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I remember when Mandela was released... I also remember when he had his own wife (you know, the MOTHER of his children?) arrested à la Stalin/ à la neo-progressive Maoist/Fascist/Marxist/Socialist/etc...Un-huh...Tell me it ain't so. Here's the deal.. I can paint anyone as the greatest civil rights hero in human history or the worst villain. Adolf Hitler was a 'champion' of human rights in the same vein as Abraham Lincoln. YEAH, I said it...Now tell me it’s not true: They both single-handedly fueled wars that could tear the world apart (Hitler scoffs at the Treaty of Versailles and Lincoln ridicules the Kansas–Nebraska Act), even though those matters were resolved. Suspension of habeas corpus, requisition and resupply (we're stealing this and you'll get paid for it LATER...har-har), slaughtering unarmed civilians, endorsing slavery, gulags and concentration camps etc. Uhm, that’s LINCOLN, btw. Read a history book and tell me it ain’t true. Lincoln’s own words condemn him, yet Hitler is the biggest *sshole ever and Lincoln gets his face on U.S. currency. Go figure... Just because someone says Mandela is a folk hero doesn’t necessarily make it so. He’s a Leftist/Genocidal/Douche and the FACT that the likes of ‘the Clintons’ or Reichsführer Obama want to kowtow at his casket like he’s Lenin speaks volumes about his neo-left take on things. Seriously, stop trying to rewrite history and just LOOK at the facts. Every time the Left wants to white-wash or rewrite something it makes us all dumber...Just pointing out the obvious here... Winnie Mandela and her followers participated in ‘necklacing’. That’s placing a tire full of gasoline around someone’s neck and setting it on fire...while they are still alive. Nelson Mandela condoned the placement of a bomb that would explode and kill white African women, children and infants. Google the ‘Church Street Massacre’ for more info. This is the same Mandela who told South African black youths to 'burn down their schools' and thus created a generation of uneducated, unemployable and lawless thugs. Mandela embedded himself with the Marxist ANC even though he was aware of the Brezhnev Doctrine. A key part of this Soviet era ‘Brezhnev Doctrine’ was to “seize the strategic mineral treasure chest of Southern Africa and deny these materials to the Western military industrial complex.” Well, that just just sounds all warm and fuzzy to me. No harm THERE...sheesh. Note that Mandela’s ANC regularly violated people’s human rights by torturing and mutilating black African cadres who would not side with them and participate in their terrorist activities. People were tortured for disagreeing with Marxist orthodoxy, questioning ANC policy, refusing to carry out bombings of civilians, etc. So much for ‘political reeducation’ in a gulag.... This just goes on and on and ON...
I just let it go because as soon as you make a point and expose the LEFT for what it really is someone will b*tch and a misguided staff member will lock the thread. It is what it is. :wacko: It's sad that Mandela is being portrayed as some sort of savior when in fact he was no better than the white supremacist *ssholes he replaced. Also sad that British sanctions against Rhodesia and then South Africa allowed Marxist elements to flourish in the region. Zapata said 'it is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.' Thing is, he didn't have to do it, or watch his kids starve, or have his head cut off because he resisted when a local leftist warlord decided to kidnap his sons.
Uhm...Mandela is not a hero?
Oh YES! Let's replace one f*cked up mentality with one just as bad. And while we're at it, we'll scuttle the infrastructure! Oooo! Let's drive out all of the European Africans (you know, the ones that grow ALL of our food) and confiscate their land and machinery so we can 'pay' our genocidal warlords! That way we can have TRUE justice and f*cking starve because we’re a bunch of Leftist dupes and the Cubans and Russians can walk off and let us eat rats and become the aids-infested capital of the world. If we’re lucky...that is... YEAH...tell me it ain't true. :woot:
Hehe! AWESOME! It is about time people start reviewing what really happened.
Hero indeed...He supported the ANC and by proxy the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the gulags in Angola. A true Marxist. Yeah, he'll be missed...along with Idi Amin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, and all the other champions of ethinic genocide. OH! but not to worry, there are plenty of communist/socialist/Marxist types still around to slaughter the innnocent... We still have Thein Sein, Milton Teahjay, etc. YEAH...tell me it ain't true. :woot:
Okay. I'll play... :woot: "Bin Ghazi" was an Iranian student who wanted democracy and freedom for his people. He protested in Terhan and was executed later by Ahmadinejad's State police because that HACK Obama (who you probably voted for) didn't have the balls to stand up and do the right thing.
