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  1. Recently I tried the mod Ekkii Spouse Life which allows your spouse to open up a small stall in Whiterun as well as attend to other activities in the market. Since my wife, Ysolda, lives in Lakeview Manor I assumed that the mod would not affect her (as the author explained in the description that if you don't live in Breezehome your spouse will not be affected, but an empty stall will be present in the city). It was probably foolish on my part to not be more cautious with the mod, as I assume it has not been updated for the release of hearthfire, but never the less I have run into several unsolvable problems even after uninstallation. First off, Ysolda not only leaves Lakeview Manor if I bring here there using console commands, but she doesen't even have the option for me to ask her to move elsewhere in her dialogue menu. When I used player.moveto I found that she would just go about Whiterun and ultimately rest in her original house (not Breezehome) during the night. She is still married to me and allows me to collect money from her store and so on, but essentially she seems to still be affected by the scripts from this mod. Unchecking every mod in my load order didn't seem to do anything either. Now the strange part is, and although I admit that I don't really have any experience modding, I can't seem to find any script that should be affecting her. Since I downloaded and installed the mod through the Nexus Mod Manager client I wasn't sure what files would be related to the issue so I downloaded the mod again manually. After uncompressing the package all I found was an .esp and a readme so I'm very confused as to what would cause this continuous problem. Upon installation the mod doesn't overwrite any data, and I couldn't find any scripts in the scripts or source folder that were named relevantly. It also said in the mod's description that simply disabling and mod in the NMM client should be all that is needed. I also tried tried disabling and then enabling her with the console using resetai as well as recycleactor all to the same effect. I have not been able to find any mention of this issue anywhere. I'm completely exhausted and confused on the topic.
  2. Although I am not exactly sure which mod is the source of this problem (as it may be several of mods for all I know), there seems to be an issue with the icons for a number of the items I have run across in a new play-through I am attempting. Upon further inspection it seems to be that icons that the author made (which contain an image for the item and a short description of it) are either too large for the UI, or are placed too far upwards for other reasons; In the trading screen or on the Pip-boy the icons interfere with other lines and text that then becomes unreadable. At first I thought that perhaps the mod I was using, Interface Mod - Revelation, was the obvious source of my issues, but I was proven incorrect after uninstalling the mod and searching for the same issue. I then tried using the vanilla UI and adjusting my resolution--still no luck. I tried every available resolution in the game's options, but the problem was not solved. Finally I tried using MTUI to adjust the UI, and then I tried using it again with my original UI mod as well with little to no luck. Is there a way to properly adjust, or replace these icons in the UI if I can identify which mod they originate from? Or is it possible to arrange the UI so that it fits these oddly sized icons? EDIT: I was able to find the icons were from Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition. I was also able to find where the icons were stored, but they seem to be .dds files and I am unsure of how to proceed from here.
  3. Is there a way to remove quest items from your inventory? Specifically I am wondering about the menu-items added by mods such as Fallout Wanderers Edition or DK_Bullet Time that allow you to open up a menu that displays options or settings relevant to the mod. I find the items often out of place as well as cluttering in my inventory. It sort of ruins the immersion for me. Is there a way to remove them either with console commands or with the Fallout 3 GECK? Or edit their name or icon at the least?
  4. Thanks for the suggestions. It took longer than I would have liked, but I was able to finally track down the source of my problem, or one of the issues anyways. I found a door in the game that would always caused me to crash to the desktop when I opened it, so I created a new save and went through my load order and started un-checking and checking mods with a fair dose of trial and error. I found that the culprit was a mod that adds leveled bandits and random attackers. I can't say I have much real technical experience with modding at all, but I'm assuming by uninstalling and reinstalling the mod carelessly I must have messed with how and where these characters spawned, or where they previously were to spawn before I updated and reinstalled the mod.
  5. So basically I've had a lot of issues lately trying to use mods both from Steam's workshop along side with mods from the Nexus. In preference of the stability and updates from this community I unsubscribed from all of my Steam mods, deleted old files, and did a complete re-install. Before I go bashing on how poorly some mods handled the newest update, I was pleasantly surprised that after updating to the newest script extender that my save games loaded hassle free and were not corrupted in any way to my knowledge. However after some short game-play I was once again plagued by the constant problems I had earlier that now remain unresolved. It seems that very specific areas of the game will always cause me to crash to my desktop without any error message occurring. The appearance of the game areas that cause me to crash appear extremely normal and to ensure that there were no issues with the game's cells I went into my house and had my character sleep for a week as to reset them. Unfortunately I am unable to explain exactly where the game crashes and it would be quite difficult to find a specific mod associated with these problems as the game seems to crash in the most spontaneous and unlikely places, although the places remain consistent. It could be travelling down a road or going into a building, but the same building or road always cause the game to crash. Some of these areas also seem to be very large and throughout the entire map. Currently I am trying to run the game on a laptop with these specs: Processor: Intel® Core™ i7 Processor Memory: 4GB Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 310m OS: Windows 7 64bit
  6. QFT. Oblivion does not really make use of or acknoledge dual or quad cores. There are certain ini tweaks you can try to edit the way it handles RAM/memory, but bottom line is that it does not matter to Oblivion if you have a dual core processor or not. The stutter remover should help, you can also edit the cell buffer etc in the Ini. Okay, actually I figured it out somehow last night. Oh, and sorry about posting the topic twice... I probably should have checked the forum rules before spamming like that. Anyways I always wondered why the game wouldn't allow me to activate both AA and HDR and why it had such trouble recognizing my graphics card, so last night while I was tweaking the .ini and trying out the stutter remover as well as other things people suggested I tried running the game with AA and bloom lighting. Now, it doesn't look INCREDIBLE, but along with the edited draw distances and some changes to the grass and trees it definitely runs at at a tolerable speed outside. It's not perfect, but it's about as good as it's going to get.
