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About ArminVB

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  1. Sorry for the stupid question, but the modes pages doesn't make that clear, TIE (1.45) read-me says that I might require TIE for mods for compatibility with other mods, even though its outdated, then says bash tagging might be enough, and TIE4Mods (based on TIE 1.23) doesn't say if I should delete the original T.I.E esp or not. So basically my question is, whats the best way to run the latest version of T.I.E (v 1.45) with FCOM. Thanks
  2. Just wanted to say that you guys are awesome! Keep up the good work!
  3. Hello, I managed to remove the spiders from the game using FCOM's no spider plug-in, but TIE just adds to types of small spiders to the game, Eastern Dragonbacks and Western Dragonbacks. Is there a way to remove them? or at least find a way so I can't see them, I didn't encpunter an yet, but from the video of the spiders, they look like they can't be attacked -not sure though-, I'm not good at this stuff but I wonder if there is a way of at least deleting their texture and sounds -if they have any- so I can't see them will work, or subtituting teir meshes with anything else, so that they're not spiders anymore. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35265 Thanks
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