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  1. Hey all, I haven't looked at modding for this game, but I have mod experience in other games. I have a few ideas I wish to try out. Anyone know if these types of mods might work? 1. Flash light as a equipment mod (ie. it'd take a circuit slot and allow you to have a hands free always on light when equipped) 2. Central suit power: something that allows all tools to share the same power and stores multiple batteries. (ie. a battery bag that you put batteries in and keep in your inventory; all tools become battery-less and instead use the combined power of the battery bag) 3. Something like the scanner hud equipment, but circles/highlights resources in the immediate area (so they are easier to see) without the scanner room. 4. Arrows along the edge of the hud that point to beacons/objects/whatever. (ie. if your vehicle is to your left, then an arrow of the same colour appears along the left of your hud) 5. HUD info/icon adding/customization. (I have a few stats I'd like to try sticking on the hud. ie. inventory space remaining; health kits remaining; real time/system clock; game time or like a rotating disc to show day/night cycle) 6. Autosave (no console command for it, but perhaps a function can be called to force a save) 7. Fast travel (can console commands be used with mods? ie. a tool that uses "warp x y z" to bring you back to your base/vehicle) Thanks for any help/feedback!
  2. So I finally figured out how to give psi to a soldier, but it has to be done in tactical mode. Either keybind or use the console givepsigift and when in tactical mode, select the unit you want to give psi to, press your keybind/console and at the end of the mission you'll receive psi.
  3. Thanks - I'll have to look into what Amineri has done with Long War (haven't played it yet) and perhaps find some insight from his code.
  4. Anyone know if there is a way to keybind a quickload or to call the games load ui?
  5. I have a desire to make a change to the gameplay but I am unsure if it would even be possible. I would like to mod the game such that all shots hit, but the "% to hit" modifies the damage of the weapon. Ie. A weapon that does 6 damage with a 50% chance to hit would do 3 damage and not miss. Or have this as a non-linear function: Ie. 80-100% hit chance = 1:1 damage ratio, 0-80% hit chance = lower damage overall (exponential function). The second change would be to distance, so certain weapons lose damage over distance: 1) Non-linear, similar to above: 0-20m = 100% base damage, 20-40 = linear reduction of damage, ie 100% @ 20m to 0% @ 40m. 2) Explosive weapons deal more damage to targets closer to the center of the explosive. Ie. upto 50% of explosive radius deals 100% damage, else linear function: 50% of radius deals 100% damage, 0% (edge of explosion) deals 25% damage. Another area I would like to adjust is crit damage, is this possible? Person in full cover but not flanked is immune to crits (ie. takes 0% of crit damage). Person in half cover but not flanked takes 33% of crit damage. Person in no cover but not flanked takes 66% of crit damage. Person in cover and is flanked takes 100% of crit damage. (Default crit damage) Person in no cover and is flanked takes 133% of crit damage. Thanks for any input!
  6. This is pretty infuriating - not sure what the issue is, but like many in this thread I get the xcom process running but no game after downgrading. I've done everything in this thread and more. I've redownloaded the game, cleared appcache, ran steam://flushconfig, verified and reverified, reinstalled directx before and after downgrading, tried both blocking and unblocking the host file address (at the end before running the game a final time). But I always get stuck at this problem. (And yes steam is online...) Now - what could be the cause? Are there any other setting files that may be temporarily locally stored in steam somewhere? I have steamcloud disabled. Something I want to try... if someone could upload a copy of their mygames/xcom/ directory after they successful launch a P4 game - and if I tried copying this to my directory and seeing if the game would boot-up using those configs.
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