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Everything posted by CubanHill

  1. Can't find the old variable to allow multiple master files in the ini's. Anyone know how to fix?
  2. So the game is absolutely fine if I stay in a single area after loading in but if I run to a new area the game seems to not bother loading in the new stuff, I will go into the dense city area and random buildings will not be there or if I enter an interior random walls will not load and I will be able to see through the world, in the worst case I sprint outside of diamond city for the first time I go there and the gate doesn't load, Piper just stands there not doing anything. I didn't have this problem in my vanilla playthrough and the automatron dlc seems to have exacerbated the issue. Plugins/Load order Fallout4.esmArmorKeywords.esmCROSS_CosmeticFramework.esmDLCRobot.esmDLCworkshop01.esmSettlementKeywords.esmHomemaker.esmSpringCleaning.esmArbitration - Better Combat AI.espArbitration - Controllable Lowered Weapons.espArbitration - Fall Damage Overhaul.espArmorsmith Extended.espArbitration - Farther Grenade Detection.espArbitration - Molotov.espArbitration - No Condition Regeneration.espArbitration - Reduced Grenade Spam.espArbitration - Stealth Overhaul.espDX Adventurer Outfit.espArtilleryFlare.espArtillerySuper.espBalaclava.espBinary Speech Checks V.4.espCBBE.espCompanion Infinite Ammo and Unbreakable Power Armour.espCROSS_Cybernetics.espCROSS_ExoFrame.espCROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.espCrossbow.espDesertEagle50AE.espEli_ArmourCollection.espEli_Sleeveless Outfits.espFaction Field Outfits.esp12-hours-respawn.espFaster Terminal Displays (20x).espGlock20.espGlovesOfTheCommonwealth.espHarness-calyps.espHighTechGoggles.espUSP 45.espIncreasedSettlerPopulation50.espLegendaryModification.espChineseStealthArmorLegendaryMod.espLK05.espMac11.espMoreHairstyles4Male3.1.espR91M.espRealistic Survival Damage.espRemove Interior Fog.espPreWarHouse.espSimple Intersection.espEvermarch - Casual Wanderer.espEvermarch - Casual Wanderer AE Patch.espM14.espM2216.espM9.espWasteland Sniper by Hothtrooper44.espMy_Minutemen.espEferasShoulderBag.espRangergearnew.espDD_TRUMP_2016_MAKE_MODDING_GREAT_AGAIN.espCUTE.espQuickEnterFromStand.espQuickExitToStand.espCommonwealthSurvivalist.espASVektor.espBasementLiving.espModern Firearms.espBetterSettlers.espBetterSettlersNoLollygagging.espBetterSettlersCleanFacePack.espSRM.espSRM_Corpse6.espEnclaveX02.espThe Rebel.espModularKalash.espIncreasedSettlerPopulation100.espNoObjectLimit-DLC.espAutomatronSecuritron.espCompRedo.espHomemaker - SK Integration Patch.espHomemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects SK.espDeadpool.espVisibleCompanionAffinity.espVisibleCompanionAffinity_AffinityCheck.espEFF.espWastelandWorkshopPatch.espSatelliteWorldMap.espSettlersRename.espFCO - Fully Customizable Outfits.espJC-Shirt and Jeans.espSC_ExpandedScrapList.espmso_sms.espminutemenoverhaul.espMove (Get Out the Way).espRealistic Death Physics.esp Modified .ini Settings http://i.imgur.com/gmRz9ee.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Xzd5t6g.jpg Thanks in advance :happy:
  3. If one person can govern the people then why can't the people govern themselves? #Voluntaryism.
  4. Yea RGB: 128 is neutral, did you try fully black & fully white?
  5. Use DXT5 with alpha but when you re-open it in Photoshop it will probably lose the alpha anyway.
  6. Just create a new one in the channel section of Photoshop when you're in the diffuse texture and make sure it covers the whole thing (paint bucket the canvas) RGB: 128, 128, 128 test and if it does change you can try darker or lighter since I don't know how Fallout reads the Alpha channel.
  7. Then I would assume there isn't a dirty female skin texture, I know a method exists for you to add new textures to the game now but I'm unsure exactly what it is.
  8. When you extracted the texture file it should've extracted it in the same folder structure as it was when it was in the .ba2 archive (it should have the same folder names) just paste that folder into your data folder then do this .ini config My Games > Fallout 4 > fallout.ini Change sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, To sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\ Set as read-only. Then Fallout will automatically overwrite any in-game content with your modded content, to send the mod to other people you just put the folder into a .zip and then they extract it into their data folder and do the same config or NMM will do this automatically.
  9. I know someone is working on adding new clothes, so I'm just wondering if it's possible to add new weapons yet because I'd like to start making some weapon mods. Cheers.
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