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Posts posted by Preykousis

  1. That's right, early development is already underway, so feel free to check out the website for the full juicy details:

    A third dev log video will be added soon, but most other updates will be only on the website so keep an eye on it!

    I'm also looking for some more Voice Actors to volunteer for the project, so if you have a good mic such as the Yeti, message me on here, or leave a comment on the site! If you don't know about this mod, I suggest you watch this video from late 2013, before this was delayed, as it shows some awesome base features for the Orc himself in relation to his environment, although the mod is much bigger in scope now!

  2. My personal feedback on the beta build. I'm curious to see what others here on the Nexus thought about the beta build, and if they're going to buy/cancel the game!



    Remember, this is only my opinions, and I rated it as an MMO, not comparing it to other games of course such as single player :smile:

  3. I've had some armor ideas for a while now, and want to start learning properly. Which, in your opinions, is the overall best modelling kit? I'm going to learn slowly, maybe a few hours a week but I'm a fast learner. I already made a model of Cloud's Buster Sword in Cinema 4D I believe over a year ago, but forgot how to use the tools again, and want opinions before re-starting :)

  4. What's up everyone! This thread is designed to bring updates and also obtain suggestions from this community.


    What is the mod about?


    • Adds a unique Orc follower into Skyrim.
    • Will be fully voiced with thousands of lines of dialogue.
    • Will have a unique quest in order to acquire him.
    • Will be fully "fleshed" out. This follower will have a rich background and plenty of random responses to you, the areas around him, and the enemies he faces.
    • Can distinguish the player race and sex type, with appropriate dialogue to match.
    • Will comment on the players gear and spells.

    This all started when I reviewed the Inigo mod. The author inspired me to create this, since he himself had little knowledge to begin with and produced an amazing follower. I always wanted my own Orc follower, so I decided to strap in and learn about the CK, find a VA for him, and get to it!

    Progress so far?


    Well, it's in its infancy right now, but here's what's been done so far:


    • Follower created in the CK, including traits, but not finalized on abilities as of yet. The name is still being held back as it may change.
    • After attempting voice acting myself (which failed miserably) I managed to find a volunteer VA from the Skywind forums, see below my attempt and his:

      This was my terrible attempt, and I realised I wouldn't be able to consistently keep the voice up.

      Here is the new VA's voice in-game. The voice starts around the 3 minute mark, being a developers log I talk about it quite a bit.

      As you can hear, it's better than me and fits in perfectly!
    • Started on the script.


    Yes! I really want suggestions from the community on this!

    I mentioned many random responses right? Well, I'd like to know what you'd like to hear him say. He'll sound better with more ideas from different people. Here are the categories for small random lines for suggestions:


    • Basic Follower Functions: Such as "Follow me", "Wait here", "I''d like to trade some things with you" etc.
    • Enemy Taunts: Just like Inigo, he will taunt the enemies he faces! As you saw in the second video above, he'll even have unique gender responses to factions as well, as he said "Filthy Bandit Wench" to a female bandit. I want to really add many responses here, to all enemy types in Skyrim, the more the merrier!
    • Player Race & Sex: Like I mentioned above and in the video, he can track the players race and sex type, and comment accordingly. So a few various responses per race would be nice to add to the mix!
    • Area References: He'll be able to track his location and comment on what he thinks, what would you like him to say?

    Remember that he's a cold blooded killer and drug dealer... so his responses should fit that character.

    Well! I think I covered everything in this thread so far. Updates will arrive in post and video form, so keep checking in. Anyone who submits any lines that are kept in the final mod will be included in the mod credits when released!

  5. Latest Episode:



    A mod to allow users to use dragon souls to purchase the words of shouts. A great but small addition, especially for certain characters who don't want to perform certain quests or raid dungeons, better suited for a new player or fresh playthrough :smile:

  6. Is there a way to turn off or disable all the markers when editing?


    For example, in Whiterun, I can see loads of different colored shapes, that get in the way all the time. Can you just press a button to turn the visibility off while editing?

  7. As an guy who used to make machinima, that actually looks pretty good.


    Thank you! This is my first attempt at making one, but I currently have the script and a rough plan on what I'm going for, it's fun though :D


    I'd also recommend these two sites for voice actors and suchlike, I've used them a lot :







    Thanks, I'll check this out :)

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