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  1. Immersive Patrols adds stormcloak/imperial patrols from city to city, that will clash with one another. That's at least something.
  2. Only thing I'll console is the odd extra component if I'm one or two things short of a recipe. If I immediately regret a perk choice I allow myself to remove and re-add a different perk. That and non cheat things like free camera for screen shots.
  3. This would be a nice simple idea for a mod, but in the meantime it wouldn't take that long to do using the console. Simply add all your perks and items, make the character look like your original character and you're practically there. Only thing I can think of that wouldn't carry over is all the stat tracking like "books read", "animals killed" etc.
  4. Woah, what you're describing is WAY too much content to ever be realistic. Even just think of the file size, Interesting NPCs is already 0.75GB for 77 voiced NPCs. Think of how spread thin those 77 NPCs are, and that there are thousands of individuals in Skyrim, including all the guards in every town and city and every inn patron and shop keeper. You'd be looking at 40GB plus. I love you enthusiasm, but why not focus on one component at a time, like a "custom voiced followers" or "custom voiced guards" overhaul.
  5. I've had very little luck removing old scripts from save games. Only way I've managed to do it is to re-install certains mods and uninstall them correctly. Interested to hear what anyone else has to say.
  6. I'd love a way to transmute two items together to get the stats from one item with the look of another i.e. transmute uber powerful but ugly looking heavy armor stats onto a sweet looking but lower stat heavy armor. They have this in Guild Wars 2 through "transmutation stones". Not knowing anything about modding myself, I imagine one way to do it would be through smithing, having a recipe that requires the stronger item that spits out a different looking item with the same stats. Only items of the same type could be transmuted, so no heavy armor stats onto light armor, or battleaxe stats on a dagger. Of course the number of combinations here would be unfeasibly large so hopefully there is a more elegant way of doing it, like an activated power. Not sure how possible this is, but it would significantly improve my enjoyment of the game. It's such a shame feeling the pressure to use to stronger statted ugly looking gear over the cool looking weak stuff, especially with excellent looking weapon and armor mods like Immersive Armors and Book of Silence.
  7. Not sure what you're talking about as far as downloading 8 things to get the manager to work, I downloaded and installing it all at once with no hassle. I installed Apachii through NMM no problem, including the helmet wigs and UNP fixes. Some people are confused and think it will automatically change hair, are you aware you'll need to remake your character using 'showracemenu' to get apachii hair, and that no NPCs will have it (unless you use a different mod)?
  8. Gah. Nevermind. Can't figure out how delete my post.
  9. Thanks for your advice in helping me sort this out. I'm not really interested in using the official high-res stuff either, but was under the impression that now I've "purchased" it on Steam, if deleted it would always be re-downloaded as missing files. Sure I could disable Skyrim updates completely, but I still want the official patches. I guess I could simply untick them in my load order... :blush:
  10. Holy freaking crud I finally fixed it. Even redownloading textures and meshes didn't help, turns out it was a problem with the official high res dlc packs! Re-downloading them now.
  11. Personally I'm betting that the reference to a dragonmount is relating to an enemy type (enemies mounted on dragons), rather than the player character. Absolute pure guess but based on the title maybe it has something to do with a different dragonborn from the player character, whose causing trouble in Morrowind (riding around on a dragon?).
  12. Okay, I went through disabling and uninstalling clusters of mods, checking as I went. Nothing fixed the issue at all, it remained on old and new saves even after all mods were removed. I then deleted everything in my skyrim folder except the Directx10 folder and the core .bsa files inside the data foler. The problem STILL persisted. I even tried cleaning the core .bsa files using TES5edit, with no result. Surely the only conclusion from this is that something has gone wrong in a .bsa archive (as I suspected), so I deleted and am re-downloading Textures.bsa and Meshes.bsa in the hope that it will finally fix the problem.
  13. Okay, this is weird now. I randomly noticed that the steel helmet will reappear during the animation where your character fades to invisibilty when the camera move to close to it. In other words If I stand against a wall and pan the camera around in the circle then once I get close enough to my character they fade to invisible (which is normal) but during the animation the previously invisible helmet suddenly appears (and then fades away with the rest of the character). Weird.. I've tried disabling a bunch of different mods, and I'm already using BOSS. I've also gone into the CK to try and see whether the steel helmet has been altered, and it doesn't look like it has. Still occupies the same slots as normal. Maybe the .nif that it's directed to is broken, but I don't know how to get into the default mesh files to repair it (by deleting then validating I'd assume?). I've even tried downloading a new mod that specifically re-textures steel armor, but to no avail. I'm almost certain the default mesh is missing or corrupt but I don't know how to fix it.
  14. As I feared, disabling the body mod made no difference. I should have known that wouldn't work, considering the problem is affecting certain world objects as well (namely some candles). Somethings gone wrong somewhere, and the prospect of tearing my game apart trying to find the culprit is very unappealing. It was only last week that I had to do another fresh install because of a different problem.
  15. Okay, I'll try disable the body mod and see if that works. If not I'll try messing around disabling a few more mods.
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