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Posts posted by Arkitus

  1. So, I've downloaded a simple esp that makes the dremora race playable. But as usual the person didn't complete it.


    So while fighting the dremora pc race has no sounds, for instance power attack sounds or grunts and such. I've looked in tes cs to see if i could fix the paths, but i can't seem to find the one where he enabled the dremora to be playable. Anyone that could offer some help on this would be appreciated, thanks in advance.



    80% Of us are still here because we follow the rules, otherwise how would we see this? Your logic fails.

  3. You might want to have a browse on the "Proper" Khajiit and Argonian Bodyshapes/Animations thread too - while not specifically changing the main textures, we ARE changing the foot meshes and so a set of your textures to suit what we are doing would be very relevant.


    Remember also that to maximise downloads you need to support several different male and female body replacers, with options to suit each.


    Having a range of Argonian body colours would be nice, certainly, and green skin ifs very traditionally lizard-like, but think about what range of colours you'd get with the colour changers on the RaceSelect menu - make sure that you can still get a range from the yellows and oranges of some desert lizards through to the bright colours of some tropical ones- after all, there are anvironments of most types across Cyrodiil and the argonians should reflect that.


    As for the Khajiit - the more "big cat" variants the better. The Skyrim trailer shors a much more tiger-like one, so maybe that would be a good choice. Head mesh may need some work though.


    For one i do agree that having a good selection of skins is a must in a game and that is something Bestheda seemed to forget when making the beast races in oblivion. Which is the main reason i am doing this, i will probably make a red, yellow or so on version in the near future once my game stops acting up. Until then the green one i have released is in my opinion better then the default one.


    For the body replacers, i do not make my mods to fit something i don't use. Seeing how i don't use the body replacers, i won't install them to make this compatible. But the owners of those said mods have 100% permission from me to alter the textures in order to be compatible with their mod and upload it or send it to me and i will upload it. As long as they give proper credit i do not mind. Modding a game like this is a community effort in cases like this.


    For the Khajiit and big cats, i don't do meshes. Just textures, i can't seem to grasp gmax or blender, otherwise i'd be pumping out a lot more then i am. Armors/Ect. I've used zmod pretty much since i ever started modding, unfortunately there is no existing .nif plugin for it to my knowledge.

  4. You've never seen blue cat eyes? :O Get a Siamese cat and you will. :P


    But as for the eyes go, i plan on putting a eye pack in with this once i release it, so people can choose what eye colors they'd like.

  5. Oh i know which is the main reason i have made a HUD mod and EYE Re-texture mods. Due to the old ones being bland and boring imo. Same reason i am redoing the Argonian and Khajiit races. I had a nice green eye texture for the argonian but i don't know if i will use it seeing as how his skin is green i might use blue or something for the eyes. I'm indeed going to try to darken the chest, maybe put some black on it or something. I could always texture him to look like godzilla? :O Lmao J/k. But i will post pictures as it comes along.
  6. Looks good as far as I see it. I would like a bit of a close up before I say which one looks better though. I just wanted to say that the textures on the arms look really nice, but the part on his chest is a bit TOO green, and stands in contrast to the rest. Maybe you can try and make the chest a bit closer to the color surrounding it?


    And of course, you should probably wait to change anything until you have heard what others have to say in case they don't agree with me at all. :yes:

    ... Anyone?! :dry:


    I'm still working on it ofc but the reason the chest stands out is because the arms, legs, head and tail have black mixed in with them. But the chest has all the black on the back, which is how the default one was as well to some point and i will work on it but i can't guarantee that it'll change to much. But i didn't get a close up due to the eyes being black, once i work on it some more i will post screens of before and after.


    Main reason i am doing this is that i am sick of the orange argonians lol.

  7. I'm working on a project right now which is redoing the argonian and khajiit races. I'm not sure what i plan on turning the khajiit into, but i had the idea of making them look like bengal tigers or something. However argonians seem to be a lizard race and i have never once in my life seen a orange lizard. So i redid the argonians to look like the lizards down here where i live. It's still a W.I.P which is why the eyes are black so bare with me here.
  8. Is the chat room having problems right now or what?


    Because i have had no trouble connecting until tonight. It tells me either the ip chat has reached it's limit which i doubt, or there is a problem connecting. I doubt i am banned seeing how i have not been on in the past 7 or so hours and haven't done anything to be banned for. I'd appreciate if someone was to answer and inform me on the problem.

  9. Granted i do hate when people "take" other peoples mods and post them to sites without their permissions.


    I've modded for the past 5 years and over the time i have seen several of my GTA SA and 18 Wheels Of Steel mods end up on other peoples sites. Most sites i contacted the owners and the mods were removed without a problem and the users banned. But one site kept stealing the mods and wouldn't heed to a warning, so i pursued legal actions on the sheer principle that i had spent months of work on my mods and someone else was claiming it as their own. Of course i had to fork over a handful of cash to get it all said and done, which in the end now that i look back it wasn't worth it. Although the site got removed, and the owner had his internet shut off for a entire year. Not like he couldn't steal that to. But it wasn't legally if he was on the net.


