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Posts posted by dip0

  1. Piggybacking here to help me understand files better.


    If I take a working mod that has a src folder and a script folder, the script folder is basically the compiled version of the src folder, right?

    So if I make any edits inside the uc files in the src folder, it will have 0 effect when i activate the mod as the u files in the script folder remain unmodified?


    If that is the case, is it safe to delete the src folder for any mod I add?

  2. Using Longwar 15d2

    In the DGC, I activated the following (and commented out the item version)



    ;Pistol slot arc thrower mod substitute line; comment out eItem_ArcThrower line above and uncomment this one to activate it
    Weapons=( strName="", iType=eItem_ArcThrower,               ABILITIES[0]=eAbility_ShotStun,       ABILITIES[1]=0,                            ABILITIES[2]=0,                     ABILITIES[3]=0,                  ABILITIES[4]=0,             ABILITIES[5]=0,             Properties[0]=eWP_Anyclass,   Properties[1]=eWP_NoReload,      Properties[2]=eWP_CantReact,     Properties[3]=eWP_Secondary, Properties[4]=eWP_Backpack,    Properties[5]=eWP_Pistol,iDamage=0,iEnvironmentDamage=0,   iRange=27,  iReactionRange=30, iReactionAngle=200, iRadius=0,    iCritical=0,  iOffenseBonus=0,  iSuppression=0,  iSize=eItemSize_Small, iHPBonus=0, iWillBonus=0 );


    The problem is that when I equipped a Covert Operative with Arc in the Pistol slot, the soldier model has its arms stretched out and is completely immobile and attempoting to perform any action gets the whole game stuck.


    Short of losing the Operative by not extracting it and not doing that again, how would I fix the above code to not cause that problem?

  3. In the DGC there are these entries

    COUNCIL_STAT_BONUS=1 ; increase per mission for Will and Aim when the first Council medal power is chosen.
    COUNCIL_STAT_MAX=10 ; max increase allowed. a value of 0 or less means no bonus will ever accrue.


    Changing those values, to say 2 and 5 or 2 and 10 or 3 and 3 will correctly adjust the displayed value when assigning a power to the medal, but has no actual in-game effect when in a mission you F1 a soldier. There, it will still follow the old 1/10 rule.


    Any idea how to mod it so that it affects actual game stats rather than the power choice display only?

  4. So as someone who has never used this before and has limited HEX editing experience, how exactly do I use UPKUtils?


    I want to find and change the time it takes to do genetic modifications and build interceptors (not firestorm, thats in default core) but reading the readme and the wiki entries just left me really confused...


    Ideally I want to create a text file like other mods do and then apply it using patchgui

  5. Thanks for fixing the link.

    I've read that article, but it shouldn't apply to my case?

    I only incremented my small slots by 1, which means I wouldn't have more than 3 backpack or nonbackpack small items, which is within the limit of the upk?


    So I have 2 small item slots base (up from 1), +1 from research = 3 total, but the third slot often gets automatically unloaded between missions (but works fine within missions when re-loaded out)

  6. I've edited my DGC.ini to have all armors grant 2 small item slots instead of 1, which works fine, but what I notice is that nearly every mission, I need to reassign the 3rd loadout slot in the mission prelaunch menu because it was cleared by the game automatically again.


    I'm not really understanding much of what was discussed here except that some flash mod could resolve the issue I am experiencing?


    The wiki pages linked also don't work - they direct me to the tes wiki main page

  7. Would it be possible to add an option to the profile settings as to whether the default search using the search box on the right hand side reads Dragon Age: Origins or Dragon Age 2?


    Currently the default remains at Dragon Age: Origins which means that everytime I need to change a search term I need to also remember scrolling down that long list to find DA2 and select that before hitting the Search button.


    Or maybe make the default simply all DA:O AND DA2 files?

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