Got news for you hotshot...Once a prez in office for 4 years HE OWNS the freaking economy. It''s all about Obama now..and we all know he sucks as President. Look at his economic policies (there are none aside from killing small business). Foreign policy? (supports Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo but ignores Iranian students who chant his name is hopes of relief). And it goes on... OBAMA SUCKS..PERIOD. Poke fun at me, discredit me, etc. At the end of the day we all know what is really happening and a hand full will yammer like rabid baboons at anyone who DARES to question it all. You also missed this part (even though it's the topic of the debate....DERP :wacko: ) Please explain in detail: (1) Why it is okay for American citizens to be abandoned in a time of crisis? (Bin Ghazi) (2) Why is it okay to target specific groups for no reason other than political association? (The IRS) (3) Why is it okay to monitor every key stroke and phone call we make? (The NSA) (4) Why is it okay to target journalist who ask too many questions? (The Justice Department) You wanna explain how BUSH is responsible for THAT?
Good. Its all we'll be eating once Obama is Reichsführer. WTF? That's the BEST you can do? :ermm: So in other words....Liberals without any explanations. AWESOME. :thumbsup: *Benghazi. Uhuh...So one type-o discredits it all? Where the FUQ have you been for the last six years? Do you even read newspapers or watch TV? MSNBC/CNN/FOX do NOT count as news sources.
Binghazi?* The IRS? The NSA? The Justice Department? Where are these DEBATE TOPICS? None of the vehement Nexus liberals have opinions on these topics? Not one of you has anything to say? Where are the justifications, excuses and explanations? Where are the condescending comments about how wrong and stupid conservatives are? After all, YOU are the ones who voted these people into office. So let’s hear it... Please explain in detail: (1) Why it is okay for American citizens to be abandoned in a time of crisis? (Bin Ghazi) (2) Why is it okay to target specific groups for no reason other than political association? (The IRS) (3) Why is it okay to monitor every key stroke and phone call we make? (The NSA) (4) Why is it okay to target journalist who ask too many questions? (The Justice Department) All of this stuff is happening. You can’t ignore it. It’s in your face and in the news and you people are the ones who made it happen. This is THE CHANCE for all of you communists/Marxist/fascists/socialists/neo-leftists social progressive types to extoll the virtues of why your way of thinking is superior to everyone else’s. So LET’S HEAR IT..IN DETAIL.
*laughs* Glenn Beck...REALLY? :rolleyes: ANYWAY...Let's review... Obama says 'total transparency'. Okay, that's a LIE. DERP. Obama is a LIAR. Shoot me/ban me/etc. Yeah....I SAID IT...He's a liar. We all know it. The Benghazi cover up, the IRS targeting conservative organizations, the Justice Department targeting reporters (both liberal and conservative), the NSA has the means to eye-ball or ear-hustle every key stroke or phone call we make without a warrant and...and.. oh f*ckit. What's the use, right? Conservative members can't post freely here (lest the dreaded yellow text rear its ugly biased head). 'Oh the poor gay/lesbian/alterno lifestyle. We're being targeted.' REALLY? What about government sanctioned religious oppression (ala ObamaCare) and religious institutions being FORCED to provide birth control even though it violates their base religous beliefs AND THE FREAK'N CONSTITUTION? Let's surmise... The IRS, The Justice Department, ObamaCare, Benghazi... That's not targeting? That's not censoring? That's not oppression? Well, I guess all of that is okay, since it's not fascism when democrats are doing it. Was there ever a need for a new civil rights movement to stop what the social progressives have done after Ronald Regan (the last true President that actually upheld and defended the Constitution)? YES Are pimped-out groups like the Tea Party or Occupy Wall Street the answer? NO There is a dire necessity for reason/truth...and we don't have it.
Too true. It is a hard fact of adding content to a BethSoft game.
Type3 has more vertices too. (That means is renders smoother in the game than the blocky vanilla body...and YEAH...no flipper-feet.)
He's obviously a conservative.