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Everything posted by Canilobo

  1. I recently worked through kinggath linked tutorial and used the linked softwares, but all I saw was all greek for me :pinch: Just a line of text that is showing when the HUD (normal and PA) shows up and disappears when the HUD disappears, never thought it could be like rocket science.
  2. Thanks to both of you. The videos are very good, but aren't the solution for what I'm looking for. Also the 2. link might be very helpful, but unfortunately not for me. Hm...
  3. Hi there. I'm looking for a way to alter the HUD in the game w & w/o power armor. By alter I mean adding custom text or lines to the HUD, which e.g. snaps with the PA HUD and disappears by exiting the PA like the PA overlay itself. I'm not good in english, so I hope I explained well what I'm looking for. Maybe this short video will help. View My Video
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