hey guys! So, I'm the typical "has no idea what they're doing" noob trying to install some mods. Actually, I'm probably better off than some, because I have managed to make quite a few work, but I haven't been able to install all of them perfectly. Basically, I have DAMM, so when a mod is already in DAZIP form I'm pretty much good to go, no problems. However, some of the mods I've downloaded contain only a "Contents" folder along with a "Manifest" text document. I've gotten bits and pieces of these mods to work by simply copy+pasting to the Override folder, but some are glitched or simply don't work at all. For instance, for the Quest and Legends pack, it is downloaded as a ZIP which I then use WinRAR to extract. When it is extracted, only the two things I mentioned earlier are visible - Contents and Manifest. I've read the Using Dragon Age Mods for Dummies guide and I've also read Combining multipart files using 7-zip guide, but I cannot even get to a point where anything in that guide would become relevant. I have WinRAR and 7zip both downloaded. Sorry again for the, I'm sure, annoying question. Appreciate any help!
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