  7. Well I guess that's pretty obvious now... Although I hear a lot of people complaining about how poorly written Oblivion was. Is there any truth to that? Because aside from the toll that high quality shading has on my GPU I've managed to get Skyrim and the newer Fallout games to run just fine. Was Oblivion meant for machines with only dual-cores or what?
  8. I uninstalled the mods correctly and did a reinstall of the entire game to boot. I'll try fooling around with grass and fog options you suggested and see how things turn out.
  9. Well strangely when I first launched the game from a clean install it said it didn't recognize my graphics card, although now it displays the correct one. For some reason its always told me that the game cannot run with both anti-aliasing and HDR running. Is this normal?
  10. After purchasing Oblivion GOTY edition a while back on steam I decided I would find some mods and see what all the fuss was about. Now, admittingly, the game is about six years old so my expectations weren't huge, but this was just ridiculous. Right now I'm re-installing the game so that I can decide what to do with it, but a few months ago when I tried to mess around with it, the game was essentially unplayable. I don't have some blazing fast rig, but my laptop can handle Skyrim at medium/high settings fine enough. When I tried playing Oblivion however, even without mods, the frame rate dropped so low when exiting buildings or going outside that the game became either frozen/unplayable or crashed all together in some areas. Interestingly dungeons and indoor areas ran smoothly and at expected quality, but it seems that my laptop is not compatible with the game or it cannot handle the enormous amount of CPU the game begins to take up. I've tried playing the game both in vanilla and with mods and while they both are terribly choppy it seems that the mods in many cases worsen it. I've tried optimizing the game's performance with several mods and tweaks to the .ini, gone through many combinations of settings, and even updated my drivers, but nothing seems to work. After seeing older outdated machines run the game alright I'm convinced that there must be some sort of glaring error or incompatibility, because despite reading threads online with similar problems I've found no solution. I understand my laptop is nowhere near the level of many computers, but it runs Fallout 3 and other titles flawlessly. So here are some specs, maybe someone could offer some help or suggestions, and feel free to ask questions: Processor: Intel® Core™ i7 Processor Memory: 4GB Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 310m OS: Windows 7 64bit I've also tried a variety of resolutions and options within the software provided by NVIDIA.
  11. After purchasing Oblivion GOTY edition a while back on steam I decided I would find some mods and see what all the fuss was about. Now, admittingly, the game is about six years old so my expectations weren't huge, but this was just ridiculous. Right now I'm re-installing the game so that I can decide what to do with it, but a few months ago when I tried to mess around with it, the game was essentially unplayable. I don't have some blazing fast rig, but my laptop can handle Skyrim at medium/high settings fine enough. When I tried playing Oblivion however, even without mods, the frame rate dropped so low when exiting buildings or going outside that the game became either frozen/unplayable or crashed all together in some areas. Interestingly dungeons and indoor areas ran smoothly and at expected quality, but it seems that my laptop is not compatible with the game or it cannot handle the enormous amount of CPU the game begins to take up. I've tried playing the game both in vanilla and with mods and while they both are terribly choppy it seems that the mods in many cases worsen it. I've tried optimizing the game's performance with several mods and tweaks to the .ini, gone through many combinations of settings, and even updated my drivers, but nothing seems to work. After seeing older outdated machines run the game alright I'm convinced that there must be some sort of glaring error or incompatibility, because despite reading threads online with similar problems I've found no solution. I understand my laptop is nowhere near the level of many computers, but it runs Fallout 3 and other titles flawlessly. So here are some specs, maybe someone could offer some help or suggestions, and feel free to ask questions: Processor: Intel® Core™ i7 Processor Memory: 4GB Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 310m OS: Windows 7 64bit I've also tried a variety of resolutions and options within the software provided by NVIDIA. EDIT: I was able to solve the problem by tweaking the draw distances of foliage and using bloom lighting rather than HDR.
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