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About mdale13

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  1. You guys may both have very slow spin speeds on your hard drives. Coupled with a slow processors, this could easily be the cause long loading times. My SSD and i7 920 OC to 3.6ghz loads near instantaneously.
  2. And please tell us where you saw that Bethesda was confirmed to be releasing a high-res texture pack......................?
  3. I too am interested in this. The shield textures are in need of some serious upgrades.
  4. I am maxed out and then some, thanks to the ini editor. I am running: i7 920 @3.6ghz EVGA GTX 275 OC 6GB RAM and I have an SSD, which is giving me instant loading times. I literally dont have time to read any of the words that come up on the black loading screens.
  5. A few thing that need addressing; 1. Flight of Dragons rules. 2. Skyrim is installed and ready to play. Goodbye.
  6. Granted, but it would be insta-kill for your character. I wish there were adult quicktime events involving dragons and a particularly confused Kajhiit
  7. Haha at least you recognize. Ive used Nvidia cards for over a decade, they are the best for a reason. Your 460 should be fine for years :)
  8. IGN also has a 18 minute HD video that is all PC footage. Its just gameplay+commentary, its pretty good. A couple spoilers though, but no huge surprises. Anyway, yes, the PC version appears to be MUCH better looking than the consoles. I will say that across all platorms, the back of shields consistently looks terrible. It really obvious, especially when your holding right noext to a very detailed and highly ornate weapon, which all look beautiful. I smell an early texture mod pack........
  9. So I realize that at this point, no one really gives a damn what score Skyrim will get, but its fun (for me at least) to speculate. Im predicting a 9.5 Being the biggest internet game news site, Ill go ahead and predict based off IGN's rubric. Presentation: 8.5- Higher level of polish released of any Elder Scrolls game thus far, but still riddled with a handful of annoying bugs. Sleek, intuitive menus and a great skill tree system. Also, DRAGONS?!? Graphics: 8.5- Amazing environments and interior spaces, with a true 'lived in world' feeling, while some of the character models leave something to be desired. Sound: 9- Great battle and creature effects, very atmospheric world effects, but the voice acting can be a little uninspired in some cases. Gameplay: 9.5- The addition of two-handed wielding makes for more creative approaches to battle, and a further emphasis on stealth and magic use make for a variety of ways to approach gameplay. A plethora of other tasks in the world include splitting wood, creating armor, concocting potions and drinking mead. Lasting Appeal- 10- The main quest alone will take you upwards of 30 hours, and thats not including the dozens of hours will spend completing the various guild related quests. Lets not forget about the 150+ that need clearing..... SO yeah, thats how I am predicting it will go down :)
  10. By this time tomorrow I will be just starting Skyrim for the first time.........
  11. New Developer Diary! This one is all about animation. Comes with a sweet video montage of some of the kill-moves. Quite a nice surprise near the end.....
  12. About 2 months ago. Ugh. I made a post like 3 weeks ago saying that these high-end paper maps WERE the premium map that we were promised, and hopeful fan-boys on here denied it wildly.....
  13. So have we finally given up on the idea of a cloth map?
  14. Like what EA did with Crysis 2, that would be amazing!
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