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  1. Nice work! But collision moved not so fast and need re-enter into cabin for update collision after change height/turn ship. I hope, you will fix some bugs and do very nice mod!
  2. Each ship in side's sailing ships is activator with ship model. Know that?
  3. I lift up the ship and doors in the sky with console command 'Setpos' and collision didn't dissapear. By if it fly above land, message "Your ship is an ground". Just buy unlimited spell 'Free your ship' of the girl about the seller ships. But next problem: when i use ship for teleport to deck or leave the ship's room, i teleported not to decks, but in place, where deck should be when ship in the water and it's height is default. I think we need to add changing of character's z-coordinate, but i don't know how to realize this... It will not be 1 line of code. P.S. If lift up ship in the CS, it returned back in the water.
  4. Also, if place buttons to increase/decrease ship's high into ship's room, player will not jump down when setpos. =p
  5. Not work, CS don't see numbers in this, just words D: for example: 02000ED4.getpos z ERROR: ED4 is not blablabla... What i do wrong?
  6. Yes, but i need the ability to change height stayed ship in-game. Just lift this and horisontal moving in air. But i can't find script command for this simple spell. I need 'spelltarget.setpos z to spelltarget.getpos z + 200', but how write "spelltarget"? Yeah, i'm real noob.
  7. I meaned, it should move, fly, not staying in the air.
  8. Just need function to increase/dicrease ship's Z coordinate, but Side's script for sailing ships too hard for me.
  9. Are you the mr. Smartest? You can see the difference between hanging in the air wooden bar and driveable ship?
  10. Hello, Nexus. I like Side's Sailing Ships , but sailable in water not so fun. Can you add to this mod possibly to change ship's high? Maybe spell, used on ship, or buttons for add or decrease ship's height? I really don't know, how do it. Thanks. P.S. Sorry for my English. P.P.S. Please, dont say about Dwemer Skyship V2. Player can't move on this ship when its flying.
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