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About Tardivex

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    Holy See (Vatican City)
  1. Hell no! Paarthurnax is really awesome because first of all he's a dragon, second, he teaches you a shout, and third, he helps you find a freaking Elder Scroll! I mean that's the name of the game (we never use it, we say skyrim but whatever), fourth, the way he speaks is just awesome: "Budun kulak nosh tar kik nor vi fro tryalo ventosh nimakrula dolohayu namaki frun do mento... Dovahkiin. Welcome, Dovahkiin. Sra kern no tesh'la keniolinojuba klebushaba grentulash yotozo grentula biento lollol pizza vrontech slok mo ne vo te nor lak, how are you doing?"
  2. I do not like COD all that much but I play it every now and again, BUT, I dunno if you realized it yet but nobody buys COD for Singleplayer :facepalm: The campaign is linear and yada yada yada yada, but the multiplayer is what matters, it is the fun of the game and what you will spend 99% of your gameplay time of that game in, it's like buying BF3 for it's campaign wich is another absolute linear piece of s***, but the multiplayer is very good indeed (better than COD might I add) and it's even better with the newest DLC wich I got for free because I preordered. My point is, the game is about multiplayer, so f*** the campaign :tongue: But with all seriousness I think you are trying to find and excuse to why Skyrim was a disapointment (at least for me) and you are like "oh this game is bad so I feel better now" and also who cares about a friggin GOTY? In my opinion that doesn't mean anything and won't make me buy a game, if the gameplay is good I buy it, if it's not I don't, if I like it I buy it, if I don't I won't, very simple stuff here, I don't get why people care about reviews and crappy awards, seriously. And for the third time, it's a friggin multiplayer game so it's most likely the campaign will suck :facepalm: My reaction to this post: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
  3. Just an example at how steam sucks, buy the humble indie bundle 4 (if you haven't already) and redeem your games on steam, download them there, install, play the first level... now go and use the direct download, install, then play the first level. You will see a LOT of diference, first of all steam crashes from time to time while downloading those games (god knows why) then it crashes when the download is finished, then it crashes when you try to play your game for the first time, then it "finishes" the instalation when you click play and expect the game to be ready for the obvious, and it forces DirectX9 or 10 wich are outdated if you haven't knew already wich just takes your time, while you can use the direct download and install your game and shortly after just 2 click your game icon wich will launch it imediatly without this bs of "preparing to launch" everytime you want to play your friggin' game, and ALSO again, you have to stay connected to play an offline game, wait what? :facepalm: Yeah so if your internet is down or something and you want to have fun offline, too bad you can't :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
  4. I lol'd, that was very creative and funny :biggrin:
  5. Nope he didn't .. he just summed up that he doesn't like steam, with a pretty bad analogy (Or does Steam block multiplayer?) blowing several things out of proportion, nothing more. Does Steam drain resources? Yes ... at a magnitude that I don't care about Does Steam constantly look over my shoulder? Nope ... I don't know what you have but to me it seems Steam is looking if you are logged in once and then only complains that it can't synchronize Steam Cloud, as long as I don't quit steam I can start any game I want(and tried till now) I can remember using Skyrim on the train without going into offline mode and constantly starting and stopping it as I was debugging some stuff ... no problem at all Yes sometimes the servers are busy etc. but the time I saved with not going to some shop and hoping that it is there, as well as having the security that my DVDs aren't just going to get damaged so I can't continue playing is in my opinion well worth it. If you hate Steam and have problems with it whatsoever... Good for you, but just because you like shuffling around with DVDs, and love praying that none of your DVDs is damaged, don't go flashing it around :tongue: Everything has its pros and cons and the only reason I am replying to this is because in every third thread(that is more then 2 sides long) where it is about anything remotely related to update, patch, moding, CK or anything technical you can read something to the extend of "Steam sucks", "Steam is going to steal and sell our mods", "Steam is ruining everything". None of us is going to change anything about it, but it seems it is good to rant about it every now and then, so I am not directly here to defend Steam (although I am obviously doing that too, because people ranting about it are starting to annoy me). So in essence I am ranting about other people ranting constantly about things they can't change ... and yep I know that is ironic/borderline stupid, but I am human and no one is paying me to be logical. So rant over, back to being normal. Wow this one didn't put fanboy hat on like Einarth said, he put the Master Hat of Fanboy Storms (drain logic 3000 pts on self, constant effect) :facepalm: And also there's Arcadiast's point, why do you defend steam? You don't work in Valve, and you are not a publisher, theres nothing good coming out of it for you so I mean, why?
