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Everything posted by xxchronic2006xx

  1. I quickly skimmed to see if this mod was out there... couldn't find it. I can't let a great idea like this just die out!!
  2. Hey people, what is a creation kit? From what I understand it will allow people to create better/more mods. My guess is that is gives access to more of the games files or allows you to edit them in ways you couldn't before?
  3. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help :( If you lowered your settings and still get stuttering then I'm out of ideas. The latest patch does seem to break a lot of things that were once working... Thanks to the others that contributed, I'll look into sky boost (although my skrim is running fine now but never hurts to squeeze out some extra performance).
  4. I was running the game maxed out and geting 60 fps everywhere but when I went into towns like whiterun when looking around I would get drastic fps drops and the game would start stuttering. Through reading the description of the mod I linked I believe my cpu is having trouble keeping up so to my resentment I had to lower my settings to high and even then there still was a little stuttering which was taken care of by that mod. That is happening because your cpu or gpu is being stressed. Try the mod I linked (http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4387) and if that doesn't work you can try running the game in windowed mode and using simple borderless window mod so it appears fullscreen (http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4#content). If these two mods don't help out then you definitely should lower your game settings.
  5. Usually stuttering is indicative of fps drops (in my experience). Perhaps you are pushing your gpu/cpu too far with all your texture mods? You have a lot of variables like new patch, new drivers. and more mods. So I don't know which is to blame. Have you tried this mod: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4387 it helps improve performance and makes things easier on your cpu which may result in less (or no) stuttering (it improved my fps by 10).
  6. You can use the command prompt to spawn her next to you... I believe you type in the ID of astrid and type "moveto player." If you aren't on PC then try reloading to an earlier save. Besides that I don't know :(
  7. I have this problem too... anyone have a solution? Edit: After searching around I found this: "The number hotkeys do not work well if you favorite a weapon or shield that becomes part of a stack (as mentionned by yx). Early on in the game this happens a lot as you use regular items, but is less of an issue as you tend to get magical weapons with unique effects that will rarely match exactly that dropped by the enemy."
  8. Hello, First let me say that my skyrim is patched v 1.310. I actually regret updating because since then I've noticed more problem and crashing... go figure. Anyways, sometimes I will look at my weapon in my inventory and next to the damage will be green text like (+15). When I reequip my weapon its fine and it goes away, but why does this happen? I don't have any disease and I didn't pick up or use some sort of stat enhancing bonus. Thanks for the help
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