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About Razor444

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  1. I'm going crazy for work this mod........help.
  2. No. The game has 5 different textures for the characters. Young - Adult - Middle-Age - Elder - Old The Valkyr mod only replaces Young textures I believe. Which is I think the "SMOOTH" option in the character creation screen for forehead, cheeks, mouth and so on. Oh thanks now understand, exist a mod for change all texture faces male/female for Young/Adult/Middle-age/Elder/Old?
  3. So is not the Mod? Is a code for that textures? EDIT: AAaaaah now understand, that mod change ONLY for main character (player) right? So the others characters all FALLOUT 4 don't change?
  4. I used the Valkyr Face, what you mean "Type "slm 14""? Where type? Sorry for the questions.
  5. This is my screenshot with mod installed: http://i.imgur.com/9OQuviP.jpg And this the Mod: Don't have the same face textures, why?
  6. I don't have others Mods HUD, and have on my Inventory the holotape, the problem i use it say "iHUD Activated" but the HUD don't dissappear, installed with NMM.
  7. I installed this mod with NMM, the problem is the mod is activated on game but the HUD don't dissappear why?
  8. Someone help me find this texture face female this screen? http://i40.tinypic.com/4ijyva.jpg
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