  6. Nope, type in "help nightingale 0" on the console and then look for "ARMO" in the beggining of the line and of course look for "Nightingale suit" if there are lots of results you can scroll through them using "Page Up" and "Page Down" until you find what you want, after that it's just get the ID and type "player.additem <ID> 1" and there you go!
  7. Why I can't complain? The game should have been good, not shallow, you've got to understand this :facepalm:
  8. So you are saying that when a game is released we have no right to play it? You are saying that we can't play a game wich they hyped the crap out of everyone with the FUS RO DAH trailer? You are saying that I need to wait for a bloody DLC to enjoy it? The game should have been good on release, there's no excuse, if it wasn't they should pushed back the cool release date uhh every number is the same!! 11-11-11 Uhhh huhuhuhu! Seriously do you have any idea what are you saying there? You are basically saying that you acept this and you are fine with it, yeah it's fine a game releasing and being bad, and I mean, so only on DLC the quests should be good? You are absolutely crazy, and yeah mods can add tons of fun but thats not the point, the point is they made a bad game and expect modders to fix all flaws of it, and really Oblivion creation set released like only a few days after the game's release and Skyrim creation kit will be only after 2 months? I mean what the hell man, if your fine with it keep waiting to burn your money on an amazing DLC wich will make Skyrim 100x times better, yeah right :facepalm:
  9. Im pretty sure you can't, I think only the "help" command works to get IDs, because if you remember in Fallout there was "gbo" get base object, but it doesn't work in Skyrim
  10. Yup I agree with you, also this doesn't have to do much with Skyrim too but egoraptor made a video about Mega Man and it's X sequel, and explained how you taught yourself to play the game, and he actually did a funny graph, "Yeah, I get it" moments in video games, until the late 90's it was very low but then it started skyrocketing lol, it even showed the beggining of Black Ops, with the "follow" on the guy and he was like NO s***, the police trying to arest you and the objective "Escape the police" and again the NO s***, and I mean it seems like the developers think that we are idiots and can't think for ourselves, I mean cmon really?
  11. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  12. So true, and you can also add the fact that 80% of these dungeons are filled with only Draugr, 15% Vampires, 5% Random Stuff, and that is one of the many reasons I was extremely disapointed with skyrim, I tought in a weird anology but I guess it works, Oblivion is like a crater/hole/dig site, it is this wide ----- but it goes deep, Skyrim is wider -------------- bigger wich means more potential, but it's nowhere as deep as Oblivion or Morrowind, it's like a rushed game really, the "Art of Premature Release" topic recieved lots of hate but it is the truth, they wanted the cool 11-11-11 and look at what we got, Skyrim has a lot of potential, it's just that this potential is not developed. What have you done Bethesda... What have you done... :facepalm:
  13. That's the spirit! You must continue even with an arrow in the knee!
  14. And a good store too. Many titles. Beats running to EB Games. Not all that good honestly, GamersGate is much better go to http://www.gamersgate.com/info/about-us Sooo yeah...
  15. Yup, it is awesome lol :biggrin: Also you should use this code for spoilers, it's much better :thumbsup: "(SPOILER)" -YOUR SPOILER HERE- "(/Spoiler)" Change the "(" for "[" and it should be something like this:
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