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Everything posted by Takashidomo

  1. I do have a question what if instead of going to whiterun first the player goes to Falkreath first? And if you truly want to make more towns take towns from the places on this map because the have been referenced lore wise. http://wallbase.cc/wallpaper/445210
  2. Yeah I figured about the clipping issues thats why I said they would need to to be customized (should have been more specific when I originally said that). It would most likely require "new robe" textures for all the armor match ups and maybe a new equipment slot to place them in as to not confuse when not wearing armor and when wearing armor.
  3. Well the Beyond Skyrim Team is working on Morrowind and it looks like they are planning on releasing Blacklight in their first release. here is the think to Beyond Skyrim. http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/forum/119-beyond-skyrim/ and to the Blacklight prep http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/topic/1310-blacklight-concept-and-layout/
  4. - It has bothered me that ever since Morrowind you have not been able to wear robes over armor. But I still really like the detail put in to the way the armors look on the character. I really want to see a mod that allows you to wear robes over armor, yet it doesn't just put the robe texture and meshes on instead of the armor. I want to see the robes actually being worn over the armor(slightly customized for each armor set) so to add another level of immersion to the game. Also still giving the enchanted robe bonuses may be slightly OP so either when being worn over armor it gives no bonus or less of one.
  5. If this happens do not worry about NPCs, Quests, and Dungeon Interiors until the world-space is done. And then when NPCs are made and quests are being written, don't write a "main quest line" that is getting rid of the Thalmor; it is just such an open topic at this point. Do something along the lines of retrieving rare artifacts for the Synod or solving a mystery about a necromancer held up in the Night Mother's old crypt. You are going to build these cities basically from scratch because of the scaling so they take up the same relative space as oblivion. And I will gladly write quests and script NPCs when you get to that stage.
  6. I agree that its awesome, but we don't know what any of the cities look like because most were completely ransacked by the Thalmor. Also it is scaled differently and the quest writing for a new story would be so time consuming. I like the idea just very hard to do. Personally I think that the cities interior needs to change because of the new scale. The cities now need to take up more space so they stay proportionate to skyrim cities
  7. Are you voicing old characters as well putting up new ones?
  8. Wait, what? The elder scrolls arent aedric artifacts? I'd like to see some sources on this. Specially when it seems that the ES tamper specifically with Akatosh domain. And Hermaeus Mora says something about it.
  9. Were they really written by the Aedra? Because some of the in game books, people, and Daedra seem to contradict this and I am really not sure anymore. Also I don't believe the Dwemer messed up the heart because the tribunal used it after right? Good point, because the Elder Scrolls tell of all the possible outcomes of any timeline from that point, so it makes sense why Kagrenac would ignore it if other "prophecies" were wrong.
  10. I don't think the Elder Scroll is the reason for the disappearance, but they most definitely could have used it to research divinity. Also you are right in the fact they found a way to read it without going blind, but that doesn't stop the Elder Scroll from revealing different things to different people. And because they found a way to read it without going blind they could continue to use it for research until they disappeared. the scroll basically helped them make the tools. The Dwemer, as smart as they were, did not have mastery of the Elder Scroll or else they would have seen the their disappearance coming.
  11. the setstage command just automatically goes to the the selected stage (da02). I say kill her once then she what boethia says then reload then setstage to pass it without a sacrifice.
  12. So when the Falmer went to attack the Dwemer one day and they weren't there was it the fact that the Nords drove them out or was it their disappearance that led to the Falmer not being able to find them. It is very possible that the Companions believed that they drove them all out when only a small fraction were able to be found in there fortresses while the rest hid away in places like Blackreach. And who is to say that most of the cities were not connected through a very elaborate system of trams. The way I see it the Dwemer had access to the Elder Scroll the whole time. If the Elder Scroll knows everything then why wouldn't they be using it to research about the heart or something. I am not saying that the Elder Scroll made them disappear but it too big of a player to say it didn't contribute. I know everyone says look how long the machines stay awake but still look at all the things that have broken in the cities so i really think that Elder Scroll chamber was made more recent than 1E 143 when they were "chased" out of Skyrim.
  13. Canonically in oblivion you are a Imperial male. If you look at the new sheo you can see that he looks like a combo of old sheo and an imperial. My guess is Jyggalagg still thinks the humans are too unorderly so he doesn't communicate with them.
  14. Falmer enslavement happened before Imperial City was under the Empire's control. the Alyeids were also not very friendly to the falmer based on what I learned from the game. The most likely would be "immigrants" from the continent north of Skyrim, but I still like the idea to see at least one live one ingame and we do know what they looked like because of the thieves guild.
  15. A complete Tamriel worldspace based on the most recent lore.
  16. your partner is mad at you when they are resurrected(at least for me). I just used the console command setstage da02 20. that was the only way got lydia (the partner i used) not to die or hate me.
  17. Canonically(if that's how you spell it) in oblivion you are a imperial male. So new sheo, if you've seen him, is a combination of old sheo and an imperial male. Personally i really want to see a jyggalag expansion or at least a shrine.
  18. yeah there were two free horses and i wanted my follower to ride it so i talked to him and told him i needed him to do something. then i turn around and look at one of the horses it clearly says ride horse. I thought it was so cool that he could ride it so i clicked. He walked up yo the horse and proceeds to electrocute it instead of riding it, we need to teach them to ride horses
  19. when your skill gets better in the magic fields it takes less magika to use.
  20. Pole-arms would be so epic. Some two-handed spear or halberd would be so much fun to use, maybe even make a perk tree for it.
  21. It would be very cool to see the 200 years later seeing the thalmor kinda blew it up. Even going to the rest of the continent would be cool it being so messed up and all
  22. Lore wise this would be epic. i don't know if I would play a wereboar, but it would be so epic to see one.
  23. I am left handed and i think it would be cool to play a left handed character, rather than the generic right handed one. if they just mirrored the body so I could be left handed dom rather than right.
  24. more so just Tamriel thsn the other plsces
  25. I think it would be awesome to have the rest of Tamriel to explore based on recent lore compared to what i saw in oblivion. I would hope it would be based off the map at the bottom of this post, that generally goes along with the areas but changes could be made to fit the the Lore (i.e. parts of Bravil and the Imperial city are broken). Also the addition of the other mage colleges like the Synod would be so epic. I would be glad to write quests for this but I am not the best at building world spaces. Voices would also improve the general feel so those would be awesome. I hope some of you guys share the same feel for this. Known spaces ingame
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