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Nexus Mods Profile

About AndurilWielder

  1. The only reason I'm necroing is because I'm literally looking for the exact same thing and have been unable to locate a mod that does this. The only one I have found was one that replaced every diner texture around the commonwealth to be clean - which isn't what I wanted. Only the vault 88 diner booths...which for some reason come dirty and torn when you build it. I'm not sure why this is, lol. I would also hope the OP might get a notification and respond. Even though its been nearly 3 years... >.<; Sorry about the necro, but this has been bugging me during the last couple days while I've been building a rather extensive and massive vault.
  2. Looking for mods that rebalance the whole magic system. I find being a mage as a player is utterly pointless for a long list of reasons, it is horrifically undertuned and aside from relying on a few OP gimmicks its not very workable, I find. (Constantly resisting urge to list every issue I have with it) So are there any mods you guys would recommend that overhaul the magic system? I'm not necessarily looking for NEW spells, just a way to rebalance the system.
  3. I do have Vivid Weathers. Problem is that everytime its night time its always overcast and cloudy (and/or snowing,raining,some phenomena that makes it darker and less visible), and no matter how much I turn the brightness up, I can't see. Also the sky looks drab and boring to boot, so I'm wondering if there's a mod out there that specifically addresses night time weather. I'd love to have that as a configurable option in Vivid Weathers, but the only thing you can configure is the level of brightness. Anyone have any ideas? Been looking for mods, and cant find one for nights. I could send a message to Doodlezoid, but I'm not sure if they'd even consider addressing it. Variety of weather and lighting is wonderful but I'd also like to be able to see XD
  4. Well I think I have some kind of damage mod in there somewhere, even though I cant seem to find it. With 1800 health and 70% magic resistance, I'm still getting one shot by lightning bolts. XD
  5. I've only used immersive patrols. I would specifically like any mods that extend the influence of Daedra. I really feel like the Vigilants of Stendarr don't have a purpose in Skyrim if there aren't any Daedra for them to hunt. Wouldn't mind someone expanding those small little caves (the ones that only have a bear or a couple wolves and some mushrooms) and make them bigger, put some necromancers and a daedra or two at the end or something, I dunno. Or maybe Daedra occasionally walking around at night? Anyway, you mentioned NPCs Travel, and Populated Skyrim, I might try those. Lots and lots of people I see :p
  6. I see. Yeah I actually just installed that mod. I still think there could be a bigger daedra population in Skyrim. I rarely run into them at all if ever. Only during a couple quests really. Merchants have Daedra hearts though, which is confusing since I can't ever find them myself. XD Where do THEY get them lol
  7. I would love a mod that adds more Vigilants of Stendarr. Maybe a couple outposts, more travellers (I hardly run into them AT ALL) ...and also more Daedra, since, y'know, that's what they're searching for. I'm not sure how to make an actual mod request? I just feel like bringing the idea to attention, because it'd be really nice to have and I don't see one available anywhere - which is a bit strange I think.
  8. Been trying to find answers how to start modding. Everywhere I go its guides about how to set up the ability to mod, but all I wanna do is make a copy of a weapon, and alter its stats a bit. I want to replicate a tier 1 weapon into a tier 3 or 4 because I like the design. That's it. Except I cannot find an existing mod for a tier 3 templar greatsword lol. Anyone got any advice on where or how to start? Anything would be useful.
  9. I find later on that even these wear out. In the game, my thralls don't last too long, though they are by far the most useful. I find dragonhide to be completely useless. You can dual cast it for more time, but considering how much magicka you drain casting it, and the duration as well, it makes next to useless unless you know you're about to get in a fight. I wish it came with magicka resistance. I think that would make it more useful. My favorite has to be lightning storm though. That and Storm Thrall.
  10. With the Thalmor outlawing Talos shrines I don't see it enforced too much. I would ask that there be a mod revolving around finding Thalmor members (ones that are alive, at any rate) at these shrines, and maybe defacing them somehow, and raiding the things people put there. Maybe even items on them after you kill them, a custom item called "Broken Talos Amulet" you can repair with an ingot of some kind. I'm sure you could go even further with this idea.
  11. Requesting a mod for someone to clean up the cobwebs, add some clutter, maybe. Possibly just add some more random "Brotherhood Initiate" NPCs for atmosphere. Make it look a tad more homey without overdoing it. Even after buying everything and recruiting everyone at the end of the questline it still looks like it needs some love. Preferring to allow mod author creativity, as I don't want to get in the way of any ideas they may come up with. Currently I cannot find a single Dawnstar Sanctuary mod, or no more than five DB mods total. By Sithis~!
  12. I've been waiting over an in game month for my home furnishings to complete, or even start. One month later and still the house is barren. I'm wondering if someone can make a mod that will get the furnishings to instantly appear instead of appearing over time, or whatever the condition is supposed to be. It'd be super handy.
  13. The OG had a mod which would multiply the amount of inventory every shopkeeper had, I think, by a factor of five. It might have given a choice but I cannot recall. I think there are several of these mods out there, but this one is closest to what I can remember: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8223/? I don't know if anyone could recreate it?
  14. You know, there's actually some "Hearthfire PC" downloads floating around right now, but they're all BS. I wasn't sure it was legit exactly so I tried to take a look and make sure - apparently the downloaded files eventually lead you to a website that makes you take a survey to get a password to "unlock" the DLC. I took an encrypted password recovery tool (found via pc support pages, and some microsoft page) to the program, and the entire torrent's file is just 5.1 GB of corrupted data. I say this for those of you who are too desperate to wait for a DLC. Its not worth it, all the DLC out there are just corrupted files hidden well so people from these websites can get your personal info. I suggest just waiting until it comes out for PC. It'll happen, and then you can actually buy the dang thing.
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