    Point being is, if you are a modder, plan on having your mods taken, stolen, and uploaded where you haven't given permission to do so. I don't care how big you make the font or how red you make it, people won't read it and they won't care. Unless you're willing to cough up a handful of cash, or the site owners won't take the mods down then there is nothing you can really do except whine about it. Or stop making mods, which is what i did after i had that site removed. But now i am back into it and i know my mods aren't perfect or the best out there, but i am sure their going to end up on some other site sooner or later.


    Good to hear that your back into it..(always nice to have mods to enhance games). :happy:


    Did you end up out of pocket after that site was shut down?...like one would think that they would have to pay for your expenses/costs incurred if found guilty....like it wouldn't seem fair otherwise and would deter other modders defending their rights as well as somewhat "encouraging" other sites to be "ignorant". TC.


    Yes i ended up out of pocket for it. For the main reason i wasn't charging to release the mods and neither were they, so i didn't feel it would be right. However i did it because i believed in the end their theift of peoples mods was wrong, and seeing how about 15 people had asked them to remove their mods, the owner wouldn't do it and made some rather childish remarks on his forums, also banning those who asked for them to be removed. So in the end, on the cash side of things, no it wasn't worth it. But on the moral side of things, it put a big smile on mine and several other modders faces and felt pretty damn good lol.


    It's funny how the "law" doesn't acknowledge this type of situation when there's no money exchanged, when the site owner obviously valued the "mods" in question to some extent ....even as just an "attraction". And yet the site is found guilty, shut down, and you're the one out of pocket on account of the site being at fault.


    It never ceases to amaze me that the "law" can't acknowledge that there indeed was "an exchange of money" in order for you to achieve your goal, and have the site involved reimburse you ......but that's the way it is.


    Anyway I think the modding community is lucky to have you and other people like you. TC.


    I agree on that, it's odd isn't it? But then again Americas laws get more and more twisted and screwed up as the years go by.

  10. Granted i do hate when people "take" other peoples mods and post them to sites without their permissions.


    I've modded for the past 5 years and over the time i have seen several of my GTA SA and 18 Wheels Of Steel mods end up on other peoples sites. Most sites i contacted the owners and the mods were removed without a problem and the users banned. But one site kept stealing the mods and wouldn't heed to a warning, so i pursued legal actions on the sheer principle that i had spent months of work on my mods and someone else was claiming it as their own. Of course i had to fork over a handful of cash to get it all said and done, which in the end now that i look back it wasn't worth it. Although the site got removed, and the owner had his internet shut off for a entire year. Not like he couldn't steal that to. But it wasn't legally if he was on the net.


    Point being is, if you are a modder, plan on having your mods taken, stolen, and uploaded where you haven't given permission to do so. I don't care how big you make the font or how red you make it, people won't read it and they won't care. Unless you're willing to cough up a handful of cash, or the site owners won't take the mods down then there is nothing you can really do except whine about it. Or stop making mods, which is what i did after i had that site removed. But now i am back into it and i know my mods aren't perfect or the best out there, but i am sure their going to end up on some other site sooner or later.


    Good to hear that your back into it..(always nice to have mods to enhance games). :happy:


    Did you end up out of pocket after that site was shut down?...like one would think that they would have to pay for your expenses/costs incurred if found guilty....like it wouldn't seem fair otherwise and would deter other modders defending their rights as well as somewhat "encouraging" other sites to be "ignorant". TC.


    Yes i ended up out of pocket for it. For the main reason i wasn't charging to release the mods and neither were they, so i didn't feel it would be right. However i did it because i believed in the end their theift of peoples mods was wrong, and seeing how about 15 people had asked them to remove their mods, the owner wouldn't do it and made some rather childish remarks on his forums, also banning those who asked for them to be removed. So in the end, on the cash side of things, no it wasn't worth it. But on the moral side of things, it put a big smile on mine and several other modders faces and felt pretty damn good lol.

  11. Granted i do hate when people "take" other peoples mods and post them to sites without their permissions.


    I've modded for the past 5 years and over the time i have seen several of my GTA SA and 18 Wheels Of Steel mods end up on other peoples sites. Most sites i contacted the owners and the mods were removed without a problem and the users banned. But one site kept stealing the mods and wouldn't heed to a warning, so i pursued legal actions on the sheer principle that i had spent months of work on my mods and someone else was claiming it as their own. Of course i had to fork over a handful of cash to get it all said and done, which in the end now that i look back it wasn't worth it. Although the site got removed, and the owner had his internet shut off for a entire year. Not like he couldn't steal that to. But it wasn't legally if he was on the net.


    Point being is, if you are a modder, plan on having your mods taken, stolen, and uploaded where you haven't given permission to do so. I don't care how big you make the font or how red you make it, people won't read it and they won't care. Unless you're willing to cough up a handful of cash, or the site owners won't take the mods down then there is nothing you can really do except whine about it. Or stop making mods, which is what i did after i had that site removed. But now i am back into it and i know my mods aren't perfect or the best out there, but i am sure their going to end up on some other site sooner or later.

  12. I've looked around for a decent helmet that i'd like and i can't find one. Tried phitts closed steel helm and it wasn't good imo.


    Would anyone mind making a helmet like this one?

  13. By default Oblivion looks in it's bsa files (compressed archives, similar idea to zip files or 7z files) for resources it needs (meshes, textures, sounds etc.). If a mod is wanting to replace those vanilla resources you need a way to get Oblivion to use the mod resources and not the vanilla ones from the bsa. Archive invalidation does that. The most problem free way to enable archive invalidation is to select the default method offered in Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM), found on the Utilities menu if memory serves.


    Yeah i had figured it out once someone in the chat mentioned it, i then made changes and it worked. But thanks for replying here and helping me out as well. :)

  14. I've been modding the HUD in oblivion and making some changes, due to the fact i find the default HUD bland and well, boring so to speak.


    So let me list the ideas i have and also I'd like suggestions as well, i am open to all theme idea's and such.


    First idea is well more less a choice, i have two styles of the mini hp bar when attacking someone. It can either show their hp in a pure red bar, or as their health goes down, the color diminishes from green, to orange, to red and then their dead. Right now i like the pure red one, but i am still working on the color coded one. So what do you guys think would be better?


    Second idea is a Dark Brotherhood themed HUD. Changing all the borders, brackets, and such to match a dark theme. Alternative idea is making a "Elven" style one that adds ivy and other various plant borders. I've been working on both idea's and of course i like the dark brotherhood theme better, seeing as how i love the darkness. But a light HUD isn't a bad idea either.


    Note: Please do not respond to this unless you have a productive and reasonable comment. I'm not here to be trolled.

  15. I'm working on a mod that changes the HUD in oblivion, i do know that people have done this but i wanted to add my own style to the playing field. So far i have gotten the target reticule, the sneak icon, and the HP,HP,FT bars redone although the stats bars aren't in the latest update. I'm putting them in the next one. However, i am having problem finding 1 file that i need to complete this mod. I'm missing the mini hp bar that appears above the reticule when fighting a creature or person, I've looked all over the BSA files and i can't find it. So for someone that is interested in helping me, please locate that file or find out what it's called and i will be quite appreciative, and of course your name will be added in the credits for assisting me.


    So, for the ones that do help, thanks in advance.

  16. So i've been taking the time to re-texture some of the items in game, such as weapons and armors. But i am having a problem with some of them.


    First i re-textured the shivering isles armors and weapons, this posed no problem and worked like it was supposed to, seeing how i put them in the folders like i was told. Example below:

    Data>Textures>Weapons>Madness> and then all the weapons in here for the madness set. All of them came out fine. Now i tried to do the same thing, with the original part of the game.

    But when i did, the textures didn't work, i re-checked the directional path that the BSA file had them as, and did the same as i did for the shivering isles items, but with the correct path.

    Data>Textures>Weapons> Files went here. But when i did this, like i said it didn't work. For instance the ebony sword, i changed the texture on it and it's still the same.


    So would someone mind providing me some assistance?

  17. Alright I've got a simple question here and i hope it can be answered.


    I bought the house in anvil, that seems to have a seal or whatever in the basement, all the chairs and crap in it are knocked over and such, is there some method to fix all this, and make it look lived in? Oh and how to i get that seal to open and where does it lead? For those who do take the time to answer these questions, i appreciate it.


    Go to sleep, you'll be attacked by ghosts, then you can go to the Imperial City and get Velwyn to come back. Anything I say after this point in the quest might spoil it for you! If you go to sleep in the manor, things will progress as normal.


    Thanks so much for this response, i had been so pre occupied with the new character i made, and how smexi he is that i didn't give that much thought. Plus the pilgrimage quest had me laughing my pants off because of the women robbing the men the way they did, kinda reminded me of some of my ex's lol.

  18. Alright I've got a simple question here and i hope it can be answered.


    I bought the house in anvil, that seems to have a seal or whatever in the basement, all the chairs and crap in it are knocked over and such, is there some method to fix all this, and make it look lived in? Oh and how to i get that seal to open and where does it lead? For those who do take the time to answer these questions, i appreciate it.

  19. Tried to get 3DSMax and well i won't go there on that topic, but also tried something called 3max or something, and that screwed up to. But blender is a good editing program? As for gimp i could never get the hang of it or photoshop but i will download it and give it another shot. Mainly all i need is something to edit the actual